>you weren't born in Canada
why even fucking live
>you weren't born in Canada
why even fucking live
>You weren't born as peasant during the black plague
Why live?
no thanks canada doesn't have much Black men, therefore where can i get my daily fix of BBC?
>tfw born in Quebec
>(Your) surname doesn't mean flagship
Just neck yourselves
I was born in glorious Dixie.
second class citizen
You can fuck every colour of tranny in Toronto, you just have to wait until school hours are over so they can finish teaching our children to vote for Justin Trudeau
Fuck off pepsi.
It's not fucking fair bro!!!
Jut move here faggot, Jihadi Justin has made it fucking easy as shit. I'm a minority in my hometown now.
>you weren't born in Canada
...and that's a good thing.
Stay assblasted Anglo faggots
>>you were born in Canada
self doxed moron, lol
this but the complete opposite
Canada is indeed pretty neat. Haven't been in awhile.
Everyone makes jokes about raking us
This is an example
>self doxxed
there are 1600 people with that surname in my country alone
Got template?
This is accurate, Quebec is way better than Ontario and the western oilniggers. However the Maritimes are better than Quebec.
You don't need to born in canada to be gay or trans user
Maritimes are Quebec/Acadian clay
Is this originally from perry bible fellowship?
meh, i don't even like asia
You apes aren't welcome here. Except your women hehe
Here you go fren. Going to make a burger one? Lol
Nova scotia reporting in
I was born in Canada
No clue honestly but I dropped the template for everyone.
Yeah, I too wish I could legally have sex with animals like the proud leaf. What a paragon of civilization Canada is!
Thank God
Better living in a favela drinking monkey piss than to live in that shit
You're Acadian?
>>you weren't born in Canada
>why even fucking live
Wishing you were born in frozen faggot Canada
I honestly would rather live in Canada then this spic filled shithole
Hello Ahmed
Actually they're unceded migmaw territory you fucking bigot
Ayyy bluenoser
Canada is amazing.
Most days I do not even see a monkey-man.
USA is like 25% monkey-men.
>Kids taken away for not respecting a 6 year old boy's wish to be called she and having his dick cut off
Livin' the dream
Why do you want to live in Canada? The food is like 10x as expensive as the USA
Canadians pay in food for good grades
Higher taxes vs the USA across the board along with lower pay
Sometimes I wish I was Canadian so I could be normal.