Would be a real shame if anyone mis-used this phone number.
Would be a real shame if anyone mis-used this phone number
Other urls found in this thread:
use spooftel. com to mask caller id
>appropriate legal again
Um sweetheart, ice is already doing that.
This is a great idea user. We can report literally any place in the country and they'll believe it. Will report back in on reported places.
Have a (you)
>protecting illegals
>legal actions to protect our community
Isn't what he's doing completely illegal and jailable?
I'll give you a bump of cocaine
Bump for potential
Pick a random Starbucks in any city. report. Record. Lulz
So are they gonna put the people they arrest in concentration camps
All those working for or with Raid response networks are guilty of treason
What legal actions could they take? ICE is there to enforce the law. He's obstructing justice.
Can somebody please tip the FBI about this tweet? This is definitely an obstruction of justice.
This should be the top fucking thread. I hate nu/pol/
>implying the FBI isn’t patrolling this board 24/7
do this but for home depot
>take legal action to protect criminals from the consequences of breaking the law
Holy fuck how dumb are these people
you think the partisan FBI cares about enforcing laws that hinder Democrat supremacy?
What would they even do? The entire system is rotted completely through with treason.
Deploy all units.
Bump for the memes.
Somone please call them and make a vocaroo of it
Just called and told them multiple ICE agents just flew over my house. I repeated this several times before they hung up
This. The FBI is corrupted
>law enforcement
report all the license plate numbers of their city council and high level staff
You can close down any restaurant you want today
Spam this.
I just called and reported ICE removing brown people from a Starbucks on 161st street in the bronx. They immediately hung up
For maximum effect, calls should target two to three cities maximum, referencing specific locations where ICE is.
More believable when they get a bunch of calls reporting ICE at the same place. Better chance they'll waste resources.
Why just call the Treason Tipline, when you can call (((businesses))) that rely almost entire on spic labor and "tip them off" that they're being targeted for a raid?
Entire companies can be shut down on rumors that 90% of their workforce will be arrested. Spics just won't show up to work.
We should clog it up on Sunday when shit actually goes down. Tie their lines up with Area 51 numbers.
UPDATE. They just answered my call again. they have software that knows what area code you're calling from. Make sure to report ICE "activity" from your area code
No, it's RUSSIA. RUSSIA IS EVIL. NOT the FBI, they are GOOD. But RUSSIA is evil
>You will need a jail-broken telephone in order to use.
ANOTHER UPDATE. I just called again. Apparently they're only interested in CALIFORNIA ice activity. Preferably in or near the 408 area code
Imma call and direct them to this thread. You dun goofed
What if you fax the number, will that still tie up the a line like it used to?
Oooooooo shit
can you text the number too?
start recording it
it'll be great. give them random addresses in america shitty neiborhoods. like inglewood chicago and
Keep this thread active and kick it off tomorrow. we can get these retards to start calling media and literally creating fake news they believe to be real
The mayor wants places specific to San Jose, that's a local number. In San Jose all the mexicans live on the east side of the city. Just report ice units everywhere other than where they would actually be.
>help us dodge authorities
isn't that literally illegal
i've got a phone landline from that area.
Can you text them at alL? We could fuzz their ports with memes and take down their lines of intel
These pieces of trash. Why doesn't the feds do anything about these scumbags that are aiding iilegal immigrants? This surely isn't just a state thing. Spam that phone number so they never post on twatter again
Probably not, because he's technically not interfering with the law. He will claim he's only collecting facts in case an ICE agent does something illegal that needs to be reported.
If he shares any of that info with illegals, then he would be aiding and abeting. So he won't do that directly. Some people in the office will pass info along to friends and family who pass it along etc.
what days are ICE really working on?
yes lets abide the law and help a bunch of pacos come to our country and work for peanuts. I dont get liberals they are dumber then chimpanzees at this point. When paco comes here its not like he gets a million dollars, he works for some corporation for 5 on the hour barely making it by. He isn't happy he just wanted to get out of mexico. But most pacos get on welfare then just living on welfare for years, what the government should be doing, is looking at who gets welfare every month. Just halt all the suspicious welfare users that seem like paco you will be making loads of popcorn.
Murika 2019
Mayors openly do treasonous things and straight commit treason.
