He leads in all the polls, but I have literally never met a single person who supports him for 2020. It seems like there is no enthusiasm for him in the real world. Is all his support just by old boomers that never leave their house, or are the polls just bullshit?
Who the hell are all of these people that support Biden?
Other urls found in this thread:
why is the silent majority silent?
>hillary ahead by 30 points
And we all know how that worked out
Zoomers nostalgic for Obama
They are super real. You must not question the (((polls))). If your candidate is losing in the (((polls))) do not bother going to vote. Trust the (((pols)))
He gets over 25 people at his rallies. Get used to saying President Biden.
His support doesn't exist and is entirely fabricated by the MSM
He's the only one anyone even knows about
He's running on his name alone
>core of the democratic base
>women of color
top kek
Old white people who love Israel
Who in the fuck believes in polls any longer after the the 2016 Presidential election? You?
no one likes him but people think he's the only one who can beat Trump
it's all fake. there is no support. no one supports him. no one shows up for his rallies.
it is made up by the technocratic capitalist state.
literal fake news.
Just normal people that aren't republicans. There are normal people on both sides, they are the ones that don't spaz out 24/7 over every little news item. They're the ones that that support biden. Also all the money and corporate dems.
Blacks like him
Biden is a pervert and clown. He has no chance. None of the libs do. They are fucked in 2020. The Republicans are going to take the House and the Ginsburg seat.
Unironically boomers
Boomers and blacks
Amerifats can't look past neoliberalism, especially the boomers. They're getting a sweetheart deal out of social security, so of courses they're going to vote against a legit socialist or communist who would threaten that, regardless if their plan would make things better or worse for everyone