Goodbye US Dollar
Russia will soon have unlimited Yuan to buy everything he needs
It's called going from a uni-polar (unilateral) world order to a multi-polar world order.
This involves economic rationalization. There will be 3 primary regions. (It's all within the realm of basic economic understandings, anyone can learn this).
No one is being allowed out regional bounds to dominate over others.
E.g. In China the globalists are establishing 2 courts that will sort out all things and all conflicts in regards to the project “One Belt, One Road”.
One court will work on the overland part and the other one on the marine part.
So they’ve practically created courts with supranational jurisdiction.
In India they have the project North-South Corridor - China has the route “East to West” (while India has “South to North”). This is so neither China or India attain full power or dominance (i.e. So if China does something not planned these roads can be crossed, cut through).
America (and other players) have to go dormant for 100 or so years - shit's too fucked up to continue on as before.
*Economic rationalization - correction - economic regionalization.
>America (and other players) have to go dormant for 100 or so years
Lol. We own the world maggot.
you don't even own your own country, or even your house anymore
Not really. At best you're just absentee landlords.
Do those pipes transport Russian women to China? I heard Russia has 400 million more women than men and that Chinese men are buying them, is it true?
The world is united against us. We cannot dominate the 90% of economic and military power and 5.6 billion people that belongs to them.
You're problem is that you still seek domination. Not only that, but your domination complex isn't even benefiting you - nor was it ever meant to.
Yeah I get that. Hopefully we can follow Washington's example and step down from our position of power with dignity. Although I am doubtful.
Do you guys think even god fears asians?
The problem is that now you're required to remain in your position of power by certain means (with or without dignity), but it's just not tenable anymore - hence one of the reasons for multi-polarity and regionalization, it can serve as a crutch for your dormant century but also for your strings of influence to remain somewhat intact.
Otherwise a power vacuum will open for powers like the successful dystopia of China to take it all (but China isn't really interested in global domination, even though they'd have no qualms making the planet Chinese). Point being that global dominators don't necessary want the job, but due to their nature are powerful entities it's a matter of inertia that they'll find themselves in dominating positions.
America would be much better off going back to cowboys and indians and staying like that forever. You guys suck at world building.
>Russian pipeline
Yeah I wonder how many sections will explode/light on fire
You mean the jews that control your country? Boomer patriots to a kike empire are the worst posters on this board.
You can't. You've been printing money like there's no tomorrow. If the dollar drops from its dominant position you're economy eats shit.
The collapse of the dollar is post-poned for a little while yet (the election of Trump signifies this - if Clinton got in the dollar would have collapsed already).
Maybe mid to late 2020's it'll drop, maybe a bit later. Either way, it's going to take a big hit.
Don't get mad at me bro. It's just what i heard.
Russia doesn't have 400 million before bed.
Russia has a long fucking way to go before they threaten the dollar.
The greatest threat to the dollar is the dollar itself.
As soon as China, Iran and Russia start trading Oil without the dollar, it's over.
looks like selling debt to foreign countries was
a bad idea after all, national security risk.
Russia just made a 5 Billion dollar sale to India for S-400s. China also bought them. Pretty soon the USA's military will be useless, a trillion dollar burden that can no longer be used because every nation has the S-400.
>the enemy fighting the enemy
China breaking out is far from guaranteed. Economic clout is one thing, but China has consistently failed to effectively leverage economic clout into political advantage, even within their own neighborhood. The only state they really have in their sphere of influence is North Korea, which is practically useless. Their effort to reach out to the Philippines failed. Their effort to reach out in Central Asia failed. Their effort to reach out in East Africa is failing. Their effort to reach out in Oceania is fucking laughable. They got burned to a crisp in North Africa in the 00's. Some arbitration courts and tiptoeing around the Indians aren't signs of China coming to dominate east Asia when you look at them in the greater context of the region's strategic situation.
even the EU is going to trade with Iran without using the dollar, it's already over
Just means that Americans won't be able to consume like pigs anymore. I suppose that means "it's over" by American standards, but I guess it's all relative and most Americans won't have any clue how to survive and thrive like the original Americans did in the old West.
