>Thanks to Deutsch Bahn, you can racemix faster than ever before
Thanks to Deutsch Bahn, you can racemix faster than ever before
Neither of those are white....real question is where are the whites.
White people only exist at the workplace in Germany, really, in order to finance the invasion of our nation. Everywhere else, we're already a minority in our own country.
I see two Turks.
nice sandals fuckin nerd
You know maybe I'll just move to Germany and claim a German female. I can say I'm of White Mexican heritage and had to escape the drug cartels.
Thanks Hans, I bought them because I see everyone wearing them here and they're pretty comfy. Be proud of one of the last German company ya fag.
I'm not German btw
Wo isn das op?
Are you retarded?
10 uhr morgen stadtmitte, der russe, der türke, der neger, der albaner, der kurde und der jude sitzen im cafe. wo ist der deutsche ? bei der arbeit
alter sandalen? dein ernst ?
Isn’t deutsch bank going tits up?
I'm not german either. It looks fuckin weird wearing sandals and jeans and a jacket, makes it looks like you have some fungal foot problem and need to expose your feet 24/7
In English doc
Ausländer raus!
Post fit. It's a goretex rain jacket, it was rainy today
Not while I get free top tier Uni
Top Kevin.
>top tier Uni
hitler would be so proud.
yeah german uni is shit, that's why it's free
look at the faggy twink taking that picture. how can he even hope to compete with the bull depicted in the poster?
look at the fucking sandals ahahahaha
it's jesus
Germany is still a pretty based country to go visit. Food is great, beer is world renowned, cool sites to see, German women are hot af, and just a bunch of cool things to do. Germans have it pretty comfy.
Post fit nigel
>Germans have it pretty comfy.
I wish, Burger, I wish...
Muslim semen in womb of every Deutsche frau. The real Day-X.
You wouldn’t give up German citizenship to move here.
I actually lived in the US for three years as a kid. Let's just say that I'm not willing to ever visit your third world tier shithole ever again.
> German women are hot af
Only if your experience is limited to American women. They really are the worst next to the Brits in Europe. Not kidding
What state? Not all states are created equal. Some are pretty dope. Washington, Oregon, Colorado, and Montana are ssuuuuupppppeeeerrrtt based.
Norfolk, Virginia. I hated it.
lol gud catch
>long pants
Dude, when I was stationed at Landstuhl there were hot women off post every fucking where. You’re crazy
Must be foreigners. Most German women are 4-7 territory at best. Their faces are the worst in Europe only to be beaten in the degree of ugliness by the Brits
I have an ex roommate (german girl 29, history 2-5 guys) who's pretty chill. How can i help her find a german lad? I dont know good lads myself. Fucking germans are extremely feminised.
She's pretty based and swipes every nigger left on tinder, same with sportboyz
> 29 (!)
> Dating apps
Swipe left
They’re also more traditional than other european women like the Dutch and Italian whores.
What’s the easiest way to learn Deutsch?
I want to trigger Mestizos.
>German women
Yeah, no. They're vapid whores who're mostly Leftists.
It's true that they don't fuck around that extreme but that is only because they are occupied with becoming the man at the workplace. Can't say anything bad about Italian women, they behave fairly well from my experience. At least the European ones. Worst whores are usually Hapas.
> Easy
> German
>Any white women
>not busting the glass and ripping the paper
stop being a pussy
>What’s the easiest way to learn Deutsch?
Invent a time machine, travel back in time to WW2, and use your knowledge of future events and technology to help Hitler win the war.
Chick looks fucking hispanic.
Is this from Reddit? Are newfags still this retarded? I can't tell anymore.
In all seriousness it's a bad idea to learn this language just for angering somebody. It's fairly complicated and the dominating languages for people who are decision-makers here in Europe are French and English. And considering we will go civil war in the future it's not really a good idea to settle here
His outfit looks really comfy desu
>no socks
pick one
eastern european detected, you have to go back
You are not german both of them are arabs/turkish.
>What's the easiest way to learn Deutsch?
Honestly, being born in Deutschland, Austria or Switzerland is the only easy way to learn it lol.
Your 2nd best option is having Swedish, Norwegian or Danish as your mother tongue, learning Deutsch is only SOMEWHAT difficult if you do so.
Yes in all seriousness I mostly do want to learn because of its complication, I feel as if learning it will make learning other languages more comfortable to me.
And something about German stands out.
It would be nice to read Mein Kampf as it was intended too.
>And considering we will go civil war in the future it's not really a good idea to settle here
Don’t threaten me with a good time germbro.
Send more qt Brazilian women (at least 75%+ White; non-negroid). Thanks.
>this is the swarthy man on pol that calls Americans not white
With that curly hair? Not likely.
This is everywhere.
>he hasn't taken the *real* blackpill
I see no problem here
This is Woke Capitalism in action. They're all at it!
Niggers are subhumans. The only good non-White is a qt part-Latina like those Brexiterers.
It's a state company.
Dios mio...
The white guy is fit and way out of her league, but we've got to fulfill the brown goblinas' deepest fantasies, right guys?
put on some real shoes man, that's just disgusting
Get some basic grammar and vocabulary crashcourse with duolingo then start reading content you like or watching content in german you like. Anything else is a chore. Started to read english while understanding 20-30% and then it just clicked overtime from context with an ever increasing vocabulary.
actually good looking
polacks all dress like shit so they don't know anything about fashion
Even worse. They'll be BBC tier woke.
what do you call a constipated nigger?
what do you say when you see your tv floating in the middle of the night?
drop it nigger
It's funny how you all try to roast my fit while I'm taller than you, dress well and you're probably wearing some cargo shorts or denim with hiking shoes.
Birkenstocks are in right now, and the "sandals are not fashionable" is Reddit meme from 2012
from a Swedish user.
Germans are so nice
Also Arabs and Indians are white
truly disgusting.
I have 20 odd
>.t single
fuck jews
save the white race
when will you see it?
when will you admit it?
Your technical training facilities are good though, thats why you have the best engineers and skilled labourers.
Nordic "fashion". Stop wearing this crap you fuckin autists.
we need to organize
we need to fight back
It’s a literal turkroach
The German transportation system used to fix the problem with those "people"
I have more.
Hot. I'd stick my dick in his butt
love your fellow white man.
Charge your fucking phone.
rebuild, restore, create something.
white genocide is here.
it's also a case of white suicide as well though.
>An American calling me names
You'd have to go back 30 generations to find an an ancestor as white as me
Build your people up.