And what about the cob in her ass? Was it a calling card or some sort of coded message?
Did we ever get a motive?
She got maized
>get a corncob shoved so far up your ass your intestines burst
>all your father can talk about is how much he loves tacos
it's over
Iowan here- just a 515-fag- they delayed the trial a bit longer.
My grandparents used corn cobs as toilet paper. They wiped their asses with corn cobs.
Just putting that out there.
Post the FEET of the dead bitch, I know one of you anons have it.
Mollie Tibbets gives a new meaning to the term CORNHOLE.
id believe this. this entire story stunk of Freemason manure
post the evidence cob
god damn she looks fucking stupid. darwin award for sure
quick rundown?
stupid ass joel osteen lookin bitch
She got cornholed by cornholio
Do you think the corn was buttered?
i didnt know about the corn cob thing, msm misinformation i guess
"buttered" with taco bell seasoning out of jose's cock, yes.
>Mest*zoids require a motive
Okay, retard.
She had such great feet, press F for her feet.
>cob in her ass
Alright I'm intrigued. Give me the quick rundown
its from an user green text & everyone just says its true
all those ears of corn and no one could hear her scream
Nice trips.
And /thread
someone foia her death certificate
they sounded like lovely slaves
What a great country we live in
ironic, isn't it
CORNED.COM, the latest jew website. Check it out guys!
I just realized I have CuM in my ID. Pretty funny since I came to her feet minutes ago.
Kek, but bad on you lad for not having the cap
>walking to work because I can’t afford car
>work at some farm because it’s the only job I can get being an immigrant
>hear a moaning sound coming from my employers corn field
>see a teenage girl diddling her butt home with a fat corn cob
>trail of used corn cobs surround her
>each one bigger than the next, nothing can fill her disgusting urge
>that will end up in a store some unsuspecting customer might eat that
>if I call the police they might arrest me for immigration violation, but public health is more important
>got to do the right thing before she contaminates more corn cobs
>”hey lady! I’m calling the cops!”
>surprised, she loses her balance while squatting over a particularly large cob and it shoots further up her butt than she was expecting
>single yelp followed by silence
>wtf, she’s dead
>not dead yet, but dying
>no car, can’t take her to hospital
>do the humane thing and end her suffering
>toss away all the used corn to protect her dignity
>forget about the one still lodged up her butt
>police find it, crack the case as wide open as her corn infused rectum
>fuck, I’m the only Mexican in town, I’ll be blamed for this
>can’t escape the American legal system
>typing this from prison library computer
fuck off pablo, no ones mirin you except scumbag boomers and jews who want to use you to destroy white civiliazation. fuck off.
fuck nevermind i though i was in a Jow Forums mires thread. i'm drunk
>Did we ever get a motive?
maize decency
Was the corn cob fucking ever actually confirmed?
Ask her if she still hates white people.
Dead young white girl. Corn cob in the poop chute. What does it all mean, though?
It was the Jews
He also covered her dead body in corn. This spic motherfucker definitely had some kind of twisted maize related fetish.
underrated kek
>New info an user poster earlier indicates that the Illegal immigrant who killed Tibbets first tied and gagged her deep within a cornfield and filmed himself shoving a large cob of corn into her orifices repeatedly
This information first came out on local news stations where the anchors went into detail on the recently scrubbed information relating to the murder of Mollie Tibbets, where they specifically said " the incident leading to the anal passage to completely collapse was in the coroners report"
Many times these rapists are so nervous or scared that they aren't able to get hard. They get frustrated and embarrased that they can't even perform that they end up penetrating their victim with objects just for the thrill plus the additional humiliation factor. This happens with sticks, tire irons, pretty much anything a degenerate thinks he can shove up there, regardless of how much force is needed.
Tibbetts, a 20-year-old psychology major at the University of Iowa, was found buried under parts of cornstalks, says Mortvedt. Her body was 500 yards from a gravel road and not visible from it, he says.
“Corn … in Iowa this time of year is over eight feet tall and has that long skinny leaves as it grows and blossoms, and [Rivera] had ripped off a bunch of those off the corn stalk and just kind of laid them on her to try to camouflage her,” says Mortvedt.
Although investigators had searched nearby cornfields, Mortvedt says that particular cornfield hadn’t been searched until Rivera allegedly led them to Tibbetts’ body Tuesday.
Rivera is charged with first-degree murder in Tibbetts’ death, which preliminary autopsy results show was caused by “multiple sharp force injuries,” although Mortvedt says authorities are not currently providing more specifics.
Rivera has not entered a plea to the charge, but his attorney has said he is presumed innocent, describing his client as a hard worker and “loving father” to his young daughter. At his initial court hearing Wednesday, Rivera’s bond was increased from $1 million to $5 million at the urging of prosecutors.
Rivera confessed to circling around Tibbetts a few times with his car before he started running alongside her. Rahn said that Rivera confessed that at one point, Tibbetts told him to leave her alone, threatening to call the police.
Subsequently, Rivera allegedly chased Tibbetts down and at some point said he blacked out, Rahn said.
In September, Mollie’s father, Rob Tibbetts, wrote an op-ed for the Des Moines Register that his daughter would have “vehemently opposed” anti-immigration views and asked politicians to not use her death to “promote various political agendas.”
>He also covered her dead body in corn.
Mmmmm corm.
>all those ears of corn and no one could hear her scream
>Mfw non whites literally commit so much crime they broke the fucking judicial system
I dont know how this shit is even possible? How can an illegal beaner who is basically confirmed to have murdered this dumb bitch still here? Even if he was american why isn't he in fucking Prison yet? I know deciding a punishment is one thing, but holy shit just punish the stupid beaner already.
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