Is there anything this guy's wrong about?

Is there anything this guy's wrong about?

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Hair styles

He's so smug and gay, but other than that I don't really have any faults with his arguments

he is some sort of strange nerd

He was kind of generally wrong about Trump. I remember all the celebration on his blog in 2016/2017, all the "God Emperor" stuff, etc. It's very cringe in retrospect.

what did teddy spaghetti predict correctly recently?

>mfw they're disagreeing with my genius intellect in the stream comments again

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The trinity (he's anti-trinitarian).

He's wrong about how smart he is.

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he's wrong about Israel and their right to exist as a country, other than that he's right about pretty much everything.

Where should Jews live if not in Israel?

these guys dont think that far

He's boring as fuck. I wouldn't tell him that though because he'd just call me a Gamma and ban me from chat.

yeah low energy

Colonizing mars rather than building building O’Neil cylinders and orbital infrastructure. A mars colony is a meme pushed by people who watch too much sci-fi, planetary colonization is too much effort and too little payoff at this stage in our civilization. If you are going to put in work to get into space, you might as well start building infrastructure in orbit to start asteroid mining, orbital tourism, orbital habitation, and take the first step towards a dyson swarm.

some other place such as Madagascar or some confinement zone. they do not have a right to their own country as long as they live in rejection of God. that's what the Bible says and we also know what giving the kikes their own country has done.

they took that land we didnt give it to them
they gave it to them

wrong thread

Ever read about this guy's father, who's in prison until 2021 or so?
In retrospect, maybe he should've convinced his dad to pay his taxes instead of skipping town.

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If they were moved to Madagascar or a confinement zone, that place would then become their own country

He is not GG Allin, so fuck him.


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no, britain took it and then handed it to the jews.. they didn't "take" it. and that doesn't change the fact that giving them their own country has been negative for the rest of humanity and in violation of the Bible.

yes, but it would not be Israel. Israel is a land given to them by God when they were right with God. if you read the Bible you see that they are not allowed in when they live in rejection.

it's really a shame.

Also, that would never fucking happen. They're not going to be moved anywhere

the jews were in control of england before ww1

and im not arguing that they have been bad for humanity
they have since they wrote they formulated the talmud

he is a little bald cringe goblin

worse than styx

the only person telling the complete truth is (((owen benjamin goldsmith)))

yeah but not when britain grabbed palestine as a colony.

i know, but i'm talking about his position on the issue. he says he has "no problem with israel". that's not a legitimate position for anyone calling themselves a nationalist or pro-white.

they took palestine after ww1 didnt they?

His muslcal taste is pretty bad. Other than that, no.

He doesn't say he has no problems with Israel, he says he has no problems with Jews inhabiting it - which is the nationalist position

your point is moot. they still don't deserve it.

they why say stufdf thats horseshit? until now?


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stop pretending you know things and then lying you fucking faggot

does he still support Trump?

What kind of "Christian" calls himself Vox Day?

not lying about anything, you are bringing up irrelevant points.

you said they werent in control when england took palestine, and then you were like oh yeah but your point is moot
youre acting like a kike

We dont care about your boyfriend Owen.

>Most interesting blog on the right
>occasional iconoclast
>good grasp on history
I like him a lot. Much to admire.

It doesn't mean what you think it means, brainlet.
He says he's disappointing but the best option we have.

>yfw he has 151 IQ

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you're calling me a kike but you're the one demanding kikes have their own country? that's pretty hilarious. first of all Britain started colonizing Palestine anew in 1915 before the balfour declaration and before the british mandate. second of all britain already had control of Palestine in the 1830's but handed it over to the ottoman's later on, which is what i was referring to about the british "colony".

you're a braindead nigger

where did i demand they have their own country mate, i just where are they supposed to go...

and dont try and backpeddle on your argument before, you are a fucking liar mate
you know what i meant the first time, stop pretending

my point on the kikes if they lose israel is they will get 10 time worse than they are now because they will say shoah 2.0

Definitely, and he'd most likely be the first to tell you

>i'm not demanding they have their own country
that's what you're demanding by claiming they have nowhere else to go and by going against my conclusion that they don't deserve a country.

if they lose Israel they will lose tons of global power and we could begin weakening them even more in our own countries.

no one questions relates to my last sentence in my previous reply
i dont understand it translates to them having less power
their power in israel exists because of the kikes in our governments
i expect you to be the first one to address this seriously

Damn it vox you're such a fucking faggot.

Go ahead and elaborate faggot.

>Is there anything this guy's wrong about?
Probably a lot, but he's obviously right about big tech being your enemy and building alternate platforms; more importantly he works on doing it.

His IQ

>no one questions relates to my last sentence in my previous reply
i mean my question about where do they go relates to the last sentence in my previous reply

He's boring.


I literally have to put the speed up by x2. And even then he is incredibly boring. Christianity is dead and can’t revive the west, especially Europe. Knowing the amount of niggers and others who are Christian that are in the west that concept is retarded.

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brainlet detected
vox is a degenerate retard, and you're even dumber if you can't tell



translate day to greek and look up his real name.

He really can't get to the point.

He's trying to affect what a smart guy would sound like

>Is there anything this guy's wrong about?
Yes, he is human. He has books titled "sjws always lie" and "sjws alway double down". His move to italy seems better as time goes by. He is a non-pedo science fiction/fantasy writer that has helped expose the scifi/fantasy pedos.’ve made...numerous books!
I fight...Joe rogan doesn’t!
I....used to band....guys (chuckles)....I know...what’s cool

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Your rainy socialist island isn't the entire west. Americans haven't degenerated into godless heathens yet. Without your own religion there is no way you europoors are going to beat the Muslim invaders, good luck with that.

