@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:
>HUDSec SleepyBen on TheEpochTimes 7/13/19
>ActFEMAAdm Gaynor on ABCNews 7/13/19
>TrumpTweet: Leaving the Great State of Ohio! 7/12/19
>Pres Trump arrives in Cleveland OH 7/12/19
>Pres Trump @Derco Aerospace on USMCA 7/12/19
>Pres Trump signs high-heel shoe in WI 7/12/19
>Pres Trump/LabSec Acosta comments before departing WH 7/12/19
>VP Pence Roundtable w/USBP in McAllen TX 7/12/19
>VP Pence/Others @Immigrant Processing Center 7/12/19
>NASAAdm Bridenstine on C-SPAN 7/12/19
>Trump2020StratCommDir Lotter on Dobbs 7/12/19
>SpecRep4Venezuela Abrams @OAS Press Conf 7/12/19
>JCSChair USMCGen Dunford Presser on US-Benis Partnership 7/12/19
>WHTradeDir Navarro on CNBC 7/12/19
>KAC on FBN 7/12/19
>AsstEnSec(CESER) Evans/Others @House on CyberThreats to ElecGrid 7/12/19
>This Week@Interior 7/12/19
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
too tired and is sunday
>islamic finance
quick somebody alert plumpo he can simply kick them out! he's wasting his time giving them hearing n shit!
fucking illegals steal all the best girls
Fair enough. But don't get comfy, I'm gonna surf on the back of one of your giant sea turtles one of these days.
also, they need a warrant
here's some more of that
they're cousins user
>Ggoomers: "KISS is devil music!"
>Boomers: "KISS is rock'n'roll!"
>Xoomers: "KISS is dad rock."
>Zoomers: "Who? Ke$ha?"
>look up band
>all jewish
>KISS is devil music
How did they get it so right?
When will guys learn hot women are assholes. That's why you always see them with assholes.
is this shit being memoryholed?
Yeah. Not even a single article in my "Apple News" feed about it. And I know if he had a MAGA hat there'd be at least 4.
It literally happened today and seems to be everywhere. Can't be memoryholed that fast.
It just happened yesterday. News cycles don't work that fast, I'd expect it on the news tonight or on monday
Trump should dedicate a holiday to ICE to trigger the radical leftists.
They should hurry and raid his house for potential accomplices.
But none of the news mention anybody raiding this guy's house for evidence.
>he doesn't take his girlfriend to see crossdressing sandnigger refugees with scalp pubes in thigh high hooker boots talk about fucking American girls
this /ptg/ is what a raciss looks like
They could call it The ICE Capades!
replace columbus day with ice day. it will get the left to shut the fuck up about indigenous shit
Pretty much, user.
the only good kiss song
He apparently wrote a manifesto we'll never get to see.
Post Dragon Energy!
Early Sunday hours are muh comfy hours amirite...
more like real lonely hours
>This is a 12-year-old
Caitlyn Jenner btfo
real stