Why won't the Chinese economic miracle crash already?

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Train will crash in the next week digits predict it.


not happening then

China will crush when Western consumerism will crash. I remember reading how there is an ongoing crisis with cars sales being extremely low the past 5 years. When the whole West gets eventually nigger'ed thus their consuming power will also drop, thus China will then face a crisis.

On the other hand, when this will happen China would literally have augmented super-human citizens via eugenics, have fully automated industries that don't need hard labor any more, so I guess they'll be easier for them to adapt.

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Yellow century

Likely never. They're extremely efficient at keeping their money and investments valuable and treated as a reward for actual work.


this explains it.

High IQ, hard workers, and no shitskin parasites. They were being held down before by shitty governments.

Good question. My guess is they found the right mix of unfettered capitalism and socialist state inteference... I once read an article that said the Chinese leadership of the late 80s and early 90s admired West Germany a lot and built their new state in the shape of that (idealized) “social market economy”.

Also, China has 5000yrs of high culture. Many Chinese are uncultured barbarians, but historically they have a long history of culture unlike the Saudis or Nigerians or the Sudanese.

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>riding chinese designed, chinese built bullet trains
fucking lel

I wouldn't ride that shit

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It'd probably be safer just to ride a bullet

>cars sales being extremely low the past 5 years
this is true, my dad is a car salesman
made around 100k annually in late 90s

>chink high sped trains
Fucking hell the death toll will be astronomical

Putting chinks in railgun.
I suppose thats cheap abundant ammo.

yeah, it's inevitable that china becomes the number one super power.

Holy shit!
That train crash is going to be amazing!

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it’s hard to crash an evonomy that manufactures things, unlike the West.

Because the money isn't even real, same with the US.

yfw the chinaman supercollider starts smashing chinamen into new subatomic particles never before discovered

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what a poorly filmed lecture by a man in an ill-fitting suit. also complete dumbed down mentally retarded ideas being espoused

I've seen a lot of Chinese infrastructure come crashing down but how I'm sure the chinese take infrastructure projects like this to heart. Well maybe just the ruling party but I guess in China that's enough to matter


What could possibly go wrong?

the simple fact that they're merit based in every way, gives them an enormous advantage. he hire shitty brain dead "women of color" to run industries and government, and we wonder why we can't even build one of these maglev trains.

in your dreams porky

They can't even manage escalators that don't kill people.

Also, western men have been subdued by propaganda and entertainment (watching football etc.). There is no longer a drive to do awesome projects. No glory.

Holy shiiiieeet, it is getting close to airplane speeds. How many niggawatts this thing consumes?

what's so retarded about it.

The money is real, but it's our money. If we're not investing there, the Chinese are gaming the currency.

Stockholders don't care. They want those retirees to cough up their 401k plans NOW!

well, we have our identity stripped away from us, our pride, our confidence. i see dumb comments in here like this . taking potshots at a succeeding national socialist nation that reeducates its muslims to assimilate, while our neo-liberal empire run by jews crumbles around us.

Because the jews don't control them

Don't worry goy that place we've sent all your manufacturing jobs to will collapse any minute now, don't worry about it.

Hey Wang, steal any nice data from your university today? It would be a real shame if the secret police harshly interrogated your family for being suspected dissidents.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free sTibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

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literally blowing all their cash on useless shit to try inject cash into their economy, and appear like they aren't facing down a catastrophe in the next decade.

Car sales are low because millennials can't afford new cars and can't afford 10 year old boomermobiles for 10,000 dollars, and boomers aren't smart enough to realize you need to lower your price if demand isn't high enough since they've been fed free shit their entire lives and now that their parents either have dementia or have died the boomers are on their own for the first time for real and are failing hard like the degenerate hippie losers we all knew they were

And in 15 years angry millennial Afghan war vets will be in control of the country and the second holocaust (that REALLY happened) will begin and not a single boomer faggot will escape the DOTP

>economic miracle
Wew, lads. Nobody would trade their life for that of an average chinaman.

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Chinese economy is an illusion.

>if you defeat your enemies, they win

Why are south chinese such chads compared to (((north chinese)))?

Is it because the Mongol admixture in North Chinese makes them retarded? But Mongols are manly while north chinese are weak and jewish.

That train will inevitably crash killing tens of thousands of insect people and it will be glorious.

China is part oligarchy, part bourgoise, part peasant.

How the CCP will keep all three in balance and not one overthrow the other two will be interesting.

Jow Forums has been lying about China "collapsing" for years. Some of the very first posts I remember from 2013 were about China being in debt trouble, ghost cities, "impending" economic crash. Six years later, none of that shit happened (the opposite happened, more or less). So, I never trust Jow Forums for China analysis, just as an objective matter. Or, as someone put it, Jow Forums has predicted 5,000 of the last 0 happenings.

those headlines
>China (potentially) BTFO
>How will China (theoretically) recover?

>white people is reduced to spamming things he can't read

this will be great

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ignorant child

Numba won

The truth about Chinese inventions.

Attached: 1531666179753.png (700x1850, 402K)

The truth about Chinese people.

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Never. They are a blend of USSR state planning and American Capitalism. State Owned Enterprises in China are the way of the future.

The truth about Chinese genes.

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Same with real estate.

The truth about Chinese history.

Attached: 1562447943536.png (800x1672, 209K)

The truth about Chinese food.

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The truth about Chinese culture.

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>High IQ
Is that your idea of a joke? Is there a country on Earth that is more accident prone? They are morons. I don't care what any statistics say. I believe what my eyes tell me, and they tell me that the chinks are disaster magnets; they are completely incompetent fucks who are killing each other off much quicker than any WMD could.

