I am a right winger and have been dating a hardcore leftist for over a year. She goes to pride parades and thinks babies should be referred to as "them" until they are able to self identify their own gender and things like that. She is Aryan and of pure German blood, although I haven't had any luck moving her over to the right at all. Should right wingers date white leftist women? Or is this treason? Is it a pointless waste of time, and we should just find other conservative women to reproduce with? The problem is that for many of us, it can be very difficult to even find a woman who isn't a leftist.
Is it ok to date a leftist?
You’re going to be falsely accused of rape.
you aren't hardcore anything except filthy sodomite your definition of right wing is communist party member as opposed to Jabotinskyite.
>"pure aryan blood"
Only if you respect her. This is what you should see.
lmao just knock her up and the soccer mom instincts will kick in, should be fine breh
forgot pic
If you can't raise plenty of white children with her and teach them your core social values (not even ideology) you are wasting your time and contributing to our demise. She will take the kids from you and your hate speech, they will have a ruined father figure image, and they will be worse leftists than you can imagine.
dont* respect her fuck so many errors*
Her parents immigrated from Germany. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm not a geneticist or anthropologist. Fuck off.
This is what my fear is.
I don't think it should matter, if you limit your partners based of political affiliation then like wtf are you doing. Also women tend to be more left, because Feminism. so a right wing woman I feel is a once in a blue moon.
She would probably abort it unless she was "ready" aka 45 years old with a shitty corporate pretend job that they give to women to make them feel like they're as capable of stuff as men
You are the definition of a spinless man
have fun dating a loser loser.
Who's the loser the loser or the loser who dates losers?
Are you implying I should leave, or beat her into submission?
Why not both?
Better luck next time Quigley.
Because I'm not a maniac seeking a criminal record?
Place your race above your own pleasure. We will not survive unless every single one of us has brought tremendous sacrifice. Bring her over or leave her.
go away faggot with your degenerate dating and hookup culture
HuRr DuRr i'm a traditionalist even though i spend most of my time pursuing whores and fapping to hentai
I mean, eventually your differing ideologies are going to become an issue...
Your best hope is to slowly unravel her beliefs using rational arguments, but do it so subtly that she doesn't notice it happening.
start with niggers, disneyland chimpout etc, have a philosophical discussion about challenges in black society and why they might be like that. She'll most likely use the whole white oppression, colonialism etc... then you can explore why colonization of places like asia didn't seem to throw those places back ot the stoneage.
never act like you're trying to win her over to your argument, but rather present rational bits and pieces of the puzzle in front of her and let her solve them.
She will think you're having a stimulating discussion, but slowly be wittled away by the realities of the world.
"century of the self" is a favorite documentary of mine as well, it demonstrates how western society basically became a bunch of soulless consumers, without family structure, ideas about gender confusion etc are more likely to occur. Again, approach it in a way where you weigh the pros and cons objectively, rather than trying to win her over..
Long story short is that she's a woman, and they're easy to manipulate. I literally just got home from banging a married co-worker, because I convinced her that her and I having sex would be a completely separate thing than her marriage that would not effect her relationship or hurt anybody one bit, they're susceptible to our superior reasoning.
I used to until I thought enough was enough of thinking of having a future live with a cunt that told me she'd kill our unborn children. Leaving her was a good decision for her and me.
Get thee to an unconverged church
shut up nigger.
Uh, I don't? How is being in a relationship with someone for over a year degenerate hook up culture? Are you some Mormon virgin incel faggot?
I can't imagine spending even a single fucking day with a woman regurgitating leftist doctrine.
I think I would snap at some point.
If you can't change the beliefs of your girlfriend you are a weak bitch. Women will default to whatever opinion a strong man holds.
fuck all these guys telling you to run, try to control her.
even if you fail, manipulating and controlling women is a learning curve you're going to need to climb if you want to have a stable family some day. You won't be able to do that if you operate like a limp spaghetti noodle. If you want a healthy relationship, you need both hands on the controller and fresh batteries inside.
Have sex lmao ive fucked 11 girls at the age of 21 wbu bud? Hahahah
why would you bother dating someone so incompatible for marriage?
