it sounds like this guy's life mission was fucking underage girls based on how much effort he put into it. but he could have been fucking 18 year olds all day without a care in the world. he could have even found himself some 18 year olds that looked 14 but he just couldn't help himself. he had to have the real deal. sounds like a mental illness to me.
Is 14yo pussy really that much better than 18yo pussy?
What's that article from?
Goyim like pussy, boobs, ass, legs, kissing and all the usual expected preferences. Kikes like to terrorize, coerce, rape and other kosher things during sex.
I don't know, but claiming all jews are pedos is pretty funny
he was a political blackmailer for spooks, that's why he ran shit as he did.
If you had an egg shaped penis you might also look for girls with little to no experience so as to not get hysterically laughed at
Do you know how much dick an average girl gets per year? A lot. The difference between a 14 and 18 year old pussy is the difference between a cave and the grand canyon.
Yes, a cave. There's been a lot of dick in there already by age 14.
>one single girl
this is just the tip of the iceberg, friend. jeff has been with many much younger.
Don't know how the vagina works, do ya?
(((Ezra Collins)))
I think it's something evil people get off on corrupting the innocence of a child.
It's about exerting force and control over things especially against others will.
Also may be something about initiation to a secret club by letting people fuck underage girls while recording proof so they own people. fuck young pussy, get tons of freedom dollars, in turn you have to follow orders even against your moral compass or you end up jailed at best dead at worst.
we like it
>is 14yo pussy really that much better than 18yo pussy?
When I was 14 myself, 18yr old girls felt "old" while 13 and 14yr olds felt "just right".
But I guess when you are 55, it really shouldn't matter if it is a spoiled 18yr old who had been a trampoline for 5yrs or a 14yr old who has been a trampoline for just a yr or two.
Epstein is the "try hard" champion, which isn't surprising from a poor Jew from Brooklyn. And, with him, the young girls wasn't about just getting off, it's power. That he CAN. And that he could make vast wealth from it, and more power from blackmailing others.
And yes, he's mentally ill, but not in the way you think, this is sociopathic, personality disorder type shit.
mossad killed pat
people have punishments that are far worse than jail or death
nah he's just hiding out
> oi vey
This guy's mission was to blackmail public officials and other rich and influential people. Doesn't work as well if the girls are of legal age.
probably some shit from
Show tits, roastie postie
>he believes women's anatomies don't change from the number of dicks inserted
hahahahahaha newfag pleb detected. fuck outtahere
Jonas Alexis
The real kicker is that everyone on here thinks they deserve a 10/10 virgin princess, even though they are a bunch of degenerate losers.
lmao even that talmund only states to have sex with a female child less than 3 years old and male less than 9 years old. 14 is definitely no go...
>The real kicker is that everyone on here thinks they deserve a 10/10 virgin princess, even though they are a bunch of degenerate losers.
>Show tits, roastie postie
atleast you're honest with your projections
I'd hope they can at least spell at an 18 year old level
I am the first to admit I'm a degenerate. I use drugs for recreation. Don't really give a fuck what a bunch of purity spiralling faggots thing about it either. But I don't expect the women I'm with to be perfect either. And I doubt anyone on this website of all places has merit to expect that either.
>can't afford instathots
Child pussy is the forbidden fruit
He doesn't use them for sex
also, I would bet you dont rape anyone.
we should keep in mind that this is really about the rape of children, not some underage sex party, but actual rape. This isnt a 25 year old taking a 17 year old home from a bar, or an 18 year old and a 16 year old sending pics. This is an adult man using the black market to ship in pre-teens to use as his flesh light through the use of force, coersion and drugs. It is rape.
>14 years old
>Implying that they're that old
And i doubt that they were just fucking there.
It's about destroying the souls of the victims. Same motive as muslim rape gangs or any other pedophile rapist. Except in Epstain's case there's an additional jewish motive of harming the 'goyim'.
The younger you rape them - the more damage you do.
Basic jewish sickness.
You can blackmail people a whole lot better when you get them to put it in the 14 y/o pussy. That was the entire point of his trafficking empire.
>is 14yo pussy really that much better than 18yo pussy?
Meh, not much different. But knowing I was devirginizing always fucking made me hard a a rock when I was younger, especially when the chicks told me to do it. But we at talking about satanic jew fucks here. Not actual people. I took my conquests out to the truck stop for breakfast, not a torture chamber and round 2 with Bill Clinton.
>There's been a lot of dick in there already by age 14.
>tfw the normalization for pedophilia took too long to escape the noose and they know it
Who was it who said 'old enough to bleed old enough to breed'?
>quick, herschel, defend the guy who is the public face of our Mossad blackmail ring by saying it's all anti-semitism behind it!
>accidentally create the subconscious linkage between jews and child-raping globalist blackmail machine
sloppy job mossad
Epstein gives pedophilia a bad name
if her age is on the clock she is ready for the cock
Kek this
You dont get it. The jew doesnt care to have a mind blowing fuck session. The only thing the jew cares about is his bank account and destroying the white race.
