Why are "hard drugs" illegal? Would it be better to legalize them?

Why are "hard drugs" illegal? Would it be better to legalize them?

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it’s to raise the price

all drugs should be legalised

And so the CIA and other alphabet agencies can fund off the books shit.

yeah we need more of these people

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In Israel first.
All law changes must happen in Israel first.

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I assume they're illegal because they're dangerous, but it's probably got more to do with a power struggle.

Yes, it would be better if they were legal. Legality, accompanied by huge, huge tariffs on imported drugs, would destabilize cartels.

Using one example of a meth head isn't an argument. Legalization doesn't mean encouragement to use. You kids never get this shit right.

Legalize this nerd

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oh, so we will have less meth heads if it was legal?

If they were legal the CIA wouldn't be able to monopolize their sale and distribution and people would have alternatives to big pharma.

this chick doesnt even know who she is i bet.

what's more american than doing blow off a freshman's titties on the fourth of july on the balcony of your fraternity house?

nothing. and I highly recommend it

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>t. Spic
Im gonna spike your fucking drink and turn you into a vegetable.

That's not an answer either of us can answer. If the money used to fight drugs was used for treatment and education, yes.

making something illegal is what makes it appealing to "rebellious" population. How come coke is illegal yet JPMorgan just got busted with 1 billion dollars worth of it, And that's only 1 shipment that got caught, which means you must assume that at least 1 a day of such shipments arrive to various ports around the world. Numbers like that make goys like Gates or Bezos are homeless hobos working for slave wages. On top of that, it's Class A drug with highest enforcement yet you can buy it anywhere in the world for same price at any time. And it's promoted by jews in media all the time.

They don't want to legalize it because Coca plant can grow pretty much anywhere, especially indoors and by making it legal you'll lose all control over production/distribution/profit.

Coca trees are pretty common in most regions and you've probably walked by one at one point of your life without realizing.

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Throw more money at retards. It'll work out. Like US education system.

>by making it legal you'll lose all control over production/distribution/profit.
Which is the same greed we see in states that legalize weed, but only if you buy it from a dispensary. That isn't legalization, it's legalized corruption.

we should be gassing all drug users not legalizing drugs

The US economy has historically done best when education is highest. You morons who systematically shit on the concept of education for everyone are literally keeping yourselves down.

>inb4 "I'm already a 1% chad"
No, you aren't. You're here posting on Jow Forums. No one believes any of you faggots are doing well. You're just angry kids.

If you want to end the drug problem in America, start arresting (((bankers)))

Maybe. We hang with who we do, anyway.

yes, weed is expensive to grow/produce unless you have a large fields with favorable conditions, by that point you'll be supplying dispensaries. Most people will try growing themselves and realize what a hassle it is and just turn to dispensaries for their purchases which are controlled by (((them))). Those that will grow in city on large scale can only do it at either very small profit margin or via means that are not covered by law and thus illegal.

I mean, same shit would apply to coke. Most people won't be able to grow/process enough of it on their own to get high on their own supply and farmers could be heavily regulated. In the end it would probably be better to take over countries that have favorable conditions for that plant and make them new banana republic.

not in a free market wild west sense like pot, opium or coca leaves

any refined chemical needs to be made by an FDA licensed professional so they don't get somebody killed accidentally

then, if somebody OD's of their own accord despite properly prepared and dosed drugs, that's on them. one less.

>inb4 "I'm already a 1% chad"
>No, you aren't. You're here posting on Jow Forums. No one believes any of you faggots are doing well. You're just angry kids.
This is what you call tilting at windmills. You've got a massive chip on your shoulder.

>Why are "hard drugs" illegal?
Because Rockefeller said so
>Would it be better to legalize them?

Cool story bro. Not everyone here is a /nupol/faggot. Some of us were here at the start and used redpilling to get our shit together. Feel free to post a source about dollar spent per student correlation to financial health of the country. Spoiler. There is no correlation.

Or killing them...

but why are you on campus in July?

>Why are "hard drugs" illegal?
Pharmaceutical along with several other smaller industries lobbied to politicians to get rid of them. They used the arguments that the politicians sold to their constituents as "its harming the children and getting your daughters raped! Oh and did I mention one 'hit' could kill you?!" The constituents, being the retards that they are, elected said politicians and supported their doings. They're illegal because "we", the people, decided and are allowing them to be.

>Would it be better to legalize them?
Of course. If one chooses to indulge I hope they only purchase from sources that have been approved by a trusted 3rd-party regulator. I'm sure within a generation the abuse would more than likely go down as children are able to be raised seeing the causal relations between abusing drugs and the ensuing decay. Not to mention the street violence it would eliminate to name just one glaring example.


