Convince abortion is wrong without referring to an emotionally based argument. You’re better than that...

Convince abortion is wrong without referring to an emotionally based argument. You’re better than that, we are better than that.

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August a cute!!! :D

If I kill a pregnant mother in the state of NY, im charged with a double homicide. The states definition of life is that it does matter before birth enough to charge me with a crime for ending it.

murder is illegal, because we necessarily have a right to life, except in cases of self-defence

Do men like women who look like that?

We must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children.

I accept that abortion is murder by definition, there is a clear argument on what a human life is and the only logical conclusion is human life at conception. Doesn't mean you can't kill it. In fact, abortion should be pushed because it is the last measure by self-indulging, low IQ, hedonistic, short sighted people aka niggers. If it weren't for abortion, you'd have 3 times as many jamals running the streets, growing up in single mother households. You can't spew memes about race war now but then cry when some 85 IQ negress aborts a few cells at week 3.


your state also has red flag laws. literally not an argument. feel free to try again

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All arguments are based on emotion in the end, so its impossible

>1 post by this cutdick brain damaged OP
you should have been aborted

>we necessarily have a right to life


This is an argument FOR abortion.

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3 posts and i'm uncut and you're still a fucking leaf lel

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This. I have no problem with abortion for other races, but it is our duty and obligation to argue against abortion of white life.

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Nobody needs children that nobody will raise properly.
Nobody needs to have children they don’t want.
We’re overpopulated anyway.

Also, that only counts the mother, so the white number includes coalburners.

I fully agree with this

An unborn child has different DNA than its leftist host.

If everyone abortioned the'd be no more monkies left to shit in the ocean.

i love her

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Only communists can be aborted, because communists aren't people.

The arguments for abortion are outdated. Technology has made antinatalism and neomalthusianism obsolete. The only argument that remains is killing in preference of a decadent lifestyle. Killing for decadence is evil and I will not debate that. Since one of the functions of life is to propagate it's existence, natural law dictates that abortion is wrong.


it's not, a lot of animals kill their young in various ways when incapable of raising them to adulthood. humans are no different and abortion is just the way of choice.

Baphomet says it's not and Baphomet rules this world

If "Feminism as an ideology", it is responsible for more human death than any other 'ism' in the history of our species.






-Abortion is the LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH on planet earth
>over 41 million people were killed from abortion in 2018
>World Health Organization believes this number closer to be 56 million.
>This is an increase from the 50 million annual abortions from years 1990-1994
-From 2010-2014 74% of all abortions were obtained by married women.
-Globally, 25% of all pregnancies end in abortion.
->women are the global statistical leaders in all categories of murder and death
>more humans were killed through abortion in 2018 alone, than all Wars combined since WWII
>Nearly as many people are killed via abortion annually, then all deaths from the entirety of WWII.

The state of Florida records a reason for every abortion that occurs within its borders each year. In 2015, there were 71,740 abortions in Florida. Here are the Percentage Reason for abortion reported:
.001% The pregnancy resulted from an incestuous relationship
.065% The woman's life was endangered by the pregnancy
.085% The woman was raped
.288% The woman's physical health was threatened by the pregnancy
.294% The woman's psychological health was threatened by the pregnancy
.666% There was a serious fetal abnormality
6.268% The woman aborted for social or economic reasons
92.330% No reason (elective)

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it's impossible to make a coherent argument for abortion without logically concluding that life is worthless, and basically morally justifying murder in general.
tell me user, where do you draw the line for when abortion is ok past fertilization? and what are your reasons?

this slide thread again

killing is natural, killing offspring is really natural.


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isn't that JBP's daughter? man doesn't even practice what he preaches. very sad. many such cases

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I support abortion 100%

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In a resource rich environment it's unnatural.

WELL OP???? WELL?????

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Good prevents overpopulation, and keeps my horrific food prices from going any higher.

>We are better than that.
>Arguing for abortion.

what's wrong with sacrificing kids exactly?

im in favor, if niggers than and leftists kill their children, then you cant call it genocide

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Is killing acceptable in a state of war? I'd argue yes. This is literally a war between cultures and races. Let the other side kill itself for fucks sake. For example, I'd do everything to convince my younger sister not to abort because we have a strong family and wouldn't let her down, she and the kid would have all the support in the world. I couldn't give a fuck about Kwaneesha aborting Tyrone's kid tho because it will be another dumb social security, drug dealing, raping ape who spawns even more of himself. Stop being a moralfag about this shit, it sounds like you sleep in Shapiro's overpriced sheets.

well you're spamming the thread with reddit memes?

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most people who have abortions are incapable of taking care of children, making it natural. it also lowers crime rates and gives blood to the blood god. all in all abortion is pretty good user.

cosinder the antithesis, we do not have a right to life, in fact we have no right to anything, not property, not abortions, not freedom, not rebellion against tyrants, all we have then is force, the force to cow others into recognizing our claims of rights, which is ironically exactly how one keeps their life when said right is not respected

So... I guess we should just bomb abortion clinics or whatever because you don't have a right to remove fetal tissue, which I call a rightful person, from your body and destroying your means of murder is defense of so many others that I find myself morally justified in my actions. Prove me wrong- oh, wait, you can't, we don't have rights by your own implication.

Wrong direction, OP.
Murder is already against our laws.
Prove to me it's lawful without an emotionally based argument.

