Hinduism is Earth's dumbest religion

Is there anything more obviously bullshit than Hinduism? Let's be honest, you can say all religions are dumb, ok, cool, but Hinduism is so god damn stupid it is truly a wonder that so many still believe in it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

estudantedavedanta.net/Sri_Shankaracharya-Upadeshasahasri - Swami Jagadananda (1949) [Sanskrit-English].pdf
estudantedavedanta.net/Sri_Shankaracharya-AtmaBodha (and Other Stotras) - Swami Nikhilananda (1947) [Sanskrit-English].pdf
jagannathavallabha.com/pdf_engl/prasnottara english for amazon.pdf

What's your argument against pooism? I wanna see the reason why it's bad.

Pajeets aren't very smart.

The abrahamic religions are pessimistic, misanthropic suicide cults. When /pol talks about hinduism, paganism (without debate) and ancient religions it comes alive. People want more to life than just "believe in Jesus".

We had a great thread yesterday about the Gita and now there's cocksuckers like you in here shitting on it

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What is the end goal of Hinduism? There is no Heaven parallel according to their philosophies, correct? It is just reincarnation seemingly endlessly, until one becomes so perfect-sinless in one lifetime, that they ascend into... becoming nothing at all?

Neo-pagan religions are pessimistic, misanthropic suicide cults. When /pol talks about Christianity, Islam (without debate) and ancient religions it comes alive. People want more to life than just "believe in Nietzsche".

What's so crazy about that? Just because it's complicated doesnt mean it's stupid

I don't think you understand the religion...the iconography is symbolic. As well as personal forms there are complex geometric diagrams that also represent the gods. But since they're supernatural beings, what exactly do you find unbelievable about their form or one of their forms looking like that and having multiple heads and arms? Isn't it more the concept of supernatural beings itself thats hard to believe? But once you entertain the belief, whats so hard about believing they would look strange and otherwordly?


it depends, there's difference beliefs. For some release from the cycle of reinarnation means going to heaven to be with God for others its more of a union with the supreme being in a state of pure consciousness. There's even hindus who worship the supreme goddess and they aren't particularly bothered by endless reincarnation since they'll always be in the presence of the goddess anyway since she is everything including nature and the material matrix

how? its literally the perfect religion for keeping muh class order
it cucks like 90% of the population

Ask yourself this question
>Why do I play video games?
There you will find the secret to hinduism
>hint: think about those times you beat a game, you still play some of those don't you?

Samsara ends in moksha.

It’s not endless reincarnation.

Life everlasting is Abrahamic horseshit.

Hinduism is the oldest of the Earth’s major religions today and unlike the Jews & Christians who’ve cucked out to feel good “God loves everyone,” even the gays who the scripture clearly damns to Hell, Hinduism has clung to its most ancient, traditional ideals for 8000 years.

>God loves everyone
lol. God hates everyone in the Torah, and the Jews couldn't hold it together so he made them wander the desert for a few decades.
>God loves everyone
Yeah, just like your father. If you fuck up, he'll let you know one way or another, but he ain't gonna ditch you if you keep trying.

It is the aryan religion

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when you're making shit up you may as well go all out

AAAAhhhh. I see what you did there. Very clever. Which side is more obsessed with being the very last generation?

What I am referring to is more just the fact that anyone out there can be like "yes there is a multi headed goddess". Yes the caste system exists because that's the way the Gods want it to be. No, the Hindu caste system exists as a semi clever means by which rulers of the area justified their luxury living in the midst of everyone else's poverty.

So when top level Braham insurance die they burn all their wives to death on open fire

Allows polygamy and executions of widows, your government implemented law to prevent murder of widows who escaped being burned to death

Moksha. And no you do not become "nothing at all". You "become" pure awareness. But since karma is action, and karma is caused by attachments so once you shed these things all that remains is this pure blissful awareness.

God imagine actually taking the time to even learn this stupid shit.

There’s a bit of truth in it but it’s all demonically inspired, it’s a very menacing religion when you see past it’s surface level image. It’s probably the closest to the pagan religions of the past and still persist in to modern day, it’s indluence is greater than you think. It will lead you straight to Hell however

You're just too stupid to learn metaphysics and philosophy. Go read your Bible.

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Any religion that worships gods instead of trying to kill them is wrong.

kys boomer

We see you fren

No I'm too intelligent to believe in forces that are not real and cannot be proven real.

