Is she even white? Is this what they want us to look like?

Dana Loesch NRA spokeswoman. WTF is she even white? No Mexican and No Med DNA claims one Cherokee ancestor but looks 90% Indian, hair is way too full, black and thick.

This makes me think she has a Nog ancestor. It's documented that during slavery specific nog women were bred to be almost 99% white and sold as sex slaves in parts of the south (they'd look at least like she does). Literally nogs on paper only- I suspect that's what's in her background somewhere.

TLDR: This woman is based but she is not white and I don't think a single indian ancestor accounts for her swarthy good looks.

Attached: DL.jpg (300x168, 6K)

That pic is photoshopped to look whiter. Here's what she actually looks like

Attached: loesch-castile.jpg (609x339, 177K)

Jet black straight hair is my type. Would bang.

somethings not white here
she has to be mixed with something

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they're not going to stop until we all look like this

Attached: 7345928-6489089-image-a-10_1544646716130.jpg (634x507, 64K)

If her asshole is pink, she is white.

why does it matter

i cant stand her

i bet her pussy and butthole look like the blackest compost

she's half prairie nigger