>use logic and facts to prove murder is wrong.
The enlightenment was a mistake

You could have 10 whole Holocuasts every single year, every.single.year. and JUST equal the abortions happening annually

Man kinds greatest wood-chipper of human death (WWII) pales in comparison to the dasterdly ideology of females, who have industrialized killing that would make uncle Adolf Tremor.

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Not killing innocent human beings is the absolute bare minimum of human rights.

HAHAHAHAHAHHAH I BLEW YOU THE FUCK AWAY. there isnt a single reddit meme you literal jew cuck.

I fucking ethered you,

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>I guess we should just bomb abortion clinics

you could but you won't because you're a coward

correct, communists have no rights under the communist control act of 1954

placing a high value on life is necessary for a benign, stable society.
abortion devalues life.
therefore abortion is, as a general rule, undesirable.

- It promotes degeneracy by removing one of the biggest consequences of promiscuous behavior.
- It's a drain on resources as more doctors need to specialize for gynecology to meet the demand for abortions.
- Lowers birthrate which leads to the need to import foreigners to sustain the economy. This dilutes the host country's culture, among other negative social effects.

Do I need to go on?
I could go on, but it's bad

I don't have a problem with death

"Thou shalt not murder." It is divine law. Furthermore, we need to increase white birthrates and not allow white babies to be killed.


shut the fuck up

Natural selection. The basis of all successful evolution. Abortion is a form of economic eugenics, offspring killed for convenience. Nothing natural about it.

I generally don't have anything against the fact that women have abortions, as long as they admit its murder. In a perfect world women would be able to have abortions legally, as long as they change their middle name to "whopper junior" apart of the process.

Its not when its done on blacks

Oh, a roastie.


I fucking body slammed your bitch OP. and you too argument boy.

and if were going to start counter arguing that "reducing population" and 'tergeting demographics for elimination" im ready for your mental gymnastics why we dont first start with jews and niggers, who are destroying the actual real world.

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yes completely agree. i agree to abort all down syndrome or disable babies, and by definition niggers go under abortion.

Do you really think drugged up low class trash thinks about abortions being legal or illegal when they fuck behind the dumpers?

the kids dislike it, and it doesn't teach them anything.

irrelevant. holy shit. just admit you lost. I fucking raped you with facts. The fact is, feminism is an ideology, and abortion is a weapon of industrialized genocide.

humanity does not allow this in any capacity otherwise, except for here. why?

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>I'm a needy faggot
thanks for that

>92.330% No reason (elective)
This is an important redpill. The left always uses edge cases in abortion (and trans rights, and pretty much everything else) in order to obfuscate the argument and manipulate you into sympathizing with them. The first argument they bring up is always "should women who are raped by their fathers be forced to carry the baby" as if that's the rule rather than the extreme exception in order to work an angle on you.

Abortion being wrong depends on when. The day before birth? Clearly wrong. When it's a blastocyst made of 150 cells? Bitch please.

Fite me irl fgt

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They don't and that isn't a problem.

We need that "low class trash" for manual labor and such. Having them breed like rabbits and occuping those positions is infinitely better than importing shitskins that are worse in every way imaginable.

its not just the "low class trash" anymore incase you cant read, or havent noticed.

>you ever notice whos at abortion rallies
*hint, its not colored women*
*2nd hint* each one of those 'girls' would have their own abortion story to tell you.

the sad fact is, the mentality that abortion is a viable option spread to whites, who are having increasing numbers of elective abortions 'just because' or because they now view parenting as the ultimate 'nuisance'. or plain something "they just dont want"

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50% of those you just eliminated will go on to be "bitches," so "please" yourself and get consistent.
Oh, that's right, you're literally a woman, sorry I tried to make you equal to men.

I have better things to bomb, fed, let a pious christian take up that sword.

turns out rape and incest happen so infrequently, its as if they dont happen at all. only hypothetically.

although if you were to turn on pornhub, you would think 'step-sister' sex and 'step-mom/dad' sex was the only thing people were having these days.

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Even better is to have abortion laws loke Japan, only rape, disabled and poor babies can be legally aborted.

why is she so perfect anons

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Convince murder is wrong without referring to an emotionally based argument. You’re better than that, we are better than that.

nice counter argument faggot

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im only against abortion because of white fertile rates, as soon as that stables im fine with it.

if tomorrow they find a "blastocyst" on mars, it will be hailed as "life" and the most significant discovery in the history of humanity.

so which is it?

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it wasn't a counter-argument. I accept his premise that rights don't exist

Why not just get spayed?

whites are the fastest growing class of abortions you illiterate idiot.

i blew you the fuck out in your own thread.
your dumb fuck ass's will never learn. lefties die in the fire. SOON

>murder is illegal
not for your government it isn't.


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Well, the OP asked whether abortion is wrong, not whether or not a blastocyst is a life.

w e w

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Life is a gift from God, we can't create life, we can't bring the dead back, we can't create humans, only God can, if we destroy it the wrath of God will be one us, if we don't believe in God we are free to do whatever we want.

>You’re better than that, we are better than that.

who the fuck posts shit like this? only somebody that wants to further create an amoral, servile and godless society. sage

oh my goodness... she is so beautiful

A fetus has a human genome. End of discussion.

>who the fuck posts shit like this?
women, redditors, jews etc.

I already RAPED the OP
now smart ass,
I want to know how you do mental gymnastics to let me know when a "life" starts. whats your sliding scale on "how 'ok' is abortion?"

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take the augustpill user

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