>pessimistic, misanthropic, suicide
dude what

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too many poogods, not enough loos

>t. Jew

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Ur fucking retarded op

The jewish religions are literal death cults.

Jow Forums done got em

There is no end to it man. All people need is a spine. The courage to act. That's all. You can justify it using any religion.

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Since most of you fuckers don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about, allow me to explain the basic concepts of Hinduism.

Hinduism is not one religion. It is a way of life. The interpretation of Hinduism varies from region to region in India. Hence, when people talk about Hindus, they're actually referring to the strict caste system which is omnipresent in India. Division of society into classes based on profession is the one thing that is constant across all interpretations of Hinduism.

Coming to the concepts of Dharma, Moksha and Reincarnation. All are explained in the Bhagvad Gita. However, the Gita, when read by fuckers like most of the posters here, is open to misinterpretation because most fuckers don't realize that the Gita is based on science, not some metaphysical dick cheese.

Dharma is the laws by which one's surroundings operate. If you're an actor, your Dharma is different from a bureaucrat since the environments in which an actor and a bureaucrat operate are usually different. It is up to the individual to figure out the laws of his/her environment (or his/her Dharma) when the society as a whole does not specify it.

Karma is the consequence of one's action in accordance to one's Dharma. If you're an actor and you buttfuck people in exchange for roles, you can get away with it. If you're an intern who buttfuck people, you get thrown in jail. Karma does not specify right or wrong. It is only the consequence of one's actions in accordance to one's Dharma.

Christianity is the complete opposite of a death cult.

And they shit in the streets so must not be all that worthwhile seeing as to how it's worked out for them.

>he thinks he can deny the denier
oh no no no

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Probably younger than you, doesn’t invalidate what I’ve written however. But go ahead and open your third eye and become a enlightened individual with a bindi between your eyes, woke to one level of reality and deathly blind to another, chained by deception


People are not reincarnated. A person's reincarnation is one's child. This interpretation becomes clean when one realizes that the only consistent interpretation of the soul is the Gita is an ideology. That is, the human soul is the collection of ideas stored in that human. When the Gita says one will be reincarnated upon one's death, the Gita implies that the ideas held by a human being will be passed on to the next generation. However, Indian sages rejected this interpretation since legitimizing it would condone violence against one's progeny for one's mistakes.

When one understands that the Gita suggests the human soul is the collection of all ideas in that human, then the idea of Moksha also becomes clear. Moksha is the state in which you have a complete understanding of your Dharma and your Karma. You are free from the cyclical nature of human mistakes when you understand your Dharma and ensure your Karma is neutral. Without an understanding of Dharma and Karma, you are destined to make the same mistakes again and again - which is referred to as the cycle of life (samsara) in the Gita.

Multiple lives, incarnations, and all that bullcrap was added on by later sages because they didn't know better. And fuckers like the shitposters on this board lapped it all up without giving it a second thought.

>Fucking retards all of you.

Nietzsche was right about it. You don't convert to christianity, you must be morbid enough for it. Jews literally hate nature and command its destruction. That is not pro-life.

user. Relax. We can all see you're a tryhard.

As an ascended master from the Hindu sect,
the end goal of Hinduism is same as what Jesus truly preached ..but xtians never connected with.

Psalm 82 6, John 10 34

> “Yes, I am God and so are you. The only difference between you and I is that while I am aware of this fact, you are not.”


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So if you are a billionaire Jew it would actually be wrong to not rape children and would bring bad karma?

You wrote all of this out and no one is going to read it. Hows that feel?

Successfully running a country with a billion people surrounded by aggressive chinks and muslims sounds smart to me.

Is Hinduism the one where they have that kundalini serpent that wraps around your spine and gives you knowledge?

What are you even harping on about? Christianity isn't anti-nature.

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What a truly hideous people

>wHaTs tHe dIffErenCe
Repent. Subverter of the faith.

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>Gita is based on science

>A person's reincarnation is one's child.
If that was true, then you also must believe that all childless retards achieved the Final Liberation.

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>So if you are a billionaire Jew it would actually be wrong to not rape children and would bring bad karma?
That's the difference between Cuckstianity and Hinduism. Hinduism does not focus on right or wrong. It understands that everyone is corruptible and fallible. It focuses more on causality, actions and consequences.

Coming to your billionaire Jew example. Hinduism will focus on the causality of raping a child. If the Jew billionaire rapes a child, then someone will know about it. What are the consequences of that action? Perhaps the Jew's enemies will use it against him. Perhaps the people will find out an lynch him. Perhaps he will get away with it.

