They literally want to come here for a better life. Why are your leaders such sociopaths?
They literally want to come here for a better life. Why are your leaders such sociopaths?
Why are we responsible for giving them better lives? Why can't they just work together to make the places they come from better?
You know how every country in the world has borders? It's like that.
is this the worst forced meme yet? Top pic, an invading army is oppressing locals
bottom pic, locals trying to stem an illegal invasion
I don't give a shit about the Mexicans .. I feel sorry for that guard with his hands together thinking "my family will get death threats and hell because I'm doing my job"
most of the are probably wanted criminals fleeing from the police or the cartels
>1 post by this ID
This is a difficult sentence for any liberal to understand. It turns their brain into a blue screen and they have no choice but to shut down.
i hope they all die
in minecraft
They want to come here for my life, and after they use it up, it will be just like where they came from.
If they werent faggots they would fight the cartels and take back their own country
The US is almost at the point of needing a revolution, but Mexico has LONG since been past that point
They should have stood up with their govt in 06
>tfw no thicc latina CBP agent gf
Shut up, kike.
If we had no welfare system and they weren’t 6-10x as likely to rape and kill I’d say let them come.
I'm going to single handedly make my country 1st world in one generation.
Said no one ever.
Easier just to immigrate
There are 135000 Israeli “dreamers.”
They all look perfectly healthy and well fed
worked for the japs, Meiji restoration.
Fuck off we're full
All men, it's the same open borders shit that was happening in Europe. Is there a war going on in South America that I'm not aware of?
top pic is a POW camp
Wish bottom pic was more alike to top pic.