What Epstein did and what the other pedo jews are doing is creating thousands of damaged white girls who hate (((white men))).
OP never says
it must be his own blog
this aged well
>is 14yo pussy really that much better than 18yo pussy?
for the transgressive element of the kink, I'd imagine every year under 18 adds to his fat egg-shaped erection
32 year old cunt is best. fight me idgaf
aaaawwww sweet summer child
This appears to be fake.
What are you, 32?
Actually the vag contracts to the shape of the penis during arousal. It may also expand in anticipation of large amounts of semen. No dick is as big as a baby, and I've had mothers who are tighter than teenage girls who never gave birth. It's all about arousal and how fit the snatch is. One of the biggest whores I ever fucked was loose, but when my friend fucked her she was tight for him because she was naturally attached to him, and no my dick is bigger than his. He actually kept fucking her and eventually knocked her up, cucking her husband, and they moved away. The kid totally has my friends face. It's all about attraction and biology. Sorry.
>Truck stop for breakfast
Please tell me it was some independent restaurant, and not shitty Iron Skillet or T.A.
Not all jews are pedos but all pedos are jews
It really depends. Some girls figure out the power of illegal underage pussy and abuse the shit out of it. These are the types of girls who will end up on Epstein island. Most girls will keep it down to 0-2 cocks before age 16. They are smarter than you give them credit for. Hoes are like fags, few in number, but loud enough to give the impression they are a majority.
Calling out rapists and paedos is anti Semitic. Ffs, Jews are a curse on this world
>just the tip of the ice(((berg)))
I remember from when I was 14, it sucked
what about catholics?
>Please tell me it was some independent restaurant
err, for the most part, but Denny's was always a popular draw, over the local greasy spoon right off the highway.
it is for blackmail
he needed them for his sex magick rituals.
Personally I've seen no correlation of quality to age, other than young girls are bad lays. But I haven't had sex with underage girls since I was young as well and my sample size is small for that category. The problem is; older women are more confident and better at what they are doing, but younger women give off more/better pheromones and look better (usually.) I can't speak for the 50+ crowd, but 20-40's it's about the individual, not age.
I'm gonna sound like a huge retard
But I honestly never thought "Jewish" when I heard Epstein, even though it has Stein in the name, I always just associated him with being powerful and a pedophile.
The guy's reputation far exceeds him being Jewish, and that takes a lot.
As someone who usually hooks up with 16 (it's legal here) I can say honestly say, that yes, it is better. There's something about teenage girls that just makes sex better
you should be strung up with piano-wire for that comment
i wouldn't know never had either
Statistically speaking there's a much lower chance that a 14 yo has burned coal yet so there's less chance of contamination
Then again any 14 yo that would sleep with a juden is no pussy I want to be near
Aha, that article is written by someone called Ezra, GREAT!
What about Billy-Jeff Clinton? He's not a jew, but he evidently has a thing for under-age girls.
Jewish/arabs have pedophilic rituals gentiles are unaware of. Semites will claim it libel but remember that they use their religious texts as an excuse to conquer and enslave women/children in the old world. Remember rabbis say it's ok to rape young girls and kebabs worship a man who's wife could have been his daughter.
Pheromones. It's not their skill or personality. There's a reason Japs buy adolescent girl's underwear, and are some of the longest living people on Earth.
implying he wasnt selling organs
Tell us more pussy expert
Dumb Murican, Jews lust children , we prefer goats and our cousins . get your facts right, faggot
It's afraid. Also the anti semitism line is a distraction from the naughty Goys who are as deep in this as the elite Jews.
young nordic white girls is what he specifically preferred, he was corrupting the children of his enemies while running his blackmail scam for Mossad
Such a stimulating read, thank you.
>is 14yo pussy really that much better than 18yo pussy?
Yes, that is why feminists tried to restrict it with age of consent nonsense.
NAXALT argument implying the whore and virgin average sex totals mean all teens are whores. pevo brain croat
He was doing both you pleb. His life was round the clock pussy of all attractive ages.
It's mostly just America where 18 is the legal age, most of europe its 14, most of africa its 14, most of the east its 15.
in a sane world, the 14 year old girls would be married off to the stable income providing and socially established 20 something single men before they are corrupted by roastie behavior.
Based and redpilled.
"Youse Goyim should be crying about the most holy holocaust, not asking questions about our good friend Jeffrey!"
Shut the fuck up
>stable income providing and socially established 20 something single men
Only the upper-middle class deserves women then.
>This is what retarded upper-middle classers believe
I always thought roasties push aoc laws because they know that otherwise they couldn't compete for chads
It was intended for 14 year old girls and boys not for retarded neckbeard losers in their 30s to chase after high school girls.
>most of europe its 14, most of africa its 14, most of the east its 15.
And most of those parts of the world are a shithole, just a cohincidence I guess.
If you take a girl's virginity she loves you most over everyone else forever. He is making friends with beautiful women who will marry very powerful men because they are so beautiful. So he can control their money its all very simple.
That and so they'd have longer to brainwash women into becoming feminist wageslaves.
How did you get this info, user?