Should women be circumcised at birth like males?

Also to the mods who deleted my thread yesterday, this is politics as we are discussing the legality of the practice of circumcision on men and women

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No doubt about it. It's healthier in the long run.

Absolutely this. Uncircumcised girls are dirtier and get nasty smegma in their vaginas. Cutting them will make them cleaner and healthier.

Just her tongue.

It's the grossest thing. I won't be with a lady who hasn't at least gotten a labioplasty.

No but the meat flaps need to come off

no. genital mutilation is a barbaric sand cult ritual, and should be outlawed

Mandatory executions for those performing circumcision or any other mutilation of children.

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>like males
Kek, oh you poor mutilated american. What does it feel like to never get to experience the full potential your manhood once held?

The horror ends after you post the in-store prices.

The entire labia needs to go. As well as the clitoral hood. It's ugly, gets dirty with nasty cunt cheese, and they get more STDs.

neither should be circumcised

Very anti semitic user.

Sweden is forward-thinking in terms of requiring consent forms before sexual activity. Once she signs it, you can carve it out to your liking and it's legal.

cut it all off for everyone, construct non gender specific pee spouts, and just grow all our babies in artificial wombs

Go back to the desert

sounds like equality to me

i'm anti-semitic user

ITT: Basement dwelling virgins discuss the finer points of female genitalia without ever having seen any.

>comparing foreskin to clitoral hood just because they're homologous organs
That doesn't give them the same stats, bud. Just don't snip your kid. Problem solved.

gotta "nip her in the bud" or else she'll grow up a whore.

>whores be everywhere
>this nigga can't have sex

Get ready for your thread to get deleted

Women are sacred cows to the mods

Kikes, niggers, and fags are the safe targets here

You can sew it closed if it's that big a problem.

what do u call a snek with his head cut
a ded snek

Based and redpilled

Clearly it would be more hygienic.

No! No one should. Why are mutts so obsessed with circumcision?

Because every time our women shift their legs it stinks up the whole room and that's just so impolite when company is over. They should be up serving drinks and food from the kitchen.

>wonders why girls don't like him

It's so insane to me how male circumcision is referred to as "clipping off extra skin :)" and other propaganda like "it reduces std transmissions" or "it has to be done as young as possible! Otherwise .... uh.... there could be complications err... I mean t hurts more!" What the fuck so it's more ethical to subject a newborn to pain involuntarily than subject a grown man to pain voluntarily ???

How fucking demented and psychopathic do you have to be to not have any ethical qualms about tying down baby boys and partially amputating their penis? How can you JUST ASSUME this person wants this procedure?

Why does everyone wring their hands and protest "what if he grows up hating his foreskin!? Oh no the horror! So much psychological damage!"

Bitch you fucking sadist what if he grows up hating his scarred , mutilated, unfeeling, diminished penis? What fucking recourse do these boys have?

It's not your fucking body , leave baby penises alone. Are babies likely to get hiv infections from sex? No? Then fuck off and wait for him to be an adult. You can lower hiv transmission rate through fucking education campaigns , I'm sure penectomies also would reduce STI rates but that doesn't make it ethical

What a disgusting pozd clown world, circumcision is the ultimate red pill because you realize how retarded the average person is and how trivial it is to teach them it's totally okay and ethical to carve up baby dicks

You also quickly learn how evil and incompetent the average doctor is , where it is also a trivial matter to convince them to tie down babies and slice up their genitals so big pharma can profit

Sometimes they call "scraping the clit off with a sharp rock" female circumcision, and in that case it is definitely not a both or neither type of thing. When it is just removing the loose skin so that the woman doesn't grow up to have roast beef that she will probably want to get removed by labiaplasty, then they are both good. Pussies look better without roast beef. It is probably also good to remove the skin covering the clit since it is definitely good to remove the skin covering the penis head.

Also, I can discern a weiner on the right there but I am not quite sure what that stuff on the left is. What is that stuff?

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You know how dirty women are. It's just easier to get it done at the outset.

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>am i pathetic?
>nah, all women are

ok roastie

Genital mutilation is genital mutilation. Doesn't matter which of the two sexes get's cut up. It's still wrong.

>Removal of the clitoral hood
Is that really all "female genital mutilation is"??? Male circumcision is chopping an inch of our dicks off for fucks same.

Scrutinizing an infants genitals and Performing a cosmetic surgery so their genitals look more appealing to you, is quite possibly the single most satanic , pedophilic, demented thing a human being can do

I think we should be gender-equal about it. It could have decided to be non-gendered while still in the womb.

>his natural defense mechanism is to pretend everyone who calls him out is female
Dad not around or just raised a pussy?


No, dad's about 500 miles away. You think this is my mom's basement?

yea but then how am i supposed to get my baby foreskin anti-aging cream?

pretty sure its my god given right to mutilate babies anyway, im sure theres a book or scroll somewhere that agrees with me

hmm cant we just grow babies in labs and use the whole thing, seems more efficient

based on what you type? That or some incel nest


We live in a society that mutilates baby dicks

So you're calling me an incel because you're a woman who for some reason disagrees with being hygenic?

