What did he mean by this

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no wonder they let david hogg in

The Ivy League, with the possible (doubtful) exception of Dartmouth, is more crooked than you could possibly imagine.

t. Academic

Hey Shiva beat your wife lately?

Attached: BD32B795-9E7A-416F-AC02-AC7184F6A2AF.jpg (1067x800, 69K)

Why are 90% of the people involved with Epstein jews?

Nice. All this shit is making me moist.

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t. Former university admintrator, still moist

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This thread is anti semetic

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Academia, being financed by psychopathic jewish billionaires, is staffed with amoral autists and champagne socialist trust fund zombies. The system requires loyalty and devotion to it, not the objective truth. As such academics are choosen not for their intelligence or scholarly abilities, but for their talmuddic reasoning and amoral indifference. This is because someone like us with a conscious would realize the system is evil and subvert it, so they have to keep loyal communist useful idiots and loser bourgeoisie intellectuals as the gatekeepers of academia.

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He’s saying “it’s the Jews” with out saying it, if you know what I mean?

Shit, can I actually buy this?

Whats wrong with antisemitic?

Turn Harvard into a public library, museum and tuition-free place of learning for the public.


Then you get gangstalked, HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE.

Big if true

the ivy league is the accession point to the NWO elite faggotry. guess what? poor white males are not allowed. ever.

bump, best thread right now

tip of the iceBERG

Here's a rare photo of Trump with Robert Maxwell who was outed as an Israeli-Mossad spy connected to Epstein

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-13 Lawsuit Claim Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein Argued Over Taking Teen’s Vir (848x431, 780K)

Stop this right now desu, I'm on a diet.

It’s true. A Harvard degree lets you do and say anything and opens up unbelievable job opportunities even if you’re completely incompetent and unqualified

you normies have no idea how fucked it is

t. top 5 uni, went in expecting stomach churning degeneracy and was still shocked how bad it is

I go to a top 10 so maybe I have an idea

and by top 5 you mean HYPSM right?

But one still has to be intelligent and hard working to gain admission unless they're the son of a billionaire/world leader, so the assumption of competence on the part of employers is somewhat justified.

>The Ivy League, with the possible (doubtful) exception of Dartmouth, is more of a kosher nostra operation

>t. Poison the well shill
Found the jew

>But one still has to be intelligent and hard working to gain admission unless they're the son of a billionaire/world leader, or millionaire parents that pay bribes

Documents show those indicted allegedly paid millions in bribes to get their children into elite colleges. Those colleges include Yale, Stanford and the University of Southern California.

Go on user...

Of course I saw that, but that is still a very small percentage of kids out of all of those who gain admission to top universities each year.

Memes becoming reality

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gee i wonder who is behind that post

Is there an omnipresent, lingering smell of sperm coming from fraternity houses that host future politicians? Some must start the buttfucking early, like Obama and the Hawaiian Judge (doesn't have a drop of Maori in him obviously) friend he went to school with.

Is that Alan "Never Removed My Underpants" Dorschewitz?

They're either from fringe industries that basically insure they'll get a job the moment they get out, or are undertaking these studies as to fit into a job or position they're already insured to get due to nepotism and trade of influence.