British women would be so much more attractive if they were not all ultrafeminist.
If you're alpha she will become right wing. Women follow ,men lead
>Jow Forums - advice
Fuck off cunt
fucking this... What kinda fag worries about what a woman already thinks, as long as her vagina is clear of ethnic semen I'll take care of the rest. I'll boot my own operating system and program it the way I like
Woah that last story you just shared was some degenerate sociopathic shit. The only way I would condone it would be if her husband was black. Anyway, I have sort of tried to do this sort of thing but she has been heavily programmed by graduating from Oberlin college and growing up in Seattle. We probably will end up breaking up eventually
Why would you put yourself through that headache? Is she aware of your political leanings and alright with that? Have you noticed any signs of hope?
German and being an insufferable leftist go hand in hand.
With that being said, she's gonna acuse of rape when you said no to opening your relationship
fucking this. as long as their pussy is free of ethnic dick and some uncle didn't horribly molest them or something, I can pretty much just load my own operating system and program them the way I want.
Anybody who's reading this who doesn't have this kind of control over their women is basically going to get cucked at some point, If the idea seems foreign to you, research and practice.
Fuck a leftist?
Sure why not.
Marry? If you do that you're not my friend anymore.
not my fault her husband didn't install anti virus software that let me hack in.
Idk, I'd say they default to whatever opinion the status quo is, or whatever is most popular or mainstream at the time where they are. Women generally like to follow societal trends. They aren't really thinkers. I'm not sure I'd be able to convert this woman. If I tried violence or threatening forceful language or things like that I think she would just leave immediately, and if I tried violence, report me to the police.
I got with my girl 8 years ago. I am very conservative and she has always been a hippy dippy liberal. But we understand each other and accept each other. I say nigger, faggot, whatever kind of shit and she doesn't care. Politics CAN take a back seat to true love but only if both people feel the same. We had a son and are married now and still have sex almost every day. Don't let politics ruin a good thing. If you love each other it will work.
wittle her down, you can undo it all. people's opinions change like the wind, half the dickheads on Jow Forums right now would suck a nigger's dick if they had enough encouragement, you just need to make her think its her idea, keep track of your manipulation in a notebook if you need to keep your progress straight.
You are retarded. Get raked faggot. A woman will love a man regardless if he is worth it.
Yes, because the scarcity of pussy in our feminist society would otherwise force in other unsavory choices....
Just tape every single sexual encounter you have with her, and avoid getting this one pregnant: fail either way and, she, will, OWN, YOU.
leftist is a sign she is insane, just pump and dump, never make the mistake of giving them any power over you
I wasn't just asking for advice I was generally asking if it's a good idea for right wingers to date leftist women at all in general if we want to preserve our race
It's easy just ridicule left wing shit like basedboys etc
Playful teasing that shows how absurd this shit is
Youre the lowest of the low
I've dated and flinged with a number of people on the opposite political spectrum a few times.
What's important is that the two of you have strong common ground, are able to put aside politics and nurture a strong relationship in the things you do together.
Political friction in any relationship can be damaging if you're not careful.
Yes it is fine to date a liberal as long as you make your beliefs clear from the get go and understand that neither of you are expected to change. With time and effort mutual ground can be had. Women are emotional cripples and will always do what they think is the "right thing". That's what makes them good mothers and wives. It just happens to be that there is so much shit information in the world on account of us all being under the thumb of a giant nosed rat that they can't help but feel sympathetic to lefty causes.
love is a chemical reaction in the brain that makes them bond to you. You can control this through proper mental programming.
If you run around thinking love is some magical substance made of wizards and fairy dust, you're gonna get cheated on.
But seriously Ive fucked a few lefties and brought up my politics and none of them challenged me on it. Straight up said I didnt like fags and all that shit. One girl even says nigger around me and all that now but still wont change her stance on circumcision.
You only get cheated on if you are a beta that let's her do whatever she wants. You have to establish boundaries. You have to also be a good provider. You also have to be a good lay. A good father. Have a strong moral compass. Stoicism. A good work ethic. Strong family values. Loyalty. Your outlook only proves you haven't experienced true love. Soul mates are real and I found mine. She just happens to be retarded. It's not her fault. She is who she is but we make each other happy.