> Seriously believing Christianity, to the point of quoting scripture
> Believing the moon landing was faked

> You're banned!

If there's one thing he isn't, it's degenerate.

You're thinking of Andy Nowicki.

> anti-Trinitarian
What's he believe, then? That's actually an ok opinion, in my book. You should see the mess the Church Fathers waded through to come up with the Trinity. There's evidence that the first century fathers believe in 'modalism' - one God, three faces.

He just doesn't talk about things he's been wrong about over the years, like a tv psychic. He's also a buttfucking mixed race coward that fled his country, cucked an italian, lives in his friend's house and grifts for a living.

>What kind of "Christian" calls himself Vox Day?
A scifi/fantasy/vidya nerd that also calls himself SupremeDarkLord.

>I literally have to put the speed up by x2. And even then he is incredibly boring
He's a write, not an eceleb, people just want him to do vidya so they don't have to read.


He's wrong about Russia
Putin is a small time thug, traitor who should be hanged
Slowly replacing us with inbred muslim slaves because they don't ask too many questions.
there's no 4D space chess
also this.
Other than that Vox is bretty gud. Seriously.
I bet all the butthurt retards haven't read more than 15 books in their life.

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very cute, Mr. reddit spacing

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Shut the fuck up and get a job faggot.

he's mossad

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>>Americans haven't degenerated into godless heathens yet.
Kek, American is degenerate HQ.
>Without your own religion there is no way you europoors are going to beat the Muslim invaders, good luck with that.
You’re country will still be “Christian” yet just filled with spics and niggers, will that place still America because it’s Christian?
The fact is it’s not a religious war, it’s the first of its kind, it truly is a race war. You know London isn’t London anymore not because of Islam but because of the races that occupy it now, which is a mix of Hindu, Islam and Christianity. Either way it’s not the natural ethic component. It doesn’t matter about what religion they are ffs. I do agree we need order which Christianity brought but Christianity is now hijacked and invites all wastes of humanity to join in.

Not gonna support Teddy Spaghetti until we get Hot Dish 2

Read this That’s my point. Also, nice Muslim population you got in Russia, based Putin!

they shouldn't live

>invents pseudo-psychological hierarchy system
>everyone who disagrees with me is a gamma
>me? I'm a sigma, which is super rare and basically an alpha that is antisocial
What a coincidence!

He's mostly good but sometimes is a bit self-important. Like, I'm not a huge Tommy Robinson fan but Robinson isn't a fraud just because he's low IQ and getting bad advice and avoiding Vox and Owen. Most of my annoyances with Vox are not intellectual.

He doesn't believe Jesus Christ is literally God, as far as I know. But I can't speak for him. You can search up references on his blog.

His face looks just like my face!

Who dat?

He's an ankle-biting cunt who attacks anything more popular, a manlet who calls other people betas, a literal 2000 IQ brainlet who thinks the moon landing was FAKE
Tells Americans what they should be doing, OH BUT HE FLED TO ITALY TO AVOID TAXES. Fucking loser.

He got so butthurt about his wikipedia page he made is own gayer version of wikipedia.

Oh and the faggot uses a vpn to post from a US server- which leads me to believe Vox asked the question in the first place. Fuck you "Vox" you sophist cunt

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Gamma detected. He didn't invent a hierarchy system, he just gave a name to it. Try applying the behavior patterns to people you know in your life, you'll see that they simply describe objective tendencies that exist in all men

This deserves digits.

I actually like the premises of his system, it's just rich how he so cleanly falls into the outlier "secret alpha" category while everyone who remotely disagrees is obviously gamma.

People who disagree aren't gammas, people who voice their disagreements according to a certain behavior pattern are gammas.

You've really debunked his butthurt gamma rage theories, you don't fit that description at all.

>Gamma detected
Not a long enough post, see


He actually referes to gammas as "secret kings" which is basically his definition of a sigma.

The gamma concept is true. Nietzsche called them tarantulas. Tolkien called them Wormtongue. Dostoevsky called them Raskolnikov. F Scott Fitzgerald has written entire books about their behaviour.

No Sigma's don't have secret social status, they just literally aren't really a part of the hierarchy. Sigmas are also still sexually successful, they are attractive to women in a way similar to alphas, where as gammas are repulsive to women but believe in their minds that women should be attracted to them, hence the 'secret king' (at least one element of it)

maybe he is right, gamma faggot. and nigger. dont forget you are also a nigger, you nigger faggot

he's an author and his blog is his livelihood, video is by request from his fans. are you incels really this small minded?

That's literally nothing, that's tertiary knowledge and took barely any time to look up. Doesn't change that he's a cunt, and if he's reading this then-

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The gamma weeb continues his fruitless conquest

The faggot (((voxday))) reader continues to be a boomer

Aggressively white knighting for e-celebs on Jow Forums is pretty fucking gamma.

not really. his attempt at memeing was pretty bad with his daily meme wars. very, very boomertier. super wordy. but he is a gen x author, not a shit poster, so I didn't hold it against him.

he's not anti-trinitarian. but he def has an unorthodox view.

He's a cuck magnet. A wannabe alpha who holds his pack in line by reminding them he is super intelligent. Except he isn't. Look at his predictions. Wrong every time.