Why the fuck is gas so expensive in America? I thought Trump said he would fix this? What's the fuck

Why the fuck is gas so expensive in America? I thought Trump said he would fix this? What's the fuck

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Don’t live in a liberal hellhole. Taxes are included in the gas price.

It fluctuates $1.98 to $2.35 where I am.

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It's 2.09 where I live.

Weakening dollar. Trump is a big fan of Artificially low interest rates and a weaker dollar, which helps his wallstreet pals. Politics is all bullshit.

Why would anyone unironically live in California? Do you hate yoursef?

$1.94 at Kroger.

2.35 Florida

kek, our petrol prices would be ~$8, that's very cheap from my perspective

Whenever something in the world happens which might negatively effect oil corporation profits they put the price up. And by this something I mean pretty much any event at all anywhere on the globe. The price per barrel of oil goes up? The price of gasoline goes up. The price per barrel of oil goes down? The price of gasoline goes up. It's windy today in some bumfuck Iowan town? The price of gasoline goes up. Oil executive can't find his glasses? The price of gasoline goes up. You get the idea.

If it turns out the event didn't negatively impact the company? Oh, well, some fuckface needs a new yacht anyway. Did you think that they save it for the next event? You must be some kind of idiot.

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186cm mangiant here. I went to US a decade ago, didn't get any gas though. All I can say about this is don't drive, why you guys need to drive around so much anyways.

I pay ~1,45 per liter, 1 gallon is 4,54l

It's fucking insane

It’s $2.60 in south MA currently. That being said, even if it went up a dollar, I fill up once per week. 16 gallon tank, maximum additional cost of $16 straight away. Sure, food and such will go up by a few pennies. But that too is a drop in the bucket.

I see you're ignoring every post that explains your jew'd hellhole has expensive gas because of taxes that go to give free college to spics... and instead replied to a (((leaf.)))


Because we don’t want to work at the retailer around the corner. You have to travel to the business district or industrial park to get to work, if you want to have affordable rent.

>waaaahhhh Trump didn't give me what I wanted when I wanted it!
>waaaahhhhh why do these large scale economic changes take longer than a millisecond to play out

Drive less, maybe you'll whine less


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Also, who prefaces a post about gas prices and driving in general with information about their height?

My car is cheap as fuck to drive.
Stop driving your overpriced fuel pigs.

once you take away taxes fuel costs the same within a couple % in every country.
We have a fuel duty/tax of about 60% corrently so it costs more.

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It's a filter against manlets. Puts them on defensive and hopefully discourages them from posting. 186cm mangiant checking out.

Considering the fact that Americans invaded the middle east for oil plus being the biggest Oil producer in the world, gasoline shouldn't cost more than 5 cents per gallon.

Dude gas is cheap relative to Europe. Imagine the cost per gallon in France.

There isn't a new tax every couple weeks to a month when the price goes up here like clockwork. There is always some bullshit excuse about changing the formula for summer or some potential crisis somewhere in the world or the cost per barrel of oil going up. Does it drop back down when it gets colder or when the crisis doesn't pan out or when the price per barrel of oil goes down? Fuck no.

Yea you know all that oil, soldiers were told to put it in their pockets and bring it back with them.

We had Iraq by the balls for the food for oil program we got them into before the war. If anything our invasion raised the cost for a short time. If you believe we went into there for crude then that’s a grug brained take.

According to my calculations, the liter of diesel is less than one euro ( not much less but still) where you live, here in France it's like 1,5 €/L ($8,75/gallon, for my beloved retard system users)

Lucky man... Or maybe I didn't take in consideration wage and stuff, then fuck it

Were you in the U.S in 07-08?

See Yes it is damn expensive

Gas is sold to stations at about $1 per gallon. The store adds their share on top, the FED theirs, the city theirs, and the State who is the biggest taker. States like California account for $2 of their total prices, got to pay for them programs and shiet.

In this country, public transportation is for niggers, spics, single moms, and other undesirables.

The only benefit of city living is I own no car. I save so much $$$ thanks to this.

Because fuck you that's why

>public transportation is for niggers, spics, single moms, and other undesirables
And they go out of their way to ruin it. Seriously I have never enjoyed taking it ever because there is always somebody looking for trouble.

