Detains children in feces and gives them permanent dental injuries

> Detains children in feces and gives them permanent dental injuries.
> Blaims others.

Is he in hell yet?

Attached: Pence.png (451x339, 209K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes he is in hell, it's called modern America

KYS retard. We should be mowing those fuckers down at the boarder and you should be with them. Only an absolute moron would side with globalists about destroying the sovereignty of nations.

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This post would get a lot more attention on tumblr or Facebook.
We genuinely don’t give a fuck here

yea im sure the children's dental problems were caused by the holocaust camps' and NOT because they were dragged across south america

He is in hell, he also happens to be doom guy


for him to sum up his visit by saying "welp, the democrats better do something about this. good luck. im outta here" is the most cringey take by a politician in recent memory. even his boss would show more sensitivity than that.

isnt he supposed to be a champion of the religious right?

what would jesus do, mike?

If Jesus was VP, he wouldn't do anything, because the VP's only function is to break ties in the Senate and stay alive in case the President dies.

Or that they were born and raised in a third world shithole where "the dentist" is a drunkard with a rusty pair of wire-cutters.

When Satan is sticking a hot poker up your ass, do you think he will ask you why you keep getting in the way of his poker?

>gives them permanent dental injuries

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As long as you acknowledge Jeebus has no part in your video game.

>One get sent to supposed death camps
>The other gets sent back to their own legal country
>These are the same thing
You must always feel guilty

They don't get sent back, leaf. There is a backlog of millions of cases.

You illiterate beaner

It’s funny how everyone misses the point that these facilities shouldn’t even have people there in the first place holy fuck just Balkanize already

I can't believe the left thinks it's going to win with hate for Christians and white people. I browsed the hashtag and there are a lot of Jews telling Christians how evil we are.

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Auschwitz had a dentist though.

Attached: Jew Mad.jpg (652x332, 59K)

>It’s funny how everyone misses the point
They miss the point of everything. Jow Forums is a shit show now.

He's going to hell alright
He's an evangelical Christian Zionist after all

Based Electric Mike

That's literally what he did, faggot.

> Camps where people die
> Not death camps
> Not your problem

Do you think Satan will cut your balls off?

You can't faggot your way to getting what you want, despite the cheeto's attempt to do so.

It's not a death camp unless people are being killed or worked to death, retard.

If your mother gives into all the sofa-sitting and chip-eating and her heart gives out, does that give your little shanty-house the status of Death House? Dear god, someone call CNN and report this evil man's Death House to incel report!

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>Gets kids delivered to his private estate >fucks them till they dead
Im sure he is going to heaven

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> Starving to death not a death camp

Enjoy your poker ass rape.

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At this point why dont we actually shove kids faces in shit and break their teeth?

stop lying about bad conditions.

>Oy, white man of America, give me free shit or I'll die!
Don't blame us for retards south of the border hunger striking themselves to death.

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Christcucks are disgusting

Let me give you an example: when you are put in prison for treasonous activity, it won't be "free shit" when the government keeps you from starving to death.


>>Starving to death
No source. No evidence.


>I'm going to walk 100 miles with no food and then expect to be given free shit in a country I invaded

In Israel, they'd throw water at traitors like you. We need to learn from them.

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I thought atheists don't believe in hell.

That, and protect the space-time continuum.

you guys should be forced to actually experience a year in Stalin's gulags and if you survive you will be allowxed to shoot your mouth off like that

I wonder if people like yourself are genuinely mentally ill or simply engaging in serious demoralization campaigns

it is astonishing how insane the left has gone defending the treatment of these migrants at the border, you get busted for pot by a municipality you get worse treatment than these "migrants" do by CBP & ICE... and yet they advocate for the rights of people that have absolutely zero ties to this nation

>you guys should be forced to actually experience a year in Stalin's gulags and if you survive you will be allowxed to shoot your mouth off like that
as Bezmenov says these are useful idiots, these people are the first to go if the Communists take full power

With all this hysteria, I'm expecting them to be gassed anyday now.