Everybodies country= Nobodies country
Call center fag here. There is a 99.9% chance they are using VOIP phones. They do not receive texts and they will not be disrupted by fax machines. They are likely using Cisco or Office@Hand phones with software like Finesse. The best way to disrupt them is by spamming them - either with spoofed numbers from the 408 area code or with enough volume that it will shut down their lines.
i think i have a la number
can they tell if it's a voip?
Anyway you can tell me what service they're using?
Who gives a fuck about masking. Not like it is illegal to call and harass them.
My fucking fridge.
Just call and make outlandish claims. I've been repeatedly calling them for the past 30 mins
They can only tell what number you're calling from, and by extension your region, etc. If we can found out what type of phone they're using we could narrow down the service/software.
So why doesn't ICE just do what law enforcement does, and have undercover agents and vehicles? This would put a halt on all operations from these traitors.
HAHAHAHA did my part anons
>all of our operators are busy, please leave a message
Uh yeah ICE is rounding up illegals at Home Depot in Hillsboro Oregon
Fuck I shouldn’t of said illegals; if you do this try to use their lingo, say undocumented citizens or some shit
You do realize they can both be evil, don't you, user?
ICE just flew over mi casa!
I have work monday
I'm scared.
everyone there is a spic
it must be a really shitty job if the only people that work there are spics
And report them to the government for interference with law enforcement.
merciful neptune.
let the games begin
ICE is planning a meeting in the middle of Death Valley where they plan to burn a giant wooden taco.
Girl is ugly. She looks tranny.
What kind of vehicles does ICE use on these raids? Are they all black SUVs? The more realistic info we can give them the better.
It's not illegal to crank call, unless it's to 911.
ice just flew over auswitzs
most look like regular cop cars but say ice on the side
Must be hell on her back.
ICE is fucking useless. I wouldn't be surprised if they dont actually conduct raids. What are we accomplishing by deporting 2 or 3 Mexicans? Nothing. Besides trump made them all legal, and he let's millions in every year so we can deport till were purple, nothing will change
Shit taste fuck you my wife Julia is beautiful
bump enjoy the cocaine
Somebody should use a call flooding attack on that number
Google it
oh LOOK, a free service to ring your cell phone to help you find it! Let's locate a lost phone
>dumbass gets shot for attacking law enforcement
>What are we accomplishing by deporting 2 or 3 Mexicans?
Appealing to trumps base - dumbfuck baby boomers and ethnicists
Like I said in the other thread, use the police dispatch scanners to send them to areas where crimes are taking place.
I live in SF and have a 415 number, so I’m adjacent. I told them I saw ICE agents enter the Home Depot in Daly City, just up the peninsula from where they are. I’m going to drive over there, eat some Panda Express, and see if anyone shows up.
They are requiring call backs as a screening method - but still gullible as holy fuck.
>make a bunch of fake reports
>people are scrambling when the raids happen
Protecting our community means getting rid of nacho niggers
Whatever you do, DO NOT show up to clean a rich liberal's mansion! We all know that rich liberals hate brown people but it's worse than you possibly could have imagined! They aren't just content to enslave them and treat them like little pets - there are widespread reports from every rich liberal area in the country that mansions are being opened up to ICE agents who are arresting any brown employees who mow lawns, clean toilets, or otherwise assist rich liberals in any way! Nannies are being tackled on playgrounds and hauled into vehicles while liberals cackle in glee and take photos on their slave-made iPhones. "We'll just get another Lupita to take care of little Aiden, no more complaining from Lupita #4."
All maids or other employees working for rich liberals should NOT report to work again. You will be placed in a small cage at the local dog kennel and rich liberals will not pay you any back wages.
This is a comprehensive list of numbers that need to be flooded with calls from local anons. Even if you use your real number, remember that you aren't committing a crime by falsely reporting ICE activity to private parties. The private parties running these ICE hotlines are criminals. They are obstructing justice and obstructing government administration. Flood these motherfuckers with calls.
So what?
Admittedly, they probably are stupid enough to not realize if they are being raided, but what can they do once they know?
They have to sit back and take it either way
Any NYC area anons make sure to flood the numbers in image attached
*67 before you
old tech mate
>goto San Jose Yelp
>look up mexican and $$$$ restaurants
>Report ICE machine
Why isn’t this obstruction of justice
It very clearly is
Eh submit fbi tip anyway
Atlanta, DC area, Chicago, Denver, Houston numbers to flood with reports
>This guy is a mayor
Southern California, Miami, New Jersey, New Orleans numbers to flood with reports