She is more attractive on the fourth pic.

if you let me to choose were my taxes gonna go, i will support legalizing all kind of drugs, because sure as hell i dont want my taxes to go to some fucking druggie loser's wellfare.

>Make them legal
>Let the degenerates kill themselves

Problem solved?


Yes legalization would lead to sanitation, lower prices, taxation, less overdoses, less crime, less prisoners, less violence, less homelessness, less war, less stigma and allow the government to monitor drug use and allocate its budget towards treating it as a health crises more efficiently.

Ffs last four are straight up horror movie tier

No I haven’t and neither have you faglord, they only grow in South America

Only cannabis, shrooms, LSD, amphetamine, and cocaine should be legalized with the minimum age set at 24. Everything else banned with extreme prejudice.

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Oh, and ecstasy.

>hey there smoothskin

Couple reasons
>My lease at aforementioned house runs for 12 months, so might as well use it
>I'm taking three classes over the summer to graduate early
>The fourth of july in my college town is a HUGE deal, everyone comes back for it anyway
>pussy everywhere
>show freshmen guys that are going to rush a good party over the summer = more rushees in the fall
>start putting together a fall pledge class with summer bids
>Excuse to get drunk on your chapter's dime
>did I mention pussy
So it was kind of a no brainer

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>Would it be better to legalize them?
Of course but no one wants to deal with subhuman drug adicts so it's easier to ban it and let thugs deal with them.

Not a politition alive who knows how to replace the billions of dollars ilegal drugs pump into the poorest shitholes in this country, so no they cant legalize them unless you want to see what real poverty truly is....

pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

That only works if the community is educatable. There's a cut of line of fucked up people where it's literally cheaper and more effective to just shoot them.

For the elite to profit off them obviously

>Why are "hard drugs" illegal?
To cause dysgenics.

Cocaine isn't a hard drug BTW. Alcohol is far more debilitating and addictive. Stimulants are medium-drugs. They have to really be abused to cause debilitating effects, and these only happen after time, not right away.

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Do you want your kids doing cocaine?

pleasure should be illegal. humans cannot control themselves

You're a fucking moron.

>patents started expiring
>foreign drug companies started mass producing drugs and selling them for extremely low prices
>american drug companies started going out of business
>a few clever jews went "oey vey what if we make all the patent-free drugs ILLEGAL and then all these addicts can only get their fix from the newly created drugs only we sell
>a few totalitarians then went "wow thats a super good deal, I bet we could use this as a vector to impose more control on society as well"

and thus the nightmare began.

>Cocaine isn't a hard drug BTW. Alcohol is far more debilitating and addictive.
Going to have to say incorrect to this one, Bob.

The reason drugs are illegal is because Christian fundys write our laws, and they think drugs are a sin. Lots of our laws are purely religious in nature, like not selling alcohol on Sundays.

It cracks me up hearing right-wing conservatives talk about guns needing to be legal. "It's not fair to ban guns because plenty of people own gun responsibly."

You could say the same thing about drugs. Plenty of people can use drugs responsibly without getting addicted. It's not fair to ban it for those people.

It's funny seeing right-wing conservatives pick and choose when they think the rights of the individual matter. In one issue, they matter. In another issue, they don't. Then it's "Society knows best."

They're such hypocrites. Fuck them and their fake hebrew god.

How is cocaine debilitating? Sure it can make people act like assholes if they're shitty people to begin with, and if you use it for DAYS it'll cause psychosis. But three to four drinks puts a person over the legal limit to drive. An hour of drinking can EASILY fuck you up in all kinda of ways. And alcohol hangovers are worse than stimulant crashes by far. And alcohol withdrawals are among the worst for all drugs, whereas stimulant withdrawal is nothing more than a little depression, irritability, apathy, sleeping and eating for about a week.
Hell stims aren't even truly addictive. They don't make you suffer or hurt when you quit them. I know I do it several times a year.

Booze makes coke, meth, amp, caths, etc look like child's play. And they aren't debilitating. Remember, meth started out as a PED. It's the opposite of debilitating unless you were raised by a single mom.

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Sure, lots of US laws are religious. But that's really not the case here. China gives ZERO fucks about christian morality and will murder your ass for drugs.

Islamic nations? Sharia has it's own rules against drugs.

