Chimpin ain't easy
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They are so civil?
Why do black care for their mothers more than white people?
Could it be that the only parental figure in their life is their mother?
Could it be?
They were indoctrinated from a young age to treat their mothers right.
Only niggers are dumb enough to think there dead mom wants them in jail...
america is doomed
niggers are not human
I see nothing wrong there. Everybody should have the right to beat the killer of one of their relatives - especially their mother - to death.
neither are burgers
Only a fucking white cuck would think your murdered daughter would want you to advocate for open borders, pay your murderer legal fees, virtue signal your death trough the whole media, and adopt nigger kids at the end to replace you
Yanks might dismiss this as niggatry, but any good uncucked southern boy would have done the same thing.
Or worse.
Death penalty for murder.
Death penalty for rape.
Death penalty for selling illegal drugs
>illegL drugs
Spotted the pot headKys nigger
How can this possibly be filed under niggardry? This is what anyone with half a ball would want to do to their mother's killer. I just wish they had succeeded.
Based and redpilled.
>canacuck can't refute
>resorts to ad hominem
They should hire someone to rape and kill the faggot in prison.
I mean...I'm on their side.
Are you telling me you wouldn’t take the chance to beat the life out of your mother’s murderer?
That's a jew. All white rappers except m&m are jews.
another nigger thread. bro end your sorry ass life
Who in the fuck wears a little wayne t-shirt to court?
Unless you had a shot at killing him it is not worth the charges you would get placed on you for that filth.
We need to institute the death penalty then these people would not have the needs to attack a person in the courtroom as the sentence would be justified.
Life=life blood for blood
>no true scottsman falacy
you're all equally fucked up
embrace it
She probably got charges for cheering them on.
a jew is a jew. Doesn't matter who else's land he occupies.
It's not a chimpout if it's completely justified.
Look at the afronboon in the middle of the room with the "LIL WAYNE" shirt baboon around.
Ha ha.
there are better ways for revenge if one has triple digit iq
>that hopping mad sheboon screeching from the sidelines
Every time.
I can't be mad t these guys?
fat cunt bailiff can barely swing her upper body around to grab the taser.
Jesus Christ lose some weight cunt.
>Only niggers are dumb enough to think there dead mom wants them in jail
I meant for that to be a statement, not a question.
Murderers should get the rope. Prison is a joke and should only be used for stuff like fraud, theft, and other non-violent crimes.
Murderers, child abusers/rapists, and the whole bunch should get the rope.
Can’t blame him actually, he deserves a beating.
I know right.
Its like they forget their other senses as soon as violence occurs.
If you don't think attacking your mother's murderer is acceptable it is you who are the nigger.
underrated leaf
im waiting for some genius on here to DL these chimpout videos and start dubbing actual monkey chimp noises and post them on a fake youtube account for shits and giggles.
Should have gone full gypsy and rip out his eye sockets. Why punch him in the head. Blinding him would have been a more painful effective punishment. That was his one chance and he blew it
Women should not be allowed in public services beyond the administrative or typewriter.
Our fathers fathers generation had it right when places the women in the home instead of the workforce.
Men require strength int eh workforce and that means out doing your fellow men.
>meme flag
>doesnt even know what he is saying
kys subhuman
>Unless you had a shot at killing him it is not worth the charges you would get placed on you for that filth.
You are truly kiked. No jury would find these men guilty of any crime.
What, are you the Count of Monte Cristo plotting your revenge for when that nigger comes out of prison in 30 years?
wouldn't be long before the nig hunts and lynchings start up begin.
I would do the same. Honorary Aryans.
Doesnt matter what the jury thinks.
They don't enforce the law.
Attacking people in the courtroom is a criminal offence.
poison the prison water supply.
naw she was just waiting for moment to charge in and sit on that mother fucker so them other niggas can kick his head.
I mean, I'd do the same thing.
t. Italian/Spaniard
motherfucking mutt you can't eat fries all day and think that you're ArYan
>trying to kill the person who killed your mother
that's unironically based and redpilled
niggers and their disgusting hip hop culture plagued Caucasians
Death penalty is not justice. True justice can only be served by those who were wronged. In the ideally just society, the sons would be given the right to decide the sentence of the murderer.
>give uhm the ole john fury
I don't see anything wrong with this. I think the family of murder victims should decide what happens to the murderer. Instead of a quick execution, that nigger gets to leech off taxpayers for the next 30 years.
They did nothing wrong
Police were the niggers in this situation. Should have let them have him.
>white people take revenge on those who have murdered family members
>muh blood feud muh honour muh Aryan tradition
>black people take revenge on those who have murdered family members
>lol fucking chimps
>Implies he has a triple digit IQ
>Says some shit like this
Shut the fuck up and rake yourself retard.
That is not justice.
Murder would rest on the shoulders of those who dished it out. In this case (the brothers). Killing wont bring their mother back. Just create two more murders with an ideal for murder.
In the current system justice rests on the courts and the system of its laws.
No individual person, save a judge, carries the burden of the punishment rendered.
You have to go back
that asian woman looks young
Family of savages worse than niggers
true that
and this is why i think niggers a way more based than the whites
you steal you get your arm either chopped or broken
you kill you get killed
you cheat you get stoned
consequences for every single wrong doing based roids
What a bunch of puff bullshit. Weak punishment from weak people. The justice system is a joke.
Good. Anyone here would do the same for their mothers.
No spics? That's racist!
They're more impulsive and the few ones of understanding a primitive justice simply act upon it.
They did nothing wrong.
Were you expecting something else from these primitive savages???
Fuck, these CanuckCucks know no bounds. It's like they're not even embarrassed about being turbocucked anymore.
based chimps
I have news for you familamalizam
>They're more impulsive and the few ones of understanding a primitive justice simply act upon it.
Is this english?
I mean, they may be based, but they're still not smart.
1 nig dies
1 nig goes to jail for life
and two more nigs end up behind bars.
Keep it up boys
Death penalty for sodomy.
My favorite part was at 1:11 where he somehow rhymes "moan" and "groan" with "born".
If someone killed my mom I'd straight up pay the Aryan Brotherhood to kill them in prison, slowly. Only the fattest of fat fucking pussies would do otherwise. Guy in the video did nothing wrong.
True, but it still pisses me off. For any other race the impulsive explosion of righteous fury would be commnedable. I can't do that with niggers. They're always impulsive to the detriment of all else, their own lives and others. This will "humanize" them when it should make people wretch at their stink all the more.
Theyre right for doing this. White people are wrong for not doing this.
You're right. The world has forgotten. Build a gun, forge ammo and be prepared for when everyone else remembers.
That's the only acceptable chimpout I've ever seen.
chimps are niggers, niggers are chimps
I believe they should be punished, like 2 weekends of house arrest and 10 hours of community service.
Your writing is confoundedly pretentious.
Based, the only thing they did wrong was fail to break his neck.