Do you ccl? Are you allowed to in your state. Pic very related

Do you ccl? Are you allowed to in your state. Pic very related

Attached: deecdksl1q931.jpg (1125x1202, 141K)

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Lol, I love it when niggers get gunned down for being stupid niggers. Such a feel good story.

Does the writer really think this isn't a glowing endorsement of CCL?

>literally caught in the act
>force was used to halt/prevent the crime
>"found guilty by one man REEEEEEE"
Fuck this bitch.

>Do you ccl?
>Are you allowed to in your state
I live in California, no

>Do you ccl?
>Are you allowed to in your state
Getting a license to carry is next to impossible. Getting a license to own a pistol is also extremely difficult.

he's dressed sharply, haircut obviously done at a professional barber. this guy wasn't stealing to survive, he was stealing because he was a lazy piece of shit who'd rather take what other people worked for than earn something himself.

West side of what? Cause if it's Chicago then that's typical


>did you know
>when it snows
>crystal flakes glow
>on a nigger's nose?

Attached: glow_nigger.jpg (808x522, 72K)