What are trumps chances of being re-elected in the 2020 presidential election?
he'll get elected
the people that vote simply don't care who runs as an (R)
He will 99% have another term, since the Democrats are clearly mentally insane
But he will probably be a disappointment and we'll have to chose an actually based right-winger in 2024
That black women or Biden would actually crush him
35% i say
Chances are only 1% and yet he will win
Low IQ
Mid IQ
High IQ
chances of winning the popular vote are still zero but he is going to be reelected.
As long as he keeps doing what Bibi tells him to do, 100%
the opposite of how much he loves israel /10
This. There's a realistic chance that Trump will boomer his way to reelection if the Democrats can't stop shooting themselves in the foot.
i thinks it's even more complicated than that....but i don't wanna enter the all "illuminati" thing...i dunnot agree with that
>they still can’t meme
>What are trumps chances of being re-elected in the 2020 presidential election?
Pretty high. He has to deliver on immigration first. Only then will he be replaced by a Democractic president in the next election.
Low IQ
Sure thing, Saul.
He was selected not elected.
Your vote doesn't fucking matter.
If the people that run the show want him to get another term, he'll get one.
100% Democrats are literally a mentally-ill political party.
REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July. REMINDER no new wars.... No war with N Korea... no war with Iran.... And Bibi threatened his life on twitter 4th of July.
100% Look at his competition.
He'll get another term. A republican president has to pass immigration reforms to America for the republican base to accept it and for the reforms to be stable. A Democrat president has to pass reforms on healthcare for healthcare reforms to be stable.
Both will attack on gun control. Preferably, it has to be a republican president that takes the guns away. But a democrat president will also do.
>that niggress
>doesn't even know Kamala Harris's name
user she's not even going to win the primary. and if she did she'd be humiliated by Trump. She was a prosecutor who fucked over niggers in California. He could pardon someone she got wrongfully convicted.
Literally highest approval levels of all time right now.
Looking very good.
He's going to win despite immensly failing his base.
His base aren't Nazis you incel
I want Trump's yuge ego to get in the way of his 2nd term. I want him to go full scorched earth/don't-give-a-fuck since he doesn't have another election to worry about.
>Highest approval levels of all time
Highest of his tenure, which isn't saying much.
Wrong, it's a record high
I hate him and even I know it's obvious he'll win.
Lol. You're the one tilting at windmills and I'm seething?
Fucking hilarious projection. You stupid nigger.
It really depends what happens leading up to the election.
if he sucks enough Jewish penis, he will win. If he doesn't he will lose.
That's how our democracy works.
that's so cute!
and those ebil jooz in the background
IMO, about 50-60%. If re-elected, he won't do any real shit to stop Mexamerica, though.
And that’s a good thing
>ebil jooz
>meme flaggot cope
Trump's going to win 2020. And I am going to spend the following week tormenting every shill on here.
The unemployment rate is a lie, and most of the 4 million jobs went to foreigners.
I don't like him, but it is looking more and more like he might get in again. The idiots Demsook like a mess. I think they may be aiming for a more lefty Dem, which would be suicide. If they had half a brain they would go for a more moderate Dem. Not just saying that because it is what I want. I think a crazy lefty Cali Dem would turn off too many people.
This is what heppens when your party is run by career party men.
What orbital laser stike is this?
You know. A high powered orbital laser isn't that far fetched. My only question is how well it maitains power through the atmosphere.
That or it is just "rods from god".
60-70% chance of reelection, except in the case of the Trump Recession where unemployment spikes and everyone votes for socialist democrats promising free healthcare/welfare
Probably will be re-elected, (((they))) need him to get another war going and seveing the Zionist agenda.
Check ums
Reroll, my captcha was black ppl
I figure about 90%. The candidates put up for consideration so far are awful. They have chosen to side with the extreme lefty crowd rather than behave as the somewhat left of moderate they once were. That has pissed off a lot of people. So, if you're a centrist, you have a choice between Trump, who is doing okay so far in terms of US economic policy, or some pandering dem who will govern with fags and pedophiles and communists whispering in their ear.
Dude listen, I only want him to win because of the meltdown that it caused in 2016. It was glorious and everybody in here knows it.
No I want PTG to fuck off and so on therefore I want him to lose.
Politics is a sham anyway not like anything will change.
>brainwash your followers that the white cis male is literally the devil for 4 years
>turns out all you have is Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders
Who's going to beat him?
Those are the DNC's frontrunners, shills. So if you really want to beat Trump, you have to visualize somehow one of those stinkers beating him. And you and I both know that's impossible.
If you're on the left his chances are better than you think they are. If you're on the right his chances are not as good as you think they are.
>Israel was controlling Trump by holding America hostage with a satellite laser, but it's okay goys, we shot it down
>Trump still kowtowing to the jews even when free from their death ray threat
And after your gleeful week, you'll spend the next 4 years living a dwindling White majority nation with more non-Whites than ever before flooding in LEGALLY to work for slave wages in Amazog warehouses.
Sloppy job mossad