"A Bug's Life"

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Agreed. China's economy is still going strong.

You must be a child if you think six years is a long time.

Bread and circus to appease the masses is a sign of a dying empire afterall.

>bicycle is broken because it's chinese just like you
>oh this is the dead body train, i'll take the next one

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Based firewall poster

People in 2013/2014 were not predicting that China would collapse "7 or more years from now," they said that the collapse would happen "soon," ie, within months or even weeks. They lied.

its actually easier for them to set up infrastructure due to the sole reason the CCP has the right of land and dont need to buy the land from land owners who will mark up the price indefinitely

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(((They)))'ve been predicting China's immediate collapse since Tiananmen

>way more men than women
>upside down population pyramid
>soon to be in terminal decline like Japan
>Gets most of its water from quickly melting glaciers
>no blue water navy and hostile relations with the west as well as most of its neighbours
>culture was destroyed by communism, now replaced by a shitty crypto-western consumerist culture
>social credit shenanigans
>massive inequality in a "communist" state
It isn't going to "crash" but i has alot of compounding problems that it will have to deal with in the next century or so that will probably knock it down a few pegs

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China gets the Eastern Hemisphere, White Man gets the Western Hemisphere.

> those C&C Generals soundbites

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Nice. First time seeing that one.

Yes, its like one big Potemkin village. Google all the ghost cities they make just to sit idle, unwanted and empty. They straight up build some metropolis complete with freeways, stadiums and skyscrapers in the middle of fucking nowhere just to put people to work and local officials to skim countless millions from Beijing. The CCP also deliberately undervalues the yuan so every single thing they make sells for retardedly cheap in the West where if their currency was valued like what it actually is worth all their exports wouldn't be cheap to the point the west buys whatever they can get from China

>implying it will ever be made

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Oh boy, china you say? what could go wrong.

having a unified identity helps - 95% of citizens identify themselves as Chinese.

It's funny that a lot of millennials can't move out (without great cost most are unable or unwilling to pay, anyway) from their mom's houses until they're 30, and they bitch but then talk about how their house value is "so high". But no one is buying, no one but pajeets. Boomers having "high value homes" is why millennials can't move out, which ironically costs boomers more money in the long run.

Fuck your kid over for profit, lose money. Boomers are the most short-sighted people in history.

nothing. Chinese are good engineers

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The Chinese economy is over valued. Dumb as shit investors are throwing money at an idea that will never materialize... They're never going to see profits. Meanwhile, they're using this money to get nigger rich and pay for shit like that.

Wow, never heard that one before
Shanghai Pudong used to be a "ghost city" as well, now it's the financial capital of Asia

>But that wasn’t the story that I found. The more underpopulated new cities that I traveled to the more the big picture emerged of a story that was more complex than any mythology-inspired parallel could explain. New city building in China wasn’t just an engineering pursuit but a complete socio-economic experiment of unprecedented scale. It was less about cashing in on constructing new developments than it was priming new economic engines that could create and sustain additional growth, all while curbing the stark social and economic disparity between the east of the country and the west. Using the full gamut of financing, engineering and administrative tools available, China engaged in a full-scale national shake-up, as more than a hundred large-scale urbanization projects were carried out to fruition, being populated with companies, institutions and residents – by guile and fiat. Virtually overnight, former backwaters like Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Xi’an, Kunming and Guiyang emerged as China’s best performing cities, being relaunched with revitalized historic cores paired with shiny new areas that boasted high-tech R&D centers, modern shopping malls, new airports, high-speed rail stations, sprawling industrial zones, and more middle-class housing than anyone could really have any use for.

It's artificial growth in a way, sure, but it works. Meanwhile, in the west you can enjoy zoning hell if you want to create so much as an industrial district in a mid-sized city.

China needs an Emperor

>Merit based.

Do your research you fucking idiot.

This is literally what people were saying a decade ago. Word for word. There were articles about the "ghost city" of Ordos in 2008. But it's not a ghost city anymore, so...

Escalators are a waste of time, money, resources. Replace them with stairs and everyone will be more fit. There’s already enough sedentary lifestyle as it is.

Nope, brown man gets the western one.

Brown man gets cemented into the wall dividing the two halves.

You white people should really be praying China takes the top spot. No other culture besides the Japanese and Koreans, whose population growth and size is too small, would be willing to tolerate or help whites. Do you want to be ruled by Indians? Or pay jizya to the Arabs whilst they freely rape your daughters? Perhaps you enjoy the bbc so much you want your countries to regress to a Stone Age level with African rule. Your countries aren’t waking up and they aren’t getting better. Your best bet now is aligning with east Asia and becoming 5th column. They are the only ones who will not tolerate “rats” infesting their new colonies and plaguing their new subjects, and will be the only ones who will respect your culture.

>Free sTibet
who the fuck builds these spells? I'm convinced it's just an AI endlessly recompiling them at this point.

Can't wait to see the cheap Chinese construction fail

>shitskin can't use proper grammar
like pottery

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Who else immediately had the vision of the train having a fiery crash the likes of which haven't been seen yet?

Reminder: US auto kikes kept train industry away to make money rather than have far superior way of moving the masses

>Scheduled derailment in 10 seconds, please hold on

I fucking kek'd

They don't care about debt, all their trains pull no profit.

They are building cities and then moving the rural populations into them. Most "journalists" reporting on the ghost cities go to them after they have been built but the populations has not been forcibly moved yet.

They do have a right idea. Settlements get more efficient as they grow. Like it or not, a city is the best place for normies to be.

pajeet will shit on the tracks causing a massive derailment


Doesn't work

>check out my perpetual engine prototype

das rite Sandeep

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