Is this movie totally pozzed or is it watchable?

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It's literally a Jewish fantasy. Why do you think all Mossad patsies are like hollywood cartoon characters?

norton absolutely destroys the kike in the dinner scene. everything in his speech gearing up to wreck the store is true to this day. ending makes no sense as he would naturally react by shaving his head off, but it has some stupid meaningless platitude instead.

movie is unintentionally based

Attached: sswoj2.jpg (645x851, 84K)

Gay AF.

More pozzed than this pic, not to mention the director couldn't be more jewish if you tried, also this

Attached: trudeau_catching_aids.jpg (960x540, 213K)

It is a good movie and taught me a lot about the ignorance of hate.

>First half golden
>second half kike-niggar shit!

Funny part of the movie is that after letting go of his waycist ways, his younger brother gets killed by niggers in the school toilet so the movie is unintentionally based.

> muh Norton
Yet another kike predictive programming, you should kill yourselves. It's not my fault you are a cancer to the environment and all living beings.

>filename kek

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