Women ruin society, whiteknights enabled them to

Reminder that yes, women ruin society, but that all this is only possible because of white knights who call themselves "men".

what can we do about the cancer that is "white knight" mentality?

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Women are just so fucking cringe if a man acted like that they would just be a fuckin weirdo. Let them be fucking douchey faggots. I laugh at them being "the in crowd" with no personality. And I do what the fuck I want.

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Why is it that when one white man gently pushes a white woman, he's instantly set-upon by every man in the area and beaten to submission...

While a nigger can spend half an hour wailing on multiple women in public and no one bats an eye?

They fancied their chances.
A black dude - not so much

Ya, we all know men never do stuff like that...

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Thats not "Im at Macchu Picchu. Check out my vag". They're larking about. If they made a big wooden dick and stone balls at the Taj Mahal I'd be like, wtf?

White knights are pathetic losers. I love watching women who act like men get their faces smashed in

Damn i fucking hate whiteknights

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because 99% of white knights are white

Is there any evidence that the Holocaust happened?

Same for the manlet a few days earlier, a White Knight had to tackle him down
Fucking pussy starved betas

See the difference?

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3 on 1 - pure cowardice

fucking wat?


That is so fucking cringe

3 on 1 is always cringe

hall of cost

ah yes

white supremacy
white unity
is that your ethno nationalism?

all out the window for a silly cunt

I guarantee you, men have shit in that pool before.

Have sex.

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>Never forget the 6 gorillion dollars lost to the evil nathzees

Biologically we're driven to protect women and attack men who attack them. That is how we reproduce. I'm sorry you and your life partner don't get the same treatment life giving women get.

Would those 3 have overreacted so much if he shoved a man? No. So whose sexist here? The 3 guys. Its 2019. Women should be allowed to fight their own battles or get beaten up if they cant. Like that woman needs help. Women are equals. They WANT to be treated like men, so they should get beat up. Those 3 guys were stopping progress. Sexists!


What in the holy mother of fuck does that have to do with anything?

>going anywhere outside in America without your nigger killer

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hahahahahahha Jow Forumstard got btfo

their were three on him, he should have walked away.

the jews did naht see that coming

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>your nigger killer
but all the cucks in the OP webm are white as far as americans can be white.

That’s why men white knight. Because they think that’s what it’ll lead to.

I call pistols Negro Taming Devices or NTDs

The idea that men can be just as bad as women in public. Have you not been paying attention to the entire thread or something?

forgive him, pakis are inbred

Oh hi Johnny

t.im new here so I cant see what these threads actually are

>there were three on him he should have been in a concealed carry state

What the fuck does "shitting in a pool" have to do with anything. Did I accuse some woman of shitting in a pool?

You accused women of being hapless douches in public. I'm only reminding you that men can also act as such. Is it really so hard to understand?

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not white men

Because white knight faggots are pussies who buy into superhuman nigger meme.

Youre talking about shitting in pools

lmao kill yourself redditor

start killing

It is the leftists infused perpetual victim hood assigned to women and blacks, while white men are supposedly always oppressors. Three white guys beating a nigger would spend 30 years in prison, regardless of the nigger beating up on a woman.

>what can we do
Red pills.
A basic understanding female psychology solves the problem.
t. ex white knight.

>"white knight" = orbiter = incel

DOWR Day of Whitenight Rope

>White knights.
No, you mean Captains Save A. Ho.

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Dios mio look at the size of #3’s nipples

idk man, if I saw some roastie getting knocked out I'd be lmao my anus off. 99% chance she deserved it.

Women without father/husband yes.

Women with father/husband no.

Right? So strong and unified.

No not a single one

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Because they dont want to get charged with a hate crime

and that's the future of being white and walking anywhere

how can anyone look at this type of thing and still think white's will help each other or deserve help at all

There is a half-truth behind the holocaust. The liberal secular jews organized the communist revolution in Russia. A large chunk of their opposition (and the literate intelligentsia) was the religious jews, so the secular jews had to kill off their religious counterparts. A lot of jews did die in the Soviet death machine and they blamed as much of it as they could on the Germans.

Look up stuff like Katyn Massacre, Suvorov's Icebreaker, Golytsin's Perestroika Deception, etc.

is this staged?

unironically this

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based, nothing better than to rough up someone and still be able to take the high road

We can already establish this when looking at the battlefields of WWII. "Whites" as some sort of collective kinship is a flawed idea.

Acting like a bunch of monkeys

anything a man can do, a woman can do better

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perfect metaphor for white women fucking up society

I love women and i'm going to keep loving them.

check out that "women are special" conditioning. lul

don't hit women lol

>"ayy mane, just b yo self N sheeit and have sex, bruh"

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I knew this post was coming. Can we get this filtered already?

She was set up. The men filming this left the bike running and are holding it in place for her. I doubt she even knows how to ride a Fagio.

The only variable you can control in life is yourself, so dont worry too much about what others do or think, worry about number one, that includes immediate family, especially if youre a parent

someone insult or threaten your wife, gf, a sister, or mom, pop them in the mouth and let them know you dont appreciate it

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whitoid submissive herd mentality. Black bvlls act like men should really act like and no one bats an eye because that's literally how nature is supposed to be. The absolute state of women nowadays was only thanks to white "men", that spent their time hating minorities back in the day and cucking themselves in the meantime. Thank you for women's suffrage, faggots. You reap what you sow.

Both parties at fault. He assaulted her and they took it to far and could get attempted murder for kicking the guy in the head like that.

>best buds dicking around in a river is the same as a woman flaunting her v*gina (Lord forgive me) at machu pichu
is right. You can't find a picture of a dude flashing his p*nis at the Lincoln memorial or something

this user has his priorities straight

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It's funny how black women take a punch and just carry on as usual. Every girl I've ever hit or slapped has had a cry after. Sometimes going completely nuts with the whole neighbourhood having to put up with it.

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OP is correct. The failings of women are a direct result of the failings of men. Eve ate the apple but Adam was not there to protect her from herself.

Whote boys are honestly such faggots lol, even while beating someone up they look faggoty

This, might as well be niggers

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>real men don't need guns
>real men use a sword

Shut the fuck up whiny incel.

Men protect women because women carry the babies. It's very simple.

You touch my gf, I'll kill you. I don't give a fuck what face she makes at you, you little faggot.

White knights like you are no worse than niggers. How fucking pathetic

need a second wall for you pussies. just stand there like you always do lol

Men should not protect thots. It's very simple.

White knights are like niggers. They have to attack you in packs otherwise they won't do anything. They hope this will get them pussy.

But when not around, feel free to beat women up whenever you want in your home. Nobody cares if you do.

gas all homos

Yeah that’s totally the same retard

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Need video

No you won’t, nerd

Got a link for phonefags?
Yeah, I know applefag.

Haha fucking loser, you fell for the scam.

And it was Brits.
>‘Code Brown’: Hotel threatens £1,400 fines to rowdy Brits caught pooing in swimming pools in disgusting new 'logging' craze that exposes guests to harmful bacteria

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>a man protects his woman

sure thing, BETA.

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big mistake.

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