This is proof the usa has the most masculine women in the world
cant wait till she gets replaced by a tranny
Personally, I love a fierce aggressive, woman with a shitty attitude and purple hair...
Still has a nice ass tho.
Not true. See the pic.
The Russians have bred some monster females. Not the kind you want to have sex with though.
35 looking 55 lol
whats wrong with you are you retarded?
she is 35?
wtf, I thought it was a hot 45 years old MILF
Truth of the matter...
Where did all that testosterone come from?
pretty hot for 45, not 35 tho
>strong women look like men
wew lmao
>hating on the people who bring you prestige and victory
grow up
>>hot regardless of age
whatever, Id fuck her. I am attracted to strong women.
no one watches women sports
That’s a man
I'd like to nurse.........
10/10 would hatefuck
>I like strong women
I bet you like being choked and getting kicked in the balls you faggot cuck
Collectivism isn't strong and your sons will end up faggots because of you.
I'd pound that little twink's ass
if she didnt have shitty attitude and pro-degenerate view irl should be quite fuckable. anyone got the webm of her team mate touching her boob or was that some dike?
>was that some dike?
>was that some other dike?
No more of this shit. It's /pol forcrissakes.
The first time women bought more copies of this issue than men...I would think.
Well I'm not the world's most masculine man
But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man
And so is Lola
Lo lo lo lo Lola. Lo lo lo lo Lola
Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola
Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola
Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola
Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola
Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola
Where is this ass that you speak of?
choked yes. Ball kicking, no. I like sex to be a bit of a power struggle and dance on the line between consent and rape.
who is talking about collectivism you illeterate faggot. Nice trips though.
and if I breed her my children will be strong as well.
a dyke thats not too sure about being a dyke.
>immma lezzzbeeeeannnnn
>also I want guys to jerk off to me
She's an annoying cunt.
tell me about her. I have only ever seen her here and have no idea what the back story is
Her entire platform is part of the larger collective narrative you literal brainlet.
Context is a 5th grade language Arts skill... Read more
Any good pics of her bod?
kinda reminds of Anne Heche in that movie with Harrison Ford where they get planecrashed on an island.
With all that pent up hate she'd probably be a hell of a wild fuck.
Probably looks worse than Hope Solo downstairs tho. I'd have to take Alex "no tits" Morgan instead.
The female players are actually trannies.
I'm Sorry but I am getting Zero Woodie from this ...
Is This a Tranny ?
mehhh.... No meat.
Pic not accurate.
Oooooh she's from California, that explains everything. I think she watched she's the man one too many times and she blew a gasket
Masculine women is a sign of degeneration.
See e.g. sheboons.
>people give this many shits about fucking sportsball
And that's a bad thing.
>chick that looks like a male twink
>fucking her wouldn't be gay