Is it okay to normalize homosexuality, or does it bring degeneracy to a society?
Is it okay to normalize homosexuality, or does it bring degeneracy to a society?
If homosexuals don't have children, how are they produced?
Anytime a society accepts mentally ill perverts as “normal”, you’ve got serious problems.
It isn’t ok to normalize anything that goes against gender roles because it normalizing anything influences children who are malleable and impressionable and they need to embrace gender roles for the best life for themselves and their community you fucking kike
just look at every empire pervious to the usa...
germany...yes hilter was gay
Watch "Cruising" with Al Pacino and get back to us.
>germany...yes hilter was gay
It must be true. Why would jewish journalists lie about Hitler?
ignoring all the "faggots are mentally ill" rhetoric (1. faggots != trannies and 2. not all fags are part of the alphabet tribe) I think normalizing homosexuality is still somewhat offputting. Throughout history homosexuals have been an extreme minority. It's really wierd to see them glorified to the extent that they are and see them having just as much if not more representation as hetero's, despite making up way less of the population. Forced diversity like that makes me sick.
>t. Fag
3% of the population commits 50% of child molestation. Homosexuality itself is degeneracy and it will not be tolerated in a red pilled society.
That paper’s sampling method wasn’t very robust. Also it’s from 2001 so I doubt it was a representative sample, post a more recent paper user.
shouldn't prosecute gays BUT
shouldn't let them have "pride" of it
It’s been normalized my whole life to be honest, and I’m 41. Two ways to look at it imo: this is mostly just the “because social media” explanation it seems way more in your face than ever; or society has been on a steady decline my whole life and this is just part of it.
There's always been gays,they were just married, closeted and that's it. Oscar Wilde was living in Paris bc homosexuality was legal in France since 1792. Not a big deal
Of course there’s always been faggots, that wasn’t the question.
Yeah it's gay sex that brings down empires, not over expansion and inept bureaucracy.
>a bunch of mighty faggots
good one OP
>If homosexuals don't have children, how are they produced?
But that isn't true, retard.
They do have kids. History is full of closet homos who have still had a wife and kids.
Until recently most gay dudes were in the closet. Even today there is a large amount of gays in the closet.
Fucking look at this website, how many people fap to traps and pretend to be completely straight. Nigger you are at least bisexual.
We should not normalize hedonism and sloth. This goes hand and hand with faggotry
They indoctrinate from a young age, just like religion.
Faggots spread disease and immorality.
Faggots diddle kids to reproduce.
Faggots can only exist off the backs of a thriving heterosexual society.
Faggots are parasites.
It’s both.