Hinduism requires the Jew to map out the possible consequences based on his environment (Jew + Billionaire + environment = Jew's Dharma) and then accept the consequences (Karma) of the action the Jew chooses to take.

If the Jew cannot control himself from raping the child, then the Jew must also accept the consequences of raping the child.

Right and wrong is Christcuck mentality. When you start specifying right and wrong, you are susceptible to propaganda. That is not the way of the Gita.

>unironically has zero understanding of the religion or its history
>focusing on class system as the primary concern

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Why understand a religion that is stupid, that has led to zero success in the modern world for its believers and that is weird to boot

read "Your Soul's plan" and Your Soul's gift by Rob schwartz


Basically he takes people into spiritual regression therapy where they meet their spirit guides, and understand some events from their selected past lives relevant to their current life

Attached: Your_Souls_Plan_Gift.jpg (708x521, 69K)

My vote for stupidest would have to go to Nation of Islam. Regular islam is moronic enough, but someone they managed to make it dumber.

>Christianity isn't anti-nature.
It absolutely is, like all sects of judaism.

No street shitter I will not read your books about how to get in touch with street shitters past.

>in America you have to pay for the free helicopter rides

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Don't listen to this subverted of the Tradition.

Read Shankara or possibly Ramanuja. No new age nonsense that will delude the mind.


>non-commentary works
estudantedavedanta.net/Sri_Shankaracharya-Upadeshasahasri - Swami Jagadananda (1949) [Sanskrit-English].pdf
estudantedavedanta.net/Sri_Shankaracharya-AtmaBodha (and Other Stotras) - Swami Nikhilananda (1947) [Sanskrit-English].pdf
jagannathavallabha.com/pdf_engl/prasnottara english for amazon.pdf

How is Christianity anti-nature? The original diet before creation was corrupted was fruits, vegetables, and seeds according to the bible. People were only allowed to eat certain meats after the flood destroyed most life.

>Hinduism does not focus on right or wrong.
That's just word games, though. If raping a child is in accordance with your dharma, such as for a Jew, then the consequences of doing it must be personally preferable to the consequences of not doing it. Right/wrong, good/bad are the same thing as that. If acting or not acting in accordance with your dharma has no bearing on whether consequences are preferable or not, then there is simply no point even thinking about any of it.

>Hinduism does not focus on right or wrong.
So what you are saying is that there are no absolutes?

I'm pretty sure Yakub was created as a joke by Anglo occultists to see if they could get black people to believe it

it would be wrong as in
do you like being raped as a child in your next life? If you like it, do it.

reincarnation and karma are real and they come back exactly as you do and be

moksha can only be attained when there is no more karmic bindings that bind you to human life .. for this to happen, you have to die before you die ... basically you have to travel the path like Jesus did ... get crucified by society and then rise above all that suffering, having achieved enlightening of your ego self, and constant proximity of the divine synchronicity force that is love. ... this is called ascension.

Like I said I have been through all that and I am already at Ascended Master level in these things
Still I have to carry water before and after enlightenment... it's just that things are easier nowadays than harder. I look forward to living a 300 year old human life, while most people look forward to suicide or checking out.... Because I feel like I am winnning each moment I am alive.

How is any of that relevant to jesusnuttery or even judaism for that matter?

>Hinduism does not focus on right or wrong.
>So what you are saying is that there are no absolutes?
Yes. Hinduism rejects absolutes. It suggests the universe is deterministic and everyone is slave to their program. Understanding one's nature and accepting the deterministic nature of the universe is Moksha. Moksha releases you from the burden of living in the universe put on those who are not aware of their nature or who believe they have a choice.

>Hinduism does not focus on right or wrong.
>That's just word games, though.
It's not. It's the key difference between fuckers who think they understand Hinduism Vs those who actually understand it. Don't get me wrong user. Most Hindus don't know what they speak of when they talk about the Gita.
>If raping a child is in accordance with your dharma, such as for a Jew, then the consequences of doing it must be personally preferable to the consequences of not doing it
> Right/wrong, good/bad are the same thing as that.
No. They are not. Who species what is right and wrong? What is right to one is not right to another. If raping children is wrong for you, then why is it right for the Jew? Or do you believe yourself to be a superior being to the Jew? Hinduism does away with such inconsistencies and focuses only on causality.
>If acting or not acting in accordance with your dharma has no bearing on whether consequences are preferable or not
Of course they do. The question is whether you're aware of how your actions affect your consequences. The laws by which your actions affect your consequences are essentially your Dharma. If you're not aware of your Dharma, then Hinduism is not at fault, is it?