The communists didn't go as hard on drugs as Reagan, but they still were pretty hardcore on throwing people into the gulag for using or selling.

we don't need more of these people, that's why they should die off. Make drugs legal and it will be a filter to clean those fuckers out. If you can't use drugs wisely then don't do them or kill yourself. A normal, intelligent , strong minded, responsible person will either never do drugs or will never let the drugs take control of his life (or if so, he will come back from it) a junkie will be a junkie anyways.

all drug users should be thrown out of helicopters.

>Make it legal
>Schlomo shekelstein controls all corporations that sell the drugs
>"Just trust us goyim I promise they will make you hyper addicted and kill you"

Drug users are degenerates who shouldnt be allowed medical treatment if they overdose. Arresting dealers doesnt do anything we need to start fucking up the idiots who fund the dealers in the first place.


cocaine ... uselesss... the nazi times.. you know our most famoz guy he was there outricking customs officials they were going

NO STOP IT--- only then to falll

>Implying Colombia is a far away land with exotic weather we don't have
It can grown anywhere in tropical weather you playo retrasado.

It's not even a question.
Drugs ruin lives, destroy families, create crime, the tentacles reach all aspects of life.
"Hard" Drugs should be heavily controlled and carry HEAVY punishments. Death for trafficking, manufacturing, etc.
In a perfect world this would be possible, but with our three-letter agencies constantly allowing certain trafficking we'll continue to have addicts/junkies killing themselves and ruining everything they touch.

No meth heads here are worst than niggers one stole the floor out of a grain silo and one of my neighbors dogs got shot by one


only in the home, being around high people while you're sober is annoying.


Tim you here?


How's the sugar-free, caffeine-free, alcohol-free lifestyle goin for ya?

no you tell uss about punishments

then you go pls come back, anytihing but these (((english))) Make Dyvlin GREAT AGAIN


I am not going to show up there like a magical fairy and shoot off your nieceses knees user

at least not yet...

It will also bankrupt the CIA its a win-win scenario

>Drugs ruin lives, destroy families, create crime, the tentacles reach all aspects of life.
WRONG. Bad genes do this.
The more people with bad genes and improper discipline we kill off, the better off we'll all be.
The worst thing about heroin for example is Narcan, not heroin.

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Meth only exists becuse regular amphetamine was made illegal.

A night on the blow is better than a night out on alcohol.

these people user, they lit listen to the pope. they are different from us

it doesn't take a pope to tell that the sky is blue

A night on 4-MMC though, woot.
Or a week on a-PVP. That's about the most metal thing life can offer outside of Slayer or Gwar sacrificing jewish girls to Pluto.


I had 2-ce once. It was amazing, like a mix of molly and lsd but without the paranoia.

thralls maður...

btw. were you here during the football stuff?

hahahaha! .. the turks man... they demoralized them selves it wa so funny

Consider suicide

2C compounds can be rough. Glad you tolerated it. That means you're not an NPC/normie.

then your whatever stjorn said
>so turkey,
>are you scared of something

all of turkey went

and what happened? they lit demoralized them selves

concider my rass and a lighter

Why does watching a woman snort coke specifically make me so aroused? Considering I've never even done it.

also you are fishing way too much mackrell, we are going to have this talk again. the ocean is not eternal... before that it was the lodde . empty... used to be a shitfisk... behave! ffs!

may the fish grow fat on your corpse

Portugal stopped punishing people for drug use and focused on helping them more, and heroin usage went down because of that

used to be like, I am here fishing

no LODDE! GET AWAY REEE I am here fishing berggylte!

then iceland went and overfished them all so japan went.... so guys trolling aside where are our lodde? what there are none? what do you mean?

... icleand...

YOU DID THISand my god.. slimål... NO! That's the worst death a man can get! NOOOO

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do you got bergylte on iceland btw?

you go where there is like 20m or so straigt down

however, best fisk is uer

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>Why are "hard drugs" illegal?
To elevate their prices to absurd levels, for example heroin is one of the easiest drugs to make, if it was legal it would be dirt cheap

'hard' drugs make lizard-brained ppl more antisocial and psychopathic. have you noticed this activity attracts the worst people in your society - the narcissists, psychopaths, borderlines, etc.?

how about we just legalize schedule 1 drugs?

[spoiler] or let's remove the government and have small communities and cities decide if they want to legalize meth [/spoiler]

while we all tricked you running around chasing god damn (((cod))). I am here fishing uer

user, what


member when this was cuckchnan

watch your recessions and prices, give zerro shits

People should be drug tested on their entry back into their home countries.
Can't be letting in drug addicts.
Drugs should be banned and dealers dealt the death sentence.

norweigan schizo is that you

w paste