Remixed the Bagel Boss for your viewing pleasure

Attached: bagelboss.jpg (1000x1000, 450K)

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Dope as fuck

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Can you imagine being a

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s o i b o i shill

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this faggot is also advertising this to get schekels as he sells this shit track.


this isn't your wall to spam your commercials


me too, i love being 5 feet 7

Bagel trolls roastie, leaves her to freeze -

What a chad

Fuck off, commie, he's working here!!!!

Owns a business but drives a run down POS from the early 90's?

Das rite. Bagel's the fucken macdaddy.

I see, I have much to learn from Boss man Bagels.

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>do really tall people use their height as a crutch for a lack of personality?
wew this
tall fags taking up so much space, it's niggerish they are like fat people throwing their weight around they need to be culled

amazing 10/10

when will you white boys learn what woman want?

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Sorry tariq shlomo most women dont like gays aka nigs. Nice try though poopykins. Pun intended.

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based and runtpilled

We shall not be denied.

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