When zionist jew pretends to be white kills white children who are anti-israel, and Jow Forums celebrates.
The far-right has a (((white nationalist))) problem.
When zionist jew pretends to be white kills white children who are anti-israel, and Jow Forums celebrates.
The far-right has a (((white nationalist))) problem.
Other urls found in this thread:
it's called (((alt-right)))
Are there still people here who don't know he falseflagged as a mason to trick the police into raiding the masons and jews? Really?
Are those real quotes?
God fucking damnit, wrong pic.
Most far-right racial supremacists are jews.
Just read about Breivik and his life, he is pro Israel. Same as Tarrant.
>white children who are anti-Israel
despite what anyone believes about Brevik, this is a BLATANT mischaracterization of the people he killed. They were leftist teens being groomed for political positions in the future, not "children" and if they were "anti-Israel" it was only because they were "pro-bolshevik". This may shock some of you newfags and shills, but being "anti-Israel" does not automatically make you /ourguy/.
There are solid arguments for both sides of this issue, what OP said is not one of them. He is here to push an agenda, not to have a rational discussion or seek truth.
Here are the full quotes direct from his manifesto, downloaded the day of his shooting.
-So let us fight together with Israel
"Were the majority of the German and European Jews disloyal? Yes, at least the so called liberal Jews, similar to the liberal Jews today that opposes nationalism/Zionism and supports multiculturalism. Jews that support multiculturalism today are as much of a threat to Israel and Zionism (Israeli nationalism) as they are to us. So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists. Conservative Jews were loyal to Europe and should have been rewarded. Instead, he just targeted them all… So, are the current Jews in Europe and US disloyal? The multiculturalist (nation-wrecking) Jews ARE while the conservative Jews ARE NOT. Aprox. 75% of European/US Jews support multiculturalism while aprox. 50% of Israeli Jews does the same. This shows very clearly that we must embrace the remaining
loyal Jews as brothers rather than repeating the mistake of the NSDAP."
>Breivik claims that in 2002 (at the age of 23) he started a nine-year-plan to finance the 2011 attacks, founding his own computer programming business while working at the customer service company. He claims that his company grew to six employees and "several offshore bank accounts"
what a spook
Anders Breivik Hidden Truth Full @Tors Hammer Bitchute
- All the hitler quotes mentioned
Whenever someone asks if I am a national socialist I am deeply offended. If there is one historical figure and past Germanic leader I hate it is Adolf Hitler. If I could travel in a time-machine to Berlin in 1933, I would be the first person to go – with the purpose of killing him. Why? No person has ever committed a more horrible crime against his tribe than Hitler. Because of him, the Germanic tribes are dying and MAY be completely wiped out unless we manage to win within 20-70 years. Thanks to his insane campaign and the subsequent genocide of the 6 million Jews, multiculturalism, the anti-European hateideology was created. Multiculturalism would have never been implemented in Europe if it hadn’t been for NSDAPs reckless and unforgivable actions. Eastern Europe would have
remained free, the US and Russia would never have risen up as super-powers. The balance of power would have remained in Europe. And it would be a beautiful Europe with beautiful cultural conservative policies – very similar to the ones you now find in Japan and South Korea. Hitler almost destroyed everything with his reckless and unforgivable actions and he will forever be known as a traitor to the Nordic-Germanic tribes.
Fjotolf isn't just the Platinum medalist, he is also the Kang of trolls.
>bitches about & sues over "inhumane" treatment in arguable the world's cushiest, softest prison system & wins
>attends university while in prison, with classmates who are relatives of his victims
>legally changes his name to the most common surname & an extremely rare first name nobody but him & his lawyer know the actual meaning of
>Has sent 300+ pieces of mail out while in prison, officials only allowed fucking FIVE of those to actually be sent
Any first or even second opinion anyone has about this man is guaranteed to be wrong.
A fellow EDiot as well
>Most far-right racial supremacists are jews.
Jews only establish their superiority by playing one goyim race against the other.
Read/listen to his court statement where he explains his motives and judge for yourself. bitchute.com
>he was just bluepilled at the time goy that's why
Well, yeah
I'm just glad he didn't kill that one big-tittied blonde chick from the documentary.
>pure nasim was mossad
how about no.