Fun fact: the reason you're getting non virgin, used, cum filled, roasties is because you guys are low value males. You deserve a low value women. Chads are high value men and they deserve premium unused pussies.
Fun fact: the reason you're getting non virgin, used, cum filled, roasties is because you guys are low value males...
All men are high-value men. We must stick together.
k. keep me posted
t. virgin beta incel
need objective evidence of what makes a male high-value
because by some metrics i'm the plat-tier and by others I'm average
chad here
its not value
there just whores
use and treat them like the sluts and whores they are and they will thank you for it
Fuck off roastie
After having fucked and dumped two virgins, I don't know why would anybody want them.
Virgins are fucking boring trash.
If you want somebody decent, try to find a girls with 1 or 2 partners max, yeah, but not a fucking virgin.
Physical attractiveness, social skills and creeping out on women when they are horny (~ovulation).
Too shit at sex to train them yourself? The best girl I ever had was when I was 14 and we were both virgins.
>manwhore understanding the purpose of women
Please stick to fucking sluts. You and your friends can all fuck the same pool of roasties and you might as well fuck each other too since you're sharing sloppy seconds anyways.
My wife was a virgin when we met and we still just lays there like a dead body.
That's because it was your first time, user.
>train them at sex
not the issue.
Being a virgin at 20 yo means a shit antisocial personnality.
I guess I can understand people wanting a virgin when they are underage.
After 18, expecting women to be virgins is stupid, not unlike expecting men to be virgins.
Only trash with absolute shit personalities are still virgins at 18+.
She probably thinks you're just as boring, try to spice it up a bit
not in all cases, some religious and rural communities have prime virgin women at 18, there's also places where age of consent is 16 and you can snag her up when she is still young
Remember that if you are top 10% of men it means 90% of women are too low quality. Worrying about low quality women is for brainlets and low quality men.
>You deserve a low value women
I'll die alone then.
Morality is an important quality of both men and women. If you are a moral man you should not desire an immoral woman. Our society has become Godless, it is not surprising that so many men and women are immoral.
Jow Forums:
>"men should be strong, dominant, and masculine"
>*women only go for the strong, dominant, and masculine men*
>Jow Forums: "wahhh women only want chad :("
A woman's value gets capped at about 90% of a high value man. That's why high value men tend to not respect them.
Church today is good samaritin. Jews amd Samaritians hate each other because samaritians are cousins of the Hebrews but have pagan fathers. Ancient Hebrews are patrilinial. Modern (((Jews))) are matrilinial.
Define immoral.
Because having a decent relationship that lasted one or two years in high school or college and ended because you grew apart or simply grew up seems to be enough to be "immoral" on Jow Forums.
Stop deflowering your cousins, Achmed