>I wasn't just asking for advice I was generally asking for dating advice thinly disguised as politically motivitated
Fixed the statement for you
Speaking of which, not politics.
the number one rule for heterosexual mating in humans is
>don't put your dick in crazy
As long as you don't make her pregnant or marry her you should be good
It is political. The question is should right wingers be dating leftists. When talking about preserving the white race, men and women being together is obviously a big and relevant part of it, and most women are leftists so it is a relevant topic. If I wanted advice on how to pick up women or maintain a good relationship I would have said that and I'd go advice.
I have some experience with this and I want to start off by warning you that there’s a chance you will be disappointed. That being said here are some suggestions:
>leftist thought is grounded almost entirely in emotion which is why it appeals to women. You won’t win her over through black crime statistics. You have to show her that all of the things she cares about will be destroyed by leftist policies(ie how the environment is being destroyed by illegal immigration in the Sonoran desert)
>start off slowly. You have to plant seeds. Start by showing her an article about how human traffickers are raping women who illegally cross the border. Don’t mention immigration policy or the border beyond that. All you are trying to accomplish is plant the idea that there are bad Mexicans because up until now they have been portrayed as infallible in her mind
>appeal to her biology. Ultimately women don’t really care about politics. In many ways their left wing beliefs are an extension of their maternal instinct. Politics is just weak men on the left fighting strong men on the right for control of the world. The fact that she is attracted to you and not some left wing faggot proves her biology is overriding her ideology. Bring up the idea of her being a mother and raising kids and see how she reacts. Over time she will realize that the left is destroying everything her biology causes her to desire, and she will hate them
Godspeed user
>She thinks babies should be referred to as "them" until they are able to self identify their own gender
i don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Also: "Treason" has a definition. It is a much more specific word than most people realize, and it sure af doesn't apply to dating.
Learn to use the Queen's english, lad.
Guaranteed slut.
If you're ok with that, then fine.
>and we should just find other conservative women to reproduce with?
yes, because otherwise there's a big chance that you will end up like this guy. Or you gamble on her becoming more reasonable when she has a child.
>babies should be referred to as them
>goes to pride parades
Waste of time. If you were to ever have children she'd turn them into a faggot before grade school.
It all depends, if she’s just your standard basic bitch modern leftist woman, they can be reformed and really need (and want) to be reformed by a strong right wing man. If she’s a feminist and believes in 60 tumblr genders then don’t bother, nobody can get them to come to our side and it’s pointless to try
Nah I'll pass liberal women are demented especially ones with that perspective
>over a year
literally nothing
Date a redpilled non-white
T reason almost as if reason had been nailed to the cross
Just pump and dump em you faggot.
That's why you never give out your real name and you never bring women over by your place. The amount of shitfuckery you'll avoid is astronomical. Be smart
leftists are too retarded to raise children
Eventually, you'll have a conflict. Your choice will be to cuck out, which will lead to her either dumping you or making you suck her bull's dick, or she'll accuse you of rape/abuse. Not worth it. Get out now.
>Yes, because otherwise there's a big chance that you will end up like this guy.
Wrong. You have a 70% chance of ending up like that guy regardless of the woman's upbringing, political beliefs and so on
If you're one of the "lucky" remaining 30%, that doesn't guarantee that you'll be happy either. Conservative women are notorious for being bossy and trying to control every aspect of your life.
Tread lightly
No it’s not ok.
Why are you asking permission?
Shoot and scoot
Lmfao the fuck do you do to them.
I think the real question here is: why would you invest time and resources into a potential reproductive partner who is fundamentally incompatible with your worldview and values? Such a woman--as you describe her--is especially dangerous because she is perfectly positioned to poison your children against you (there are many reason kikes choose to trace lineage by maternal lines; among them is that a woman can whisper her belief system into the ears of her husband's children without suspicion); this is doubly true if she is a feminist or seems to think that women should be absolved of responsibility (she'll blame you for all the world's evils and your children won't know better than not to believe her).
