Red-Pilling Gen Z

I go on this app called TikTik (really popular with teenagers) and when I find someone who is misguided, I look at their profile. Usually their profile links to their instagram. If their messaging is open, I try to red pill them, or at least plant the seed.

Here is latest

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Try to find the reason of her why she likes light skinned and carer your sources towards that.

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Correction app is called TikTok

Doing God's work user

aside from coming off like a sperg, you're doing god's work, user.

lol boomers are infecting wignats

Ethiopia had the wheel since 2000 BC

God bless you beautiful bastard.


East Africans didn't invent clothes and the fact that some shitskins are good people doesn't change the fact that the majority are fucking animals.

Exception proves the rule, shitskins are worthless.

Lmao, egypt didn't even have the wheel until like 1500BC when indo Europeans brought it.

>trying to redpill women

They dont care or understand concepts like these. Youd have a better chance with a male.

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Women are brainwashed into their madness... that means you can pull them out of it.

idea is good bu you are totally wrong with the approach.
you should learn how to propaganda.
for example, the most powerful tool to propaganda is humor.
right after that there's fear.
so I'd suggest you start with the very basic weisntein/german kike drooling over white women (while underscoring how weinstein is a kike)
post compilation of blacks attacking white people especially gurls.
if you want some good basics you can start from
>Age of Propaganda, by Pratkanis and Aronson you'll have have a good rundown
remember: every single data you can point to, every single logical statement you could make, won't move of a single step them from their position, the strongest form is HUMOR

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based boomer

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Ive tried a few ways and honestly being pleasant at first doesn't really work...

These girls are getting dm'd "i love you baby" all day by people. You have to go in hard to stand out. Being funny or jovial they will just roll their eyes and not responded...

There is not reason for these people to engage with me.. You have to make them stand up for their brainwashing which they believes makes them the better person and then deconstruct it. Its the only way they will actually respond, because they get to stroke themselves on that they are saying the (((right)))) thing.

Holy fucking based; talking to these people is like talking to a Shuh Tzu, they seem to lack a soul.

Doing kek's work user doge bless

no, you won't accomlish anything this way
also consider that propaganda doesn't aim to suddenly redpill a person
the precise aim of propaganda is immerging people some much into it, that evey single thought or action will be immersed and acted and thought in the propaganda mainframe.
so, I'd suggest you switch your attitude from "I'll make this gurl shout heil hilter tomorrow at school" to "I'm planting a seed that some day hopefully will be a tree.
Post them somwhow funny memes pointing at jews or niggers, that's literally all you have to do.
for the females target I believe the strongest factor could just be a compilation of blacks attacking white people and especially white girls, try to post something they can watch right away without having to exit the medium (don't know if instagram etc allow gifs and webm but that would be perfect). You'll find plenty of in archives or just ask /gif/ or in here.
just instill in them the rightful fear of black men: they have been subverted in believing into the "good savage" and "poor dindus they didn't do nothing", so you have to show them their real faces.
For girls fear might be stronger decontitioning that humor.

Dude I don't have kike money or a government to slow boil the frog... also Im not here to cultivate this girl.. I drop and go

Anyways I have no reason to listen to anything you say while wearing a fake flag..

Women don't give a shit about if you tell them men are violent. All you do is make them say "my pussy can change that! I can make him a sweetheart!" Women love bad boys and you trying to say be careful of these bad boys does nothing but make them run for their dicks..

Sorry you are just wrong for this occasion, even if you are right (if I have kike money or a government behind me)

Been doing the same. Gen Z is already on he path to being completely red pilled. It helps that kids naturally do the opposite of what they are told to do... and what they are told to do is be multi cultural and accepting... ain’t working boys. Gen Z is a wrecking ball

just post ay tony memes
or the one with the german nazi drinking beer with all "I despise concrete, big corporations etc"
they are a good start.
do what you want, I suggest you reading the book I suggested you, you will understand
all your data and logical reasoning mean nothing to them, just saying, if you want to be effective, HUMOR is the best way
P.S. memeflag because my country's police could actually pursue me for even just using niggers and kikes while typing in this eastern necromancy forum
cheers and good luck, doing god's work

I like it. Please keep posting. Whether it's effective or not, it's interesting to see how someone reacts to having redpills shoved in their face.

In those screencaps, I liked how she did not just kneejerk call you a nazi racist. People default to labels too often instead of considering ideas for their own merits.

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OP confirmed based dumping stats

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The J*w fears the FOX

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The hall of cost is nothing compared to the fox of truth

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Not even a Canadian could penetrate the fox statistics

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How about another one?

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The zoomer fears the sly fox

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Thanks for being reasonable. I understand, just realize I'm going in dry on people I don't know.. So its a hard battle.

Doing Gods work, she is truly stuped tho

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>sly fox
Problem with sly fox is that he doesn't look smug enough.

get your furry faggot shit out of here

do you know how much of a fucking spanner you come off as?
Just randomly messaging people talking to them about Jews and Africans? Are you retarded? That shit will go straight past them and they'll think you're a nutter. Are you spazmoided?

She at least seemed to absorb the information. She didn't just say "Fuck you!"

She ended with "ok"... When it comes to brainwashed girls thats a win.

Nope I'm going in dry and talking to strangers.. I don't have time to form relationships with these people and have "small talk" before I shove the red pill down their throat.

Got any more screenshots?

>out of Africa
Cringe and bluepilled

>nyggers r dum!
Lel good luck redpilling anyone with that. You could talk about white genocide, how culture is downstream from race, how cultural marxism is jewish subversion, how racemixing degrades genetic quality, ... But no, you chose to hammer on some dumb thot about how blacks have 10-15 less IQ points on average.

This one is a bluepill. It would just make normies feel sorry for them and blame hetero prejudice.

Pic related is an anti-Zionist demonstration in Soviet Russia from 1970s

But, user, you told me commies manipulated by Jews?

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This. If one questions OOA, it makes one also question the whole PC bullshit about race. Make them question the narrative at the very root. Show them the silliness behind the "race doesn't exist" bullshit and how bold lies have been used to propagate it.
From the made-up genetic evidence of the OOA hypothesis, to the Lewontin fallacy, it all has to come down at the root. Not some superficial IQ bullshit.

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how the fuck u type so fast

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Israel was and is a US ally, USSR traditionally backed the Arab enemies of the kikes

Post those pictures in the thread, I want to save a couple.

Wasn't the USSR the first country to recognize Israel?

Copy and paste, also most people can type fairly quickly nowadays.

Yeah but this one is good because I don't have to edit much to show it.. Sometimes the conversation can have personal information on it. I had to send all these screen shots to my computer to edit the name and upload..

I am going to start posting more of these and formulate the conversations to make sure I don't have to edit out info to be put on here.

Sorry I just don't want to do the work of screensshotting old conversations that can be very long.

Here is the start of a conversation with a girl who posted something on TikTok that was on the edge of Red-pilled.. We will see if she responds..

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Thanks for doing this.

Fox meme most likely won't catch on, but it shows potential. Sort of like the text based jew.

How old is the limit of Gen Z? Im 21 and I honestly feel like a fucking boomer. I work 10 hours per day and work as hard as I can to make my life better for me and my family. At this point I don't even think being a boomer is a bad thing

This one makes it even clearer.

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Sorry about all the bombs we left over by you guys