Bernie’s gonna make the rich pay their faire share. That means Silicon Valley CEOs, Wall Street bankers, Billionare & Millionare Hollywood Celebrities, Sport Stars, Normie Youtubers who get paid millions, like Logan Paul ($14.5M), Jeffrey Star ($18M), Markiplier (17.5M), etc.
Anyone that’s against these rich people being forced to pay more in taxes than what they pay already is a massive cuck.
>triggered mutt boomer cucks defending rich fuck's pensions absolute state of the african alt-right
Joshua Hall
non-revolutionary socialist economic policies are bribes in favor of the status quo that simply prolong the suffering of the working class. vote for the greatest capitalist so it can destroy itself.
Austin Bennett
seizing the fruits of a worker's labor is corporatism
bernie is the ultimate corporatism kike. at least with companies you can leave and go to a different one. bernie's government just points a gun at you.
anyone who believes that bernie deserves anything but a bullet to the head is a traitor to western civilization
Christopher Cook
enough to feet you weebos
Hunter Scott
He’s an idiot. Talks about the Nordic systems and his plan looks nothing like their system of government.
rich people / corporations are already supposed to be paying way more than they are Bernie won't magically close every tax loophole just by tweaking some numbers. a VAT would be more effective since any rich person and every corp would be paying billions in VAT per year.
Jace Allen
I'm wondering if america is retarded enough to elect this fucker.
Parker Edwards
A VAT is a basically sales tax that affects the poor and the middle class the most since they’re the ones who consume more on their limited income you dumbfuck.
Who determines what's "fair"? Seems to me fair is equal taxation of everyone irrespective of income.
Actual fair would of course be a flat or a consumption tax. There's nothing fair about progressive taxation.
Stupid nigger, I want zero tax. I pay too fucking much as it is. Taxation is theft.
Ian Carter
although i like the idea of removing the crypto shadow jew factor and putting the jewiest literal jew in the whitehouse you can go ahead and go fuck yourself bud.
INB4 people misunderstand progressive tax ladders, this doesn't mean that someone making a billion dollars will pay $700,000 in taxes. It only imposes additional taxes on individual income that is more than five times higher than the median household income.
Connor Murphy
the unfortunate reality of the world is that you can't really get richfags to pay taxes. they're all assholes who will do anything to avoid paying taxes, and since they're already rich and influential they can do anything to avoid paying taxes. they will always find a loophole around taxes, and if they can't they just do a vanishing act with their money to a country where they can bullshit the taxes. this is not at all an excuse for richfags, just a notice that these types of people can't be stopped short of putting a bullet in their head
Andrew Roberts
A flat tax rate for all means lower income people would pay more in taxes in relation to their annual limited income compared to the rich.
You really think a system where a person making $18 million dollars a year and someone making $10,000 a year should pay the same federal income taxes? Who do you think this is going to put a strain on more? This is why libertarianism is a dying a movement.
Ian Jackson
Still he's a nigger loving cuck
Christopher Miller
surprisingly redpilled for a commie
Benjamin Campbell
I'd much rather be a cuck and a bootlicker than a poor commie.
>grifter He’s been saying the same shit for 40 years
Daniel Rodriguez
And making a living off of it
Has never held a job outside of elected office
Angel Watson
Americans consider this socialism? This is tax season in the great white north.
Dylan Taylor
Now you know why our country is dogshit
Jeremiah Evans
Why should White people support an anti-White Jewish Communist?
Tyler Roberts
This Jewish rat's only concern has always been his own wealth
Julian Lopez
Austin Harris
Bernie wouldn’t do shit if he was elected president (and he would never be elected president). Donald Trump is not a radical politician, he is extremely mild. Bernie, is much more of a radical. Now, if the powers that be won’t let Trump get anything through congress, why would they let Bernie? The answer is they wouldn’t. They won’t even let Bernie become president. His promises would bring too much change to the status quo. >if you want to be president, you have to play ball
Charles Bailey
Bernie raising the minimum wage will reduce mass immigration more than a bullshit wall. When will you free market faggots realise this?
>Well good news. Bernie wants to cut military spending and foreign aid to Israel. As well as end the ongoing wars in the Middle East and bring our troops home. sanders is an anti-white kike. Why would anyone trust him?
Bernie successfully passed the War Powers Resolution Act in both the House and the Senate which ends US involvement in the Saudi-led Yemen War. Then Trump vetoed it.
Bernie said he would cut military aid to Israel. Trump literally increased the foreign aid to Israel by 38 billion.
And you trust Trump more? Kek.
Nathan Garcia
All Jews are inherently anti-White All Communists are inherently anti-White. All Democrats and Liberals are inherently anti-White. Jews are a non-White race.
Non-Whites, anti-Whites and Communists do not belong in White nations.
Just because I don't support the anti-White kike Sanders does not mean I support the kike lover, Trump.