Gas is mainly taxes everywhere, if you only paid for the actual thing and not anything else, of course it would be cheaper

2.69 here
Maybe you're in Alaska?

what is gallon in liters?


it’s because Trump and his Kike henchmen keep threatening Iran with war, Iran is a major oil supplier and has also threatened cutting off the Straits Of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf where most of the oil from Saudi Arabia is shipped through.

so, about one dollar for liter
same here
and most of Europeans pay two-five dollars for a liter

>impotent car cuck rage

Don't you have some traffic to go be stuck in? LMAO

How do i buy gasoline online straight from the supplier

Not to the US. Iran is under sanction and is not allowed to trade oil with the US

>living in a city where gas is more expensive

that's on you, fagmo

the cost of petrol diesel gas , pumped into a vehicle a a price the gas station can make minimal profit is the same everywhere in the world
Punitive taxes and fuel duties are what makes the difference between countries not local wages or retailer profits.

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shag wagon with a booming stereo. all the perfume of the same woman with a constantly changing background which can include sunsets, forests, food delivery to the door, and beaches...
>why do you like driving?

No he said that to the big oil companies.

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*moves around you*
lmao nothing personal kid *sips*

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Good question. I know some people who live way out in the sticks and some businesses have their own gas tanks for their company vehicles. They can purchase 10,000 to 20,000 gallons from the supplier.

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Part of it has to do with Gov. Newsom and the recent 50 cent gas tax increase here.

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>*30 year-old boomer in a lifted truck cuts you off, killing you instantly*

better luck next time kiddo

How recent is that picture? Because I live in a 'green' area but pay 'light orange' prices.

Today, a lot of it is estimates bases off of county. I pay slightly higher than green too because I live in a city.

>tfw I live in the only red area outside the west coast

You are bitching mostly about the futures market, I think. I doubt that many/any producers are paid the spot price for oil. Maybe somebody in the business will speak up.

If you could buy gas from the supplier directly it would be far cheaper, here is a 500 gal tank that can last 25 fill ups given you have a 20 gal tank on your car and run it to E.

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Americans think this is expensive.

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I need this. Any anons know about this?

American tight oil is expensive to extract. Maybe $50-$75 per barrel. In the ME its maybe $3 per bbl. OPEC limits its production, leaving the US the marginal producer that sets the global price and frackers perpetually dancing on the edge of bankruptcy. So no, $5 oil in the US makes no sense.

I meant, you can earn little money relative to your country in said country, but things are less expensive so it balances up

Didn't talk about only gas

It's not expensive, but you use very thirsty cars.

i own a truck and a 550cc motorcycle. i havent driven my truck in a long ass time. i spend like $20 / month on gas for my bike. last time i filled my truck up it was like $100

>having counter points to my terrible argument is recoiling


Fuckin pay for your GAS you fuckin piece of fuck!

I shit myself last night when it was $1.33 a litre. I think I paid $1.68 last week. I'm mostly pissed off that I have finally become like a senior citizen, bitching about gas prices.

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Like I said, Fuckin pay for your GAS you fuckin piece of fuck!

>Fuckin pay for your GAS you fuckin piece of fuck!

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Because I have a job that requires me to look respectable and carry more than a water bottle. I also want to see what life is like outside of 6 square blocks. Habe you taken your skis on a bus? Your beach stuff? Ever bought a 2x4 or have little kids to get to school and baseball? A car is freedom. If you can afford it.

Tax for fuel is 20 cents per gallon, so that doesn't explains the price.

1.95 Maine

This. They need money for dem programs, and gas is an easy place to skim it. I mean find it.
Shut your mouth or they're going to move where you live.

>3 dollars
It's like triple here in my EU shithole

imagine being content having to live trapped in several square mile urban area and not being able to go anywhere you like to kayak, shoot guns, or hike and stuff.

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$2.58/gal here.

This is actually pretty close to the truth. The tropical depression in the gulf of mexico + summer (higher demand for gas) + Iran attempting to impede/seize the british tanker in the strait of Hirmuz have got prices to skyrocket. Once the three things stop being factors prices will likely drop to $2/gallon or less

You clearly are so young you dont remember gas prices durring the obama years. it was at 5.00 for a bit.

>Why the fuck is gas so expensive in America?
It's cheap in some places. And then suddenly in a nearby city, it's an average 50 cents less.

