Another one bites the dust

Does this mean Nickels Fuentes isn't honkpilled anymore? All I see is seething. I guess Owen Benjamin broke him.

Attached: 1563011075646.png (1178x1653, 344K)

Other urls found in this thread:

When the jew and the spic meets
The real clash of Civilizations

His dad's a kike.

Attached: 1512914772302.png (751x750, 1.08M)

Nick's sister is married to a nigger dyke.

Attached: 1516016695295.jpg (1024x599, 79K)

Very trad family you got there Nick.

Attached: 1550118614527.png (634x480, 421K)

Why do we care about this two faced yang supporter again? Fuck off e-celeb trash, go bitch about your gay lover elsewhere.

Attached: Booger Nick.webm (480x360, 866K)



Meh, my sister is an SJW too

i thought nick and his sister are twins? is she already gay married at 20?