I'm coming for you Nazi.
I'm coming for you Nazi
Alec Baldwin - Page 6
Sir Anthony Bamford - Page 6
Lord & Lady Baumont - Page 10
Tony Blair - Page 11
David Blaine - Page 11
Mike Bloomberg - Page 11
Richard Branson - Page 12
Jimmy Buffet - Page 13
Prince Pierre d'Arengberg - Page 18
Duchess of York - Page 21
Duke of York - Page 21
Ambassador & Lady Fairweather - Page 23
Princess of Firyal of Jordan - Page 24
Lord & Lady Giliford. - Page 27
Lord & Lady Hanson - Page 28
Elizabeth Hurley (as "Liz Hurley") - Page 32
Michael Jackson - Page 33
Mick Jagger - Page 33
Ted Kennedy Jr - Page 35
Senator Ed Kennedy - Page 35
Christoper Lambert - Page 36
Dr. Henry Kissinger - Page 36
Courtney Love (circled) - Page 38
Cheryl Mills - Page 43
Rupert Murdoch - Page 44
Joan Rivers - Page 51
Jessica Rothchild - Page 52
Hannah Rothchild - Page 52
Duke and Duchess Rutland - Page 53
Edouard de Rothschild - Page 53
Evelyn de Rothschild.- Page 53
Saudi Crown Prince Solman - Page 54
Kevin Spacy - Page 56
Peter Soros - Page 56
Baroness Francesca Theilmann - Page 58
Ivanka Trump - Page 59
Donald Trump - Page 60
Chris Tucker - Page 60
Barbara Walters - Page 61
Lord Weldenfield - Page 62
Serena Williams - Page 63
Prince Michael of Yugoslavia - Page 64
You've got to be a Nazi if you want to stop climate change, though.
so she is cumming from nazis?
... care to elucidate, user?
Wtf take your meds
story behind this little faggot?
Don't ask, it's illegal
Sweden betrayed Nazi Germany.
Based and keeping-your-eye-on-the-prize pilled.
What an unfortunate face.
come for me :)
always someone else's fault with these retards
Does this have anything to do with the Epstien thing?
Well, I'm cumming on you sweetie, wasted 88 ghets.
Shit, I guess it does.
it's kinda creepy how this girl is front page news in Europe but not in burgerland
"Der Kobold Europas"
I bet you are.
You are welcome you Greta, when you'll be legal
>1 post by this ID
>all these replies
Short nose, smooth philtrum, thin upper lip, broad nose, eyes close together, epicanthic fold. This here is the spiteful mutant personified. It is not grand conspiracy that is the root cause of our decline, but rather the rapid dysgenic evolution that happened since the industrial revolution.
what the fuck is wrong with her face?
Based and redpilled
shut it down
>Elizabeth Hurley (as "Liz Hurley") - Page 32
wtf I thought she retired from Hollywood to be a mom?
Mongolian rape baby
rape baby
Women tend to do that
After watching his stuff I'm convinced 30% of the US native white population suffers from genetic defect large enough to cause mental illness. Whether its just having an abnormal brain or being slotherly lard that causes poor health and mental illness. Though that last part is more of a chicken or the egg question are fat people mentally ill or do people become slowly fat and become mentally ill from letting themselves go?
Anyhow we still have lots and lots of intelligent people its just that the entire world order of governments has been jewed fucking hard and we essentially have easily bribed, and coerced stooges posing as politicians.
Doesn't help that some corporations have more power then some small Europeon countries so they can jew arm anyone they want practically.
>Oy Vey! Do this migration policy or the international jew will starve your country. Hehe I love capitalism.
Come on she's cute
Young and brainwashed, not too late for her
Her larping is just a big shit test because no man has ever tried to put her in her place.
Unironically rape her and she will wilingly become your sex slave.
its funny because nordfront would probably be the best for the environment of sweden since they wouldn't let in any africans / pajeeets.
Shes too young but she should visit India or Africa sometime and see how fucking disgusting the majority of the countries are where the rivers are filled with trash and garbage is burned if they have even invented incinerators yet.
Forgot trump kike
every picture of her she does that stupid furrowed brow
dumb downie lookin bitch
I'm atheist but she's probably going to be the Whore of Babylon.
>Naomi Campbell's a pedo
Hot if true
>Threatens Nazis
>Nazi digits
That's a big ol' kek right there
Names in his black book.
>I'm cumming on you FAS.