Social welfare taxes AND fees are a huge part of the cost. Gasoline has both taxes and fees. So you need to understand that these two are separate. For example, gasoline must be sold at a gas station. A lot of people grab stuff at the gas station and just walk out without paying. The franchise owner or station operator management company is going to want to recover lost income.

That gas station also has its own taxes and fees. Those costs are then passed down as part of the gasoline price.

The increase in fees and incidental business operation fees caused the majority of my city's local gas stations to reduce their hours or even close early. One shell station closes at 9PM. Most others that close do so at 10PM, 11PM, or Midnite. The stations are also equipping more trash cans than ever before to curb trash. The operational fee expenses is partially based upon how much trash that gas station users throw on the roadways. In a theoretical sense, someone could harm a gas station chain thru higher fees by printing up lots of bags and fast food wrapper paper to look the same as official containers and wrappers. If those are then given a quick spray of cheap canola oil and rumpled up and tossed onto random locations (make sure some are near city hall). The city, county, and state takes into consideration the amount of trash found during occasional secret inspections of the environment. Eventually, the fees for that business will increase.

Because homeless and welfare users buy and eat a lot of snack type foods which need no cooking, lots of gas station type trash ends up on the roads and parks even somewhat far from the gas station. So it's possible for even homeless people to increase gas prices outside of the social welfare costs.

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You think gas is expensive in America? LOL!
Let me do some rough calculations to compare against the prices in Norway.
Your listed prices are per gallon, correct? In Norway we use per liter.

17,- NOK per liter on average equates to 77.18,- NOK per liter (17 * 4.54).

Using today's currency conversion rates (1 USD = 8.53 NOK) that means we pay ~$9 per gallon.


I live in New York Shitty and it's only $2.65 when I got gas last week. I used to live in Europe and that shit was like $8 a gallon equivalent, mind you the average daily pay there is only $15.

TLDR: Stop complaining, jew faggot!

Trump is a jewish puppet

>17,- NOK per liter on average equates to 77.18,- NOK per liter (17 * 4.54).
This was obviously supposed to say 77.18,- NOK per gallon. My bad.

Damn that sucks but at least you guys have plenty of EVs now.

2.20-2.50 here

In Illinois is directly related to taxes. The price is high because Dem Tax's.
California has the same problem.

>Wahhh the taxes are high.
>Dems blame Trump for the Democrats Taxes.
Huh. Make the problem then shift the blame?

OP gas price: $3.58
Seattle social welfare citadel: $3.25 to $3.79
has $1.98 to $2.09
has $2.35
has $1.94
has $2.35 Florida

>How do i buy gasoline online straight from the supplier
You as a member of the general public cannot. Certain businesses (especially farming) get fuel at wholesale and without most of the taxes since that fuel is absolutely necessary to operate their machinery and is thus a pure business expense.. Farmers (like one I know) actually had their own gas pump and tank. The farming gas had a color additive in it and is illegal in consumer vehicles.

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In America we have 50 states. Your state Tax can be completely different from one state to the next.
California and Illinois are some of the highest Taxes. While other states Litterally don't even have Income tax.

The government dyes the farmers gasoline to see if its used maliciously??? Am i reading this right? Is there a ATF for gas?

>Gov. Newsom and the recent 50 cent gas tax increase here.

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Gas IS cheap. Just not in liberal shithole states like commiefornia

Except california, their population voted for a 5 cent increase. I bet they’ll vote to increase it by 5 dollars if their politicians add some pretty words onto the bill

Shut up and pay, Democrat shill

I just bought gas for $1.20. can’t post pic cause I’m at work.

The margins most gas stations make on fuel are pretty damn thin. They make their money from the drinks, snacks, and other shit they sell inside.

4.39 for premium

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In theory, yes. But it never seems to drop down to the pre-crisis level, regardless of whether or not anything ever developed from the event that effected their margins. It might start dropping but it is never fast enough to get there before they have yet another reason to raise it up in preparation for some other possibility. God forbid BP or something fucking corporation take a hit to their wallet instead of all us poor fucks. They know the consumer has no choice but to pay anyway. And of course taxes for gibs and other stupid shit play a role in it too, but there isn't a new of those every month.

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$2.15/gal where I live, you must be in California

Move away from the shitskin infested cities. Most of them raised their gas taxes over 50 cents a gallon a couple weeks ago

The fed has been raising interest rates every quarter since Trump was elected, kike.