Are these the new tactics that Judd promotes ?
First, we create a Christian pagan divide then we shit on Hinduism, then every other religion. Fuck off

>Yes. Hinduism rejects absolutes.
So how can you be absolutely sure there are no absolutes if there are no absolutes?

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You forgot about judaism

* jidf

i promise hinduism can't be half as gay as you think it is

Yeah pajeets are pretty fucking stupid.

>Hinduism rejects absolutes
>A religion that revolves around Brahman, the absolute

>So how can you be absolutely sure there are no absolutes if there are no absolutes?
My belief in the absence of absolutes is my belief. Until it is proven otherwise, it is not illogical for me to believe in the lack of absolutes in the universe.

However, since you're a smart ass, let's tackle your question for what it is. You're asking me about Hinduism's belief in the nature of the universe.

Who really knows, and who can swear,
How creation came, when or where!
Even gods came after creation’s day,
Who really knows, who can truly say
When and how did creation start?
Did He do it? Or did He not?
Only He, up there, knows, maybe;
Or perhaps, not even He.

—Rig Veda 10.129.1-7

>Hindu sages were a bunch of smart asses just like you.

You can be educated and modest and believe in Christianity.
No one educated believes in Hinduism, the same as Islam.
You do it do the family doesn’t disown you.

You're pretty fucking dumb, huh?

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Here's a good sermon about the truth of Hinduism by Pastor Anderson. Its a false, satanic religion.

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>kike worshipping snow monkey calling Hinduism dumb

Kek ok mutt, stick to worshipping your black jew

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That's a lot to say you don't know. If there are no absolutes then literally nothing matters. Thoughts, feelings, actions, any of it. No wonder India is so fucked up.

It's a death cult. It's foundation myth is literally God sacrificing himself, to himself, for creating something flawed from himself. Salvation is attained through a pseudo cannibalistic ritual. And I say this as a Catholic. If you're denying that's what it is, you're brainwashed or just don't know. You can be mad about other people calling it out, but not deny the facts.

That’s why they survived literally thousands of invasions and conquered whole Asia before industrial revolution.. ok Cletus

snow niggers shouldn’t touch the real Aryan religion, Indians and Iranians are Aryans. whites are nothing but lowly snow monkeys who got invaded and raped by arabs of Greece and Rome kek

Daily reminder that Jesus was black

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Absolute sacrilege, repent heretic

yeh listen to this narrow eyed retarded faggot
just kys

>It's foundation myth is literally God sacrificing himself, to himself, for creating something flawed from himself.
Nope. Jesus shed his blood to pay the price of the law. He didn't sacrifice himself to himself.

>Salvation is attained through a pseudo cannibalistic ritual.
Nope. Eating bread and drinking wine doesn't save you.

>And I say this as a Catholic
Explains a lot.

I actually sincerely appreciate this. I can see why there have been links drawn to the Nazis now.

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Are you fucking retarded

nope, scientology

>What is the end goal of Hinduism?
To justify the caste system

>That's a lot to say you don't know.
Completely specifying what one does not know does require some effort.
>If there are no absolutes then literally nothing matters
Evolution does. If nothing matters to you, your gene pool will be eliminated.
>Thoughts, feelings, actions, any of it.
Some will give you an edge. Some won't.
>No wonder India is so fucked up.
And the U.S. is not fucked up?

Christianity is right about morality
Buddhism is right about suffering
Hinduism is right about reincarnation
Shinto is right about demons
Taoism is right about the soul

And most importantly, Islam is right about women.

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>Nope. Jesus shed his blood to pay the price of the law. He didn't sacrifice himself to himself.
You're using pilpul. Like a kike. He didn't she'd his blood to pay any earthly price. He did it to absolve humanity of original sin. Which was an action undertaken by Eve that God himself determined was against his "law". And so he sent his son to suffer and die on our behalf, paying the blood price, for a rule he imposed, and sacrificed his own begotten son, as an offering to himself. Because he's god. If you can't understand that, then... I don't know what to tell you.
>Nope. Eating bread and drinking wine doesn't save you.
It's an affirmation of your covenant with Christ. Seriously, user. Don't be retarded.


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