Im gay ,right wing and hate the lgbt

Im gay ,right wing and hate the lgbt.
Why does Jow Forums hate me?

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No one gives a fuck if you’re a queer. It’s the fact you have to say it first thing instead of just saying “fuck niggers”

I don't, just don't be one of (((their))) crowd.

no one gives a fuck if you're a faggot.
just keep it hidden from the public's eye so you don't pollute children with your disease.
not that fucking hard.

Because you need to brag about being a faggot. That said, what's so great about being a faggot that you need to celebrate it, for an entire month even?

Oh wow look another le based gay/tranny/furry who hates the left. We’re a dime a dozen and no one cares because it is 2019 after all.

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>gay pride! muh equalitiee
Being gay dont make you "special". It makes you gay.

Jow Forums didn’t hate you until
>I’m gay
As the firstt thing you typed. This is exactly what Jow Forums hates about LGBT. On a personal level, I’m willing to let it slide
Holy shit sage

Kys faggot. And do it somewhere remote so no one has to process your AIDs infested corpse.

Well most people here are religious virgin tools with no real life experience. If you hate the lgbt then why are you wearing the flag and yelling to everyone that you’re a homo?

>Im gay ,right wing and hate the lgbt
literally same for me
>Why does Jow Forums hate me
but not this

>Im gay
>Why does Jow Forums hate me?
Don't know.

I don't hate you, I'm just disappointed.

I don't hate you. You hate you. ...and your sock puppet does too.

gays are fine, I just dislike faggots. not all faggots are gay and not all gays are faggots. faggots are cultural normative gay degeneracy pushed down our throats and especially targeting children and encouraging sin. people that struggle with same sex attraction is fine, everyone struggles with something.

I don't hate you but God does it. Shoot up the local pride parade and he will forgive you.

Always FPBP


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You're an attention seeking faggot, faggot. What's with the fag flag, faggot? Is your nationality butt piracy? Do you raise that flag when you're crashing your bowsprit into another man's AIDS-ridden prolapsed anus?


>Why does Jow Forums hate you?

I don't if what you said is true. I hate authoritarian leftists, but I don't care what someone's orientation is. That's your business, as long as you keep it that way then I have no issues.

I also hate promiscuity from anyone, but I actually hate straight promiscuity more than gay promiscuity; gay promiscuity has produced 0 unintended pregnancies and let to 0 degenerates reproducing, unlike straight promiscuity.

There's a difference between being gay and being a faggot. OP is clearly a faggot

Because you're a faggot, no one cares if you are gay or not and personally i'd rather not hear it.

Because you don't show off anything valuable. Nobody cares about flags and labels. What are you even good for?

Buzfeed please exit

No matter how you swing, if you post on Jow Forums you're a faggot.

I don't, fren.

I know this is bait as OP is a faggot anyways but you would develop an attraction to women and start loving pussy more than men asshole if you stopped touching your dick for 3 months

Because you’re gay.

SLIDE THREAD sage.And no I dont hate you but promoting it in public is causing a lot good white people from being born, PRIDE shit is evil. If someone wants to suck dicks in their bedroom it isnt any of my business, but if its in public street in front of kids then it is big problem.

Nobody hates you, stop being a drama queen
When someone says "I hate faggots", they mean LGBTQ++ propagandists and bugchasers, not normal gays minding their own business

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im a mechanical engeneer student!

I don't hate you, I love you :)

So are 90% of the other ones.

don t doub it bud

God doesn't want you to be a homo

>I hate the LGBT
>posts with LGBT flag
But desu realizing that the sodomite community is full of perverts is enough for me. I have met some homos and the kind of shit (trannies, sex parties, gay parades) they tell me about makes me want to puke. I suppose if you also hate those perverts, you're alright, or at least considerably less bad than the other faggots.

Tbh I might even be able to relate in some way. Sometimes I have found other men attractive, so I think I might be bisexual. But I've never actually acted on that and that is partly because of how revolting I find the LGBBQ community and how much I don't want to be one of those vile faggots.

>hates LGBT
Good, you should. You keep your shit to yourself, at very MOST normal couple level where you aren't parading around naked or in fetish gear, making your entire life your sexuality, and no one will care. Also, don't touch kids.

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