Why haven’t you bought a house, user?
Why haven’t you bought a house?
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Illegal immigration is driving up the the cost of living including housing.
$7 trillion in capital flight might be feeding a bubble, buy upside down mortgages goy, oy vey.
We're 1-2 years away from a recession then 4-5 years away from home prices bottoming out. Then I'll buy 2-3 properties and become a landlord and leech off of poor people like a true Jew.
My parents keep telling me to buy a home instead of rent. They don’t understand that I don’t have the option of tying up $100k in cash just to make a down payment without getting ass fucked with $300-$400/month in PMI on top of the huge mortgage payment, homeowners insurance, HOA, and ever increasing property taxes. It’s a fucking SCAM
Why in the fuck are you looking at a $500k+ home? Are you retarded?
Personally, I think it’s still a good time to buy. Say a recession hits in the next 2-3 years and I lose some value on my home. Would it really be more than the $48k-$72k I’m guaranteed to lose by renting? I doubt it.
That’s what a fucking home costs. You cannot buy sub $400k without being a fucking dump in the hood or without having a 3 or more hour commute each and every fucking day. Society is fucked. I wish I lived back in the 1700’s and worked as a blacksmith or had a small farm and was involved in the community. This cubicle life with daily commutes is not worth any of the tech or easy living we have today. Fuck this.
What about sunk costs like maintenance, taxes, HOA fees, interest, closing costs, etc. plus, when you go to sell, it’s going to cost you, as well. No free lunch in this life.