>holds incel views about women
>gets buttmad when someone points out it might play into why girls don't like him
>natural defense is to pretend anyone who does so is female
Not helping your case.

There's nothing incel about wanting a clean woman.

Kinda is tho.

Ur gay

Like I pointed out some time back, you're just a dirty thot. If you'd been cleaned up at the beginning then you wouldn't be so obsessed with riding every cock in sight.

>i'd like a cunt au fromage
dirty quebec leaf detected

>people actually want to have anteater dicks with weird extra skin you have to stretch and clean and shit

lol nah

We're back to this defense again?

I have nothing to defend. I've made my point quite clear.

Whos cunt did you lick that had cheese on it you dumb fucking incel

One is commanded by God.
One is commanded by Satan.

Rejecting the first means you default to the second.

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I do not accept uncircumcised cunts.

Women say the male genitalia is ugly but at least ours doesn't resemble a facehugger.

It's not your body so it's not your choice to make. If you want your body to look a certain way then you should have the right to make it look the way you want.

How can you ethically force everyone to undergo a genital body modification surgery without their consent? What is your justification besides "ew gross lol". Oh right you have none

The only time your face goes there is when you're being born, idiot.

Yeah I’m gonna get my finger nails removed because I can’t be fucked to clean them. Burger retardation at its finest. I understand it’s frustrating knowing the Jews have stolen a part of you.

Right, incel.

Coming from overpriced America, good one

>ours doesn't resemble a facehugger.
Just come out of the closet Bob.

I'm just saying why would I wait around for it to heal if it hasn't been done already. Pass on and go to the next one.

This, but every time I hear about the benefits for my dick, which literally hurts every day, I want to pass the love.. Such is life

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Most of those posters are retarded boomers or trolls paid off by special interest groups

no, i think people like you should be shot in the back of the head.

Yeah doctors in America love to cut as tightly as possible , the more skin they cut off the more they get paid

Thanks jews!!

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It wasn't jews that started the practice among anglos, we did this to ourselves in a moral panic in the late 1800s

That's true. If it were the jews then there would be equal circumcision.

Female circumcision should be mandatory for all females under 40. It’s healthy and cleaner.

Its best to be antisemite than to be a jew. It takes a conscious, courageous, and well informed decision to become an auntysemite. A jew is a jew, just by being born one.

The reason the practice persists is still because of moral panic. No one in America can stop wringing their hands for a second about baby dicks, the idea of a young man touching his penis and feeling a pleasant sensation causes pearl clutching haggard baby boomers to quiver and shake with rage

This. Day of the rope for the kikes.

>You think this is my mom's basement?
I think all of you are going to suffer for a long time before you die.

Well, let's be fair. Today, the jews control medicine. So we need to retake the protocols in order to make sure the thots have been patrolled. We can't let innocent baby girls grow up with festering diseases and a head full of lust.

Stop user, that makes my blood boil

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Do your research, its always jew doctors making up reasons why its needed. Gotta keep the stds down! No wait its to stop masturbation! No this study shows its to blah blah blah

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Have you considered tugging to restore? That would stop the pain. Tightly cut guys have all sorts of vague testicular and abdominal pains because their tight cut penises cause Scrotal skin to be pulled up the penis shaft

If you grow the skin back it will allow the shaft to be slack as nature intended and no more pain will be present

There's much less suffering to get it done early. She won't even remember it.

I tried in highschool, but could it's difficult to get any kind of leverage. I'm really tight, and have odd abdominal pain on lower left side. But not tight enough to be considered a "botched job" or boomerang cock. I didn't realize they could be related. Will tugging on the milimeter and change of give I got really gonna eventually produce results?

I get that this place has become an underaged cess pool and the AvP reference just flew over your collective teenager heads. Carry on...

If you need a hugbox that's you're own autistic problem.

Yes user you can restore even tightly cut. It seriously increases your quality of life. Look into the reddit for foreskin restoration . Manual method 2 and 3 are your bread and butter

Good thing that you don't sound autistic in the slightest haha

Thanks user, I sincerely appreciate it

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this and it should be applied to both genders

this. and reparations from boomers to those who fucked this up

..not sure if even trolling/baiting..

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Now look up what a "facehugger" means and take a pie is said face.


Helene, listen me. If you have kidnapped me and brought me somewhere other than where I hope to be, then I will definitely torture, and it won't be to death in the way that you would hope.

If you are telling people that my possessions are your basement, the same thing will happen to you. I will make you suffer.

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yes, do it.
mine was really tight too, caused painful erections. restoration was the best thing I ever learned about.

For any jews reading this, you'll find no sympathy from me when you get shoah'd again.

She might not remember it, but then again this might be the best timeline she ever gets, and she's going to be on the downward spiral toward the back end of the human centipede of the timelines of the multiverse.

Seems like she didn't repent and she hasn't made any act of contrition. Subjecting me to indigent poverty condition does count in her favor at all, I was doing fine as a homeless person until they locked me in that slave hole with her.

It's really for the best. She'll be glad she didn't have to deal with getting sick from cunt disease and yeast infections, and not having to fall for all those romeos. I mean, girls are dumb before they become women.

Wasted enough time replying to some literal fag, thank you very much.