More like China will use the yuan to make Russia a Chinese hellhole
You can’t trust the chinks. Vancouver and Australia are their vision for the world
Iran is just slated to have regional dominance complimentary to China - two poles of influence. E.g. Iran to step in on Europe once a European Islamic Caliphate is established and once most Europeans have been butchered - pretty much a large scale version of Kosovo.
>literally all taller than them
Jesus Russian women are shameless. You know they are all doing it for the money. And then they think about being liberated at night. Whores are all the same
Well not all Asians are to be feared like Japanese they’re actually civilized people but I think even god hates the chink
Don't think I've said China is going to break out - but it is a possibility.
You've reference typical Chinese incompetence, but that doesn't mean they can't spread. Just look at Arabs (who are sort of like the Chinese of the Middle-East) - they've historically "broken out" and nothing good has ever come of it, but the fact is that they've "broken out".
Chinks are definitely untrustworthy. Asiatics are slightly less subtle versions of Jews.
Ah, I just took your 3 major regions bit to be implying that Russia, China, and USA would be the multipoles, but looking through your other posts I see I assumed your stance instead of hearing it.
What you're actually arguing just doesn't make sense though. Who is organizing this? You're fucking mad if you think the big three are going to limit their diplomatic options like that willingly, or that European powers (maybe the EU, maybe just the older empires like the Frogs and Bongs) are going to accept being boxed in by others much longer. Middle Eastern and African resources are also too valuable to not compete for access to.
>Their effort to reach out in East Africa is failing
3,000+ ongoing infrastructure projects suggests otherwise
>Their effort to reach out in Oceania is fucking laughable.
They own Australia.
I think you are overestimating India geopolitical influence. If Pakis weren't so inbred they probably could have rivaled India by theirself.
thats what u people get for spending all your budget on military and your economy on bullying others
>They own Australia.
too right m8
- America is one region (but demographics might make all of South America officially join this region, thus just making it the Americas or something like that - a harsh truth is that all those brown workers crossing the border is the only thing keeping America's present economy afloat at the moment).
- China and everything between China and Iran will be one half of the Eurasian region. India will take China's reigns after China collapses mid-21st century. (Iran will be complimentary to China in terms of governance procedures, but doing it with an 'Islamic' fashion).
Russia (or more specifically Putin) has fought to establish itself in a de facto fashion among this region, they'll provide security measures. (Russia was meant to by destroyed by now, but Putin has prevented this even though there's more trouble for Russia to come).
- Then there's the European part. It might entirely become Eurafrica and/or Eurarabia, this is speaking demographically and thus economically (you may have seen some headlines pushing for "Eurafica" - some powers want this economic and demographic bridge, others don't). Quite frankly, Europeans are dying out and being forcibly erased, nor do they seem capable of surviving any longer, most have already lost the will to live - later in the century it'll probably be completely normal to actually consider a nigger 'European'.
They won't necessarily "limit" themselves, but there is a strategic partnership with the globalists (especially now more than ever because we are all on the brink of extinction). "European powers" don't really exist anymore, Europe is in the deepest of shit, all European 'leaders' are impotent, and most of the population are accepting genocide.
But the liberal model of globalization (which is one project of the globalists) is on its way out. But it still hold majority power over the world and will continue inflicting massive damage as it collapses as a model of globalization.
>kill USD
>Yuan goes to shit
Around 900 British officials ran India back in the day when India's population was about 300 million. You don't need masses of any population to be capable in and of themselves, you just need them as a stupid malleable mass easily influenced by an elite.
So there might be a possibility for other powers, or old empires, to start back up (at least for the sake of Europeans who want to live). The Austro-Hungarian Empire will most likely return, but that's unfortunately all part of the plan to save Jews from their final genocide.
this totally