If you cannot trust your woman to instill good values into your children--even if some of those values are a little on the squishy, hippy-dippy side; compassion isn't a bad thing to have, and as children naturally look to their fathers as they get older, provided they haven't been poisoned against them by their mother, you can fine tune and aim those softer values to more appropriate targets--then you should not be wasting your time on her.
That's not to say that a right winger can't or shouldn't date a leftist, just that he should carefully examine what she believes and why. If she's just an overly compassionate leftist who wants to baby all the world's brown people children should redirect her compassion and mothering to a more appropriate place. If she is an ideologue like OP's girl--who I wouldn't let near my children if you paid me--then your chances of a successful, long-term, reproductive relationship are almost nil.
But, eh, my questions from my first post still stand if you wanted to answer them, OP.
If you are more attractive then yes she will follow your lead and there is a possibility of a successful conversion to natsoc if she is above you stay the fuck away she's trying to take your beta bucks and no amount of Nazi propaganda will be able to save you.
> walk up to a leftist
> "I too am a degenerate"
> oh user let's go back to my parent's basement
> go to her "room"
> just one mattress in the middle, 2 cats sitting on it
> shoo the cats away
> get down to business
> just as she's about to cum whisper "Donald J. Trump is the greatest president"
> she's literally shaking
Yes, fuck the enemy
Niggers do it everytime they fuck an european woman
>stay away
Bullshit. Follow your dreams. Make it happen.
Aiming low only encourages degeneracy in the form of ugly women.
>aim low
Well that's assuming your ugly user not all of us are incel tier neckbeard.
Put myself through it because I live in Seattle and there are probably less than 100 non leftist females currently living in this city so the only choice I really have right now is to date leftists. She knows some of my beliefs, and we've gotten in fights about them before. But she only knows like a watered down version of them. She doesn't know that I support fascism or that I think women shouldn't have the same rights as men, or that the races of man are not equal and shouldn't believing together. She just knows I generally don't support gun confiscation, illegal immigration, feminism, abortion, or transgender ideology. Anytime we've scratched the surface of my beliefs about most of these issues it's resulted in a fight where she almost starts crying. And I haven't really noticed any signs of hope, other than I think she has very natural maternal instincts and probably subconsciously would love to have babies. It's probably useless. I was just wondering what most people thought about this overall subject
She doesn't respect you. There has to be respect first
Is it possible to find a decent girl and trad pill her without having sex? I don't want to be a degenerate and have premarital sex.
You’re scum for allowing your dick to think for you
It really doesn't matter what a woman's politics are, they are irreverent.
In saying that, its not a lot of fun hanging with what might be an otherwise cool woman if shes got radically different opinions.
Remember, she is a woman, so emotion is much more important than logic. You wont convince her with arguments, you'll convince her by having your dick in her vagina and being an alpha male, she will find herself coming around to your views.
No, to change a woman's mind you must be fucking them. That's just how it is.
Yes. They're called prudes and asexuals
You sure showed him user. I bet he'll think twice before showing himself in /our/ Congolese arse sniffing forum
>Is it possible to find a decent girl and trad pill her without having sex?
don't think so. I'm in a german reddit like community and recently there was a 23 year old virgin who looked very good and not too prudish. Slim, long blond hair, good face.
This is the best way to redpill woman.
Just do not dump her before 100% redpilling.
Is it okay to eat poison?
Leftist have a mental deficiency. Tze only reason you are staying wirh her is because she gives you them sugar walls. And that is pathetic
The only reason any man should really be with a woman is because she can bear and raise his kids, give him domestic comfort, and sex. So if you're with a woman for some other reason than that you're probably pathetic.
I am sorry, user.
It doesn't sound like a very fulfilling life. Assuming that moving is not an option have you considered trying to date a woman from rural Washington? These leftists are highly concentrated in cities and if you go a little further afield you should be able to find a woman with a milder, more practical attitude.
>domestic comfort
Does this include bantz?
A Leftist, no, but a Liberal, yes.
Leftists are a fringe extreme and not the majority, but it SEEMS that they are because the MSM are OVERREPRESENTING them much like the gays and trans.