Sweden is the Best Country in Europe

>b-but muh somalis
>b-but muh sjws
>b-but muh rape capital of europe

Even if that's true, Sweden has been the most successful at reducing prostitution, getting it down to only 300 prostitutes in all of Sweden. Sweden is not the degeneracy capital, it's the virtuous capital.

Not to mention Swedish socialism keeps everyone in the middle class, not many rich, not many poor, just middle working class people all contributing to the nation. Sweden takes some elements of capitalism and refines them with a Marxist perspective, much like China but better, to improve life for everyone.


Attached: Swedenn.jpg (800x500, 833K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>lowers prostitution cause muh feminism
>rape rates skyrocket

Prostitution has gone down more than rapes have gone up.

Show flag kike

You spelled Swedistan wrong.

Attached: 4f7.jpg (881x905, 179K)

Attached: 1562960906335.jpg (708x738, 188K)

That's not an insult, islam is a peaceful ideology.

Everywhere is a large brown security guard. Gypsy panhandlers everywhere. Every gift shop is identical and run by a non white.

Doesn't change what i just said.

Then you'll have no problem referring it as such.