Why is there an intention to join white women with black men?

Why is there an intention to join white women with black men?

This is strange, why is there something so specific?

why is there a blacked porno and not a porn bleached.com?

Why does it happen?

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it's not so complicated faggot

it's just a website shilling their shit here. they want money


Looks like somebody took a shit into the pool again.



psychological warfare. the intent is demoralization

Because in capitalism things that got no appeal face bankruption.

Jews. Also white men have become pathetic and women are going to the stronger males. It's that simple. Men need to be men, get their house in order, patrol the thots, and get women back in line.

breed whites out of existence with the lowest genetic filth

>stronger males
If you unironically think the average nigger is stronger than the average white, either you burgers have truly fallen from grace or you are susceptible to propaganda. In all metrics, Whites are ‘stronger’ than blacks except for one - long distance running/marathons.

Except all "their" efforts, race-mixing is still rare

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Many reasons;
Racism towards whites and laughing at white women when they fell for the blackmeme and have mixed low iq mud babies. Ultimately white women give up their dark spawn and try to find a white man to take them in which fails, its like salting the Earth
Racism against whites and trying to weaken whites by breeding them out of existence and creating "equality" and making the future mud offspring be lower iq than the reigning (((them))) population
Companies trying to promote pornography, simple
Naive people trying to promote diversity and inclusion by showing you how safe low iq minorities are


Precisely this. The brilliant part is that most people don't know they are engaging in this war, they just think they are being "progressive". They've turned normal people into foot soldiers of their revolution without the normal people noticing.

Imagine having to make such a meme in order to cope.

Except in society we are weak. White men are being pushed around literally and figuratively and refusing to fight back, that's why we are considered weak. We have resigned ourselves to second place to make others feel better and the results are we're losing ground as a race.

Except the amount of white women fucking shitskins rises everywhere. Zoomer bitches are riding any nigger dick that gets near them.

White people are gluttons for cucking

Jews want to emasculate white men and humiliate the shiksa. They've been doing this since medieval times.

It's literally because it's an abomination.

if you want to really go deep, jews see blacks as being symbolic of jewishness rather than as black in and of itself. an outsider group that gets one over on a dominant white culture on its own terms, does that sound familiar? every time a black man fucks a white woman in a porno he's "really" a jewish man doing it

Cope with what? All of the top strongmen in the world are White. All of the top powerlifters are White. The top MMA fighters are all White. Swimmers, skiers, golfers, tennis players, soccer, hockey players, all skilled position NFL players, cycling, I could go on and on....

Niggers have basketball and marathons. Big fucking whoop

There is more mainstream porpaganda to join white males with non-white women, that's a fact. Interracial porn fall into the degradation of women category that turns incels on

Jews hate whites and love subhumans.

Jews giving whites what they truly desire, without caring about the long-term effects it will have on the host nation - they'll just migrate like they always do

Of course, jews are tiny dicked.
Big nose, tiny dick. Now spread it to them.

To breed the blacks out and white trash out.

Speak for yourself, faggot. I’ve been inside twice for completely dismantling niggers in fights. The only time they ever got close to me is when 3 of them (predictably) jumped me after I got the upper hand on the Tyrone I was fighting. Go to the gym. Join a kickboxing gym. Sort yourselves out, faggots

>The top MMA fighters are all White
The top MMA fighters are Slavs and various mutts (like uber mutt cormier).

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You are considered weak because you give them what they want. Has nothing to do with being physical, nigs have shit genes. Nigs don't respect you because you give them free food, school, welfare, free everything.

>Black men
>More likely to be manlet than whites
>More likely to be fat than whites

cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_11/sr11_252.pdf (table 12, page 16)

Because they want to get rid of white people. If white women are breeding with non-white men then white people disappear. White guys can "bleach" non-white women all day but all it does is make more non-whites; those white men are still going to die off, though, and having kids is a drain on them both financially and otherwise (and also their money would be essentially given over to non-whites anyway if they look after their kids).

And they pair black men with white women because non-whites envy whiteness in all its forms generally speaking and getting with a white woman is literally like getting a trophy. Also WFBM causes the most visceral reaction in people; it also contrasts the most. It's all pretty much political, and even here in Canada they push it despite our black population being very small especially compared to our massive Chinese, Indian and Arab populations.


Absolute nigger-tier thinking, hapa. He doesn't mean PHYSICALLY stronger. Culturally blacks are way more culturally pushed. Hell, even in fucking Canada our biggest celebrity is a half black-half Jewish guy.

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>breed whites out of existence with the lowest genetic filth

Brought to you by the JEWS...Have a nice day anons

Brazil is literally ‘Bleached.com the nation’

You're such a fucking brainlet. I'm not talking about a pure physical fight you mong! Do you not see the other white men around you cowering and giving up ground? Do you not see how they've given up their position in society to appease the lower dregs of it? While you're talking about "dismantling" niggers, they're tearing apart white society. Cope harder faggot.

Funny how you can instantly tell these are poor, low iq southerners

Because its being pushed by JEWS. Only 7% of white women in the USA find black males attractive. And of that amount, Jews aren't excluded, and we all know that Jewish woman are the primary lovers off niggers. And the rest are largely the fatties, white trash, gold diggers, and uglies. Thats literally it. Probably less than 1% of attractive white women would ever let a nigger in their vicinity.

Jews will still and try and push it on society regardless. They think that if they push these subhumans on whites enough that white women will somehow avoid what their eyes show them, and start banging niggers. It just isn't happening. At least not in the USA. This infuriates the Jew. Along with the fact that it is having the opposite effect in the USA. I think part of it is that the Jews hate that their own women love niggers, and the other part is that they just want to try and make white women forcibly be attracted to niggs. But that agenda has failed massively and continues to fail. The Kallergi plan won't work in the USA unless whites are replaced by invaders. Getting white women to breed with niggers to wipe out the white race is simply not going to happen.

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Kalergi Plan

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Exactly my point. I'm not talking about physically, literally weak. I'm talking about in the big picture, white men are giving ground instead of fighting for what little ground we have left and we're being preyed upon for being capable of kindness to niggers.

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This UK? Looks like they’re riding seals (not Seal.)

What a group of hot future single moms.

They crave dark immigrant dick.

It's so sad.

>our biggest celebrity is a half black-half Jewish guy
I have no idea who the fuck you are talking about, so there’s no way he’s our ‘biggest celebrity’, and by the context of his post that is exactly what he was talking about. Not my fault you are fucking retarded and can’t comprehend simple sentences. Also, I’m not a fucking chink, go fuck yourself. Pure White to the point my surname is literally ‘The White Man’ in French.

Learn about the babylon working

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I actually don’t see what you are talking about, because my life isn’t a fucking BLACKED porno and I don’t walk around projecting my insecurities like you mutts do. Niggers are retarded and they fucking know it. Just look at affirmative action.

He's obviously talking about Drake, you idiot.

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Nope, it's to breed blacks out. Their offspring are like to white partners too. By the 5th generation they be hardly black genetics left.

If the men aren't up to the task of eugenics guess it's up to the women.

Breeding for a subservient slave race.

Nothing to be sad about. They are being removed from the genepool forever and being replaced by a superior specimen.

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So our biggest celebrity is some dude who goes to Raptors games? I’m not an Ontariofag, but I can assure you no one outside of Toronto gives two shits about that loser.

>have no idea who the fuck you are talking about

>so there’s no way he’s our ‘biggest celebrity’
Yes he is. Just because you wouldn't know who he is doesn't somehow make it untrue. I can assure you that every girl aged zygote to 25 sure as hell knows him.

>and by the context of his post that is exactly what he was talking about. Not my fault you are fucking retarded and can’t comprehend simple sentences.
No, it's you who is retarded and can't comprehend that he meant culturally dominant. Right after he talked about "stronger males" he said:

>Men need to be men, get their house in order, patrol the thots, and get women back in line.
What do you think he meant by this, dipshit? You think he meant controlling bitches via working on your bench press?

>By the 5th generation they be hardly black genetics left
Immigration + population of niggers in Africa = you're a tard

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White women only abort white children.

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Because every time a white and a black mate the child is black. It's an easy way to slowly kill the white race. The white woman with black man trope is most popular because 1) it is promoted as a way for the white woman to prove her wokeness and make up for slavery, colonialism, blah, blah, blah, and 2) it's the Left's attempt to rub it all in the face of straight white men.

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Literally nobody outside of Toronto gives a shit about that mutt faggot. Even our media mocks him and calls him the teams’ mascott. You’re projecting your gay man-crush.
As for the rest, yes, you need to be physically dominant to put thots in line, plain and simple. Again, you are a weak loser who is projecting and generalizing. Whites are stronger in every sense of the word, and that is why we will prevail. Take your defeatist attitude elsewhere. I don’t mind debating and conversing, but if your answer is some nihilistic cynicism, keep it to yourself or know you’ll be ignored

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>yes, you need to be physically dominant to put thots in line
ya, bro.

If you personally just beat your girlfriend, then the miscegenation problem worldwide will end.

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Morons, all of you. I’m out.

white people are intelligent and compete with rich satanist pedos for wealth and power
white people in germany after being programmed for 200 years still rise up and purge kikes and destroy financial reserve banking and debt based currency

niggers are stupid
niggers are easily led
niggers do not compete with anyone

mutts have no identity and get their identity from the culture of the land (kike media)

simple as that

People definitely do follow (((celebrities))) on social media, and watch their T.V shows and listen to their music. They definitely do give a shit about them, but this is only on a superficial level. Sure, smarter people pay no attention to the pop-culture world unless they are doing analysis; as we know, most people are not smart.

Remember these whores when some white knight cuck says that white women marry white men. Of course they do, they all want someone to raise their niglet.

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Why are you fighting niggers?
Jesus Christ bud.
I haven't even seen a nigger in like 8 months.

Stfu virg. The world is made for black and mulatto gods like me. Go rot somewhere else.

women love being conquered and always have

>Literally nobody outside of Toronto gives a shit about that mutt faggot. Even our media mocks him and calls him the teams’ mascott. You’re projecting your gay man-crush.
You're such a stupid faggot that it's almost unbelievable. "No one outside of Toronto"? Really? You want to die on that hill? You think it's "just Toronto" that gives him millions of views on his music videos, why he sells out arenas in the US? Why virtually everyone under the age in Canada and the US (and probably many parts in western Europe) knows him? Cope harder and harder.

>As for the rest, yes, you need to be physically dominant to put thots in line, plain and simple.
Yeah, and who is doing that that? Blacks? Arabs? Hispanics? Notice how I don't give a 'white' option because that would just be hilarious to even suggest them in the 21st century - certainly in the west at least.

>Whites are stronger in every sense of the word, and that is why we will prevail
Yeah I really get that sense like when you brought up about niggers getting affirmative action. Based strong white people giving them undeserved things so that white people don't get them and fall behind. Holy shit, based 4D chess.

>I don’t mind debating and conversing,
You should because you're horrible at it.

>but if your answer is some nihilistic cynicism, keep it to yourself or know you’ll be ignored
Ignored like how you now don't bring up that you didn't understand that American when he talked about strength and then he even replied to you to tell you that you misunderstood it when you tried to say he meant something else. Rake yourself, my dude.

And like it or not, most people are dumb. Most women are dumb. Most people follow pop culture. You can talk about being smarter all day, but when your women are obsessed with the Kardashians and the rapper of the month, don't be surprised by it. Shit, I don't even follow pop culture shit really and even I know why people like Drake are since it's everywhere.

I patrol around the nightclubs when it’s closing time. you have no idea how many White thots I saved from Tyrones basically slapping them around outside the clubs.
>inb4 coal burners deserved it
No they don’t. They are susceptible to the programming, as has been alluded to earlier in the thread. I forgive them, for they know not what they have done.

He's lying so he can cope with the fact that black lords own what he can never have.

They seem to prefer to be conquered by everyone except you. What gives?

>you have no idea how many White thots I saved from Tyrones basically slapping them around outside the clubs.
>you have no idea how many White thots I saved from Tyrones
>I forgive them, for they know not what they have done.
>I forgive them

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Forcing himself to believe Sexual Selection isn't the most powerful and deliberate force in the whole cosmos.

Neh breh I be saving them from le programming.


>No they don’t. They are susceptible to the programming, as has been alluded to earlier in the thread. I forgive them, for they know not what they have done.
Your genes don't deserve to exist.

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There are literally multiple channels for white guys fucking black girls like BlackValleyGirls or Exotic4k

It comes from the same exact place communist propaganda does. Social science. Sociology specifically, there are probably a million kids with $200k loan sociology degrees fighting for 15 jobs. In sociology they worship Marx and a few other cock gobblers. The black white thing is another theory that is taught. They are always scheming on ways to destroy social order. The social order in the USA goes white man, white woman, black man, black woman. Sociology is racist so they leave the other races out. The theory goes you can’t jump more than one social order or it will create to much negativity. The jump from black man to white woman is one jump. One jump just creates grumbling. The two jump is why you don’t see white man black woman propaganda.

>Past year

Imagine being this stupid. A woman could have sex with a different guy every two years and he “chaste” you stupid fucking moron LMAO

It's mostly an ignorant civ-nat meme that says we're all equal in birth, and if we just fuck each other enough, we won't fight anymore.
But it's not true, we're not equal in birth, and it's actually likely a goal of another civilization to degrade our intellectual and cultural stability.

Nobody cares about the MMA, skiing, swimming or powerlifting.

I protect the weaker women of my tribe, so I am the weak one, in your twisted thought processes? What the hell is wrong with you?

Um, no. Watch our television commercials and movies and kid's shows for god's sake. It's always BMWF in our media. There is a deliberate effort to promote this pairing. It can't be a coincidence.

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Yeah but people care about some mutt manlet from Degrassi? Yeah, no they don’t. Get fucked

The monkey is retarded, ignore him

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Don't even bother with him. He's on levels of cope mere mortals would die from. You could point out that basketball and football are the biggest sports in America and he'd reply with "Well I don't care about them so..." or he'd point out Tom Brady and ignore all of the huge names of black guys in those two sports. After all, no one cares about Drake because -he- doesn't.


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>Nobody cares about the MMA, skiing, swimming or powerlifting.

Wtf are you going on about fag?

You’re confounding “weak” with traitorous and parasitic.

Nice trips; deserved.