
>fastest growing economy
>flips off EU bureaucrats
>fuck niggers mentality
>not brainwashed by kike media
>military stronghold of central europe and protector of V4

If you are not stupid you are going all in on Poland

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Your post is shit fag.

how is food there?

It's not as based here as you think. We're poor.

actually there is a shitload of ukrainians and gradually more and more niggers here and you can see it by just walking around cities
so idk
it's not bad yet but it's getting visibly worse with time

And you die off in the next 100 years because your women rather work as hookers in western Europe than to make babys lol

Attached: projected-population-change-european-countries-2017-2050.png (2400x1800, 306K)

Based Poland

Pretty good, I'd say.

How could average people help?

Poland stronk.
Defender of the white race.

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I would befriend that funny looking guy over you desu sorry but it would never work out between us senpai

>german posts this image
>germany is only 1.36% better-off than poland


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the illegal arms trade across europe must be easy with the lack of border checks. just sayin.

Go away

>the eternal fear of the east syndrome

it's the fastest growing economy because it's part of the EU faggot. Their shitty country will burn to the ground the moment they try to leave

>fastest growing economy

half of this is internal demand propelled by gibs. The other half is from 2 mln ukrainians.

>flips off EU bureaucrats

you wat? Timmermans didn't win but we have Von Der Leyen who supports gay marriage, united states of europe and literally supported oposition in Poland. She's also a german, a buddy of Merkel and polish government talks every other day how germany and Merkel have to much power in Europe. They announced it was a big succes, fucking lmaooo. She also said that all the things Timmermans was hated for (like rule of law and shit) will be strenghtened.

Beata Szydło, polish prime minister, that had 500k votes in eu election was the only candidate for the comissioner AND SHE FUCKING LOST lol. While Ewa Kopacz from the oposition party is VP of the parliament.

>fuck niggers mentality
>le racism is a good thing

>not brainwashed by kike media

don't know what you mean. But have you seen how public media looks in Poland? They were far more free and objective under communist regime. We have oniontier things every day and they are fucking real.

>military stronghold of central europe and protector of V4

army is a disaster under PiS. We had a ministry of defense that was actively destroying the army and was proven to have Russia connections, and Nato demanded him to be sacked because of that. Polish Army is in bad condition, but they are trying to fight this image by spreading propaganda. And you know what happened with Intelligence? Especially the foreign intelligence unit? It was ruined by PiS and now polish spies use proxy countries as middlemans because no one wants to work with them, they are so fucking exposed. It's hard to point out one moment in polish history when we were so fucked with the army. Maybe 39' kek

and also that

No worries I'm going on an impregnation trip next month to Estonia.

she will kill herself before the 9th

>folds to Israel on reparations
>sucks Hebrew cock 24/7
>lets most immigrant workers ever from Ukraine, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Philipines
>handing out gibs left and wright to subhuman bydlos, who haven't worked a day since three generations
>passes laws that strangle local Polish businesses while giving privileges to (((multinational))) companies
>covers for priests who rape children
Yeah, so based. So right wing.

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Also, have civilization.

>>lets most immigrant workers ever from Ukraine, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Philipines
Implying this is bad in any way. You prefer muzzies and nigroids?

>lies lies lies
post nose

You do know that all those western birthrates are prompted up by refugees right?

What reparations?

For historical responsibility, what else?

Since the Roman times it's been a basic principle of inheritance law, that when there are no heirs, the property passes to the city/state. Then Holocaust happened, and lot of real estate in prime areas were left without any heirs - so it fell to the Polish state. Of course after the war, most buildings were raized to the ground by the Germans and had to be rebuild with taxpayer money. Now 80 years later, after everything has been rebuild and has increased in value the ADL and other organizations based in the USA demand "reparations" for these properties. And of course Zion Don was more than happy to oblige and has been putting pressure on Polish authorities ever since. He even pressed for this act to be implemented in Poland: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_for_Uncompensated_Survivors_Today_(JUST)_Act_of_2017

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You forgot:
>Judeo-American vassal state
>lowest birth rate in Europe

>you're a jew!

very strong counterargument.

>most buildings were raized to the ground by the Germans
and soviets, they bombed gdańsk almost to ground

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You have to question what the kikes have planned for poland. Something big it seems.

>not brainwashed by kike media

too late it already happening

virus is spreading

5 years from now we will be no different than germany or france

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