The people came here illegaly and no article from leftists can dissuade that. IF they were really so bad off they would have stopped at mexico or the nearest better CA country. They came here and we all know why they did

Why do we have to take care of these people again? Is it because America is the world's gift basket? Cross the border at your own peril.

I mean, if everyone is saying you're a Nazi, why not?

>Want to treat illegals with "kindness and compassion"
>Refuse to give ICE money so they can improve conditions at detention centres
Tell me, who's going to hell again?

> Claims to have done so himself


I'd be all for positive economic projects in the countries we know the CIA fucked with only we'd have to send our military to just to prevent monetary fuckery by groups like IMF and such.

Yet every single "prisoner" is free to leave at any time and go back where they came from.

That faggots that put them in cages in the first place. You can't justify your way out of your poker ass rape anymore than you can justify your way out of murder.

>Yet every single "prisoner" is free to leave at any time and go back where they came from.
holy shit lol I always forget this fact. this is indisputable. if the illegals ask to leave ICE / CBP will gladly deport them

>That faggots that put them in cages in the first place. You can't justify your way out of your poker ass rape anymore than you can justify your way out of murder.
so why don't they just leave if the treatment is so poor? I thought we were ebil nazis with concentration camps? why do they insist on staying through the awful treatment?

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They literally cannot, retard. They would have to pay hundreds/thousands in airfare and get to the top of Trump's million case backlog.

>They literally cannot, retard. They would have to pay hundreds/thousands in airfare and get to the top of Trump's million case backlog.
you are lying, faggot. DHS will put them on a plane to get them the fuck out.

Good, next they should throw them down 10ft pits to fend for themselves with dog sized rats like you.

They literally can't because of the law. Do your homework.

So they admit himmler was great. Cool

>America is awful! They're nazis! Also, these people deserve to come to America from their amazing, excellent, diverse, humanitarian nations!

Attached: ayeletgassingnigs.jpg (695x900, 486K)

> I imagine things so they must be so.



> I have tremendous cognitive disonance so let me point it out in others.

This is you.

Where were all the triggered liberals when Obama caged people? I swear liberals are the biggest hypocrites in the world

>Trump's million case backlog.
This my favorite statement.
>"Nothing like this ever happened before the Bad Orange Man!
Take your shitty arguments somewhere else

>They literally can't because of the law. Do your homework.
you are lying. you cannot cite any law that refers to what you say.

there's the law dictionary if you want to stop LARPing and provide evidence, but you're full of it

>All the evidence of abuse is photos from Obama Presidency.

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>America is responsible for taking care of the world's poor, the poast

>people have been killed in your city
>you live in your city
Do you think Satan will spare you his really painful torture methods?

>Is he in hell yet?

not yet

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That's actually not a bad idea.

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If ICE got that money they wanted, the wouldn't have to put the kids in cages.

Also, what does any of this have to do with rape and murder?

Some reading for the christfag to know why he is going to hell:

Attached: eminem old pence.jpg (591x442, 94K)

the antichrist is real user

>not supporting illegal non-citizens

Where's that pic of Himmler sending everyone from the concentration camp back home

Still locking your door at night so innocent people who need a bed and a shower can't get in?
>Fucking evil hypocrite

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>And then one day, for some unknown reason...

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>Drag kids through desert
>Show up at border dehydrated, diseased, no medical records, hungry
>Die on the way or shortly after arriving
Pretty much exactly like Nazi Germany, huh? You dope.

>In Israel, they'd throw water at traitors like you. We need to learn from them.

Go back to reddît Rabbi

President Pence > President Biden > President Hillary

In sequence, starting 2020

>one is a camp full of people fleeing lack of welfare
>the other is a camp full of people supposedly about to be exterminated

Man I'm not sure the second group was as eager to break in as the first group.

And that's supposed to be an equivalency to what?