Redpill me on Deutsche bank

I have a cousin in a high position in UniCredit, and he is getting full prepper. He is preparing himself to leave the continent and move to Indonesia. He said to my parents not to buy gold but to buy land (in foreign countries) he has properties in Indonesia and he is preparing to go there with the family.

I don't understand much of what he says, and he usually speaks with my parents not with me. I want to ask you guys what is going on? Should I ask on Bitz?

Attached: deutsche-bank-results-revenue-profits-871475.jpg (590x350, 79K)

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big if true

Why*Te economic refugees NOT welcome.

Fuck off, we are full.

1/3 of New York bankers has jumped the ship.

nesara is coming
collapse is inevitable but hopefully will last some days

Deutsche Bank has screwed up, they are firing people and restructuring. If things go too bad, Germany will have to bail them out.

the banks are covered by the tax payers in the US according to law, but you should tell you cousin to get out of the industry because he will be getting the guillotine if the banks go titsup again. this time no prisoners, and don't tell people you are related to a banker.

We'll be taking your land with force if shit hits the fan over here.

Tax payers may patch some billions, not hundreds of billion or worse.
This is the scale we are talking about with the deusche bank...also domino effect with the other banks

The Deutsche Bank is on its last legs. Everything depends on their stock value now. As long as they'll be able to keep the illusion of them still being able to operate, they'll get by.

But if they go into bankruptcy, many other banks are fucked, which could cause the next finance system crash.

You mates concern is rightful.

I would like to add, that many austrian banks are depending on them.

If they go south, so will the Erste Bank, Unicredit and Raiffeisen. They have invested heavily in eastern european markets, so it could fuck up shit there as well.

That's probably the real reason why Merkel was shaking in public lately.

Germans will finally manage to finish what they sought for so long.
Destroying Europe.

>Tax payers may patch some billions, not hundreds of billion or worse.
Yes we can. We just need to own the central banks first, and then we can just helicopter drop money until the denbt is inflated away.

They're currently having issues with their online banking and ATMs. I know you're probably not going to understand this Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung article, but I'll post it anyways, as source.

DB is fucked. Its going down with no survivors and will plunge Europe into chaos when they run out of gibs for their new niggers.

>destroying the savings of the only fiscally responsible people in society

Aaaand you know what this means.

Have fun, fellow german speaking anons. We'll see shtf here too within a few days then.

Lol like in Chernobyl.
Ironically I think that it fits very well.
We are in the phase in which shit is happening yet people deny it.

"18,000 people fired from the bank no low but not too many"

"I see no toxic titles"

However memes aside I asked in the wrong place. Tomorrow I will ask Bitz they probably know more

Foreigners can't buy land in Indonesia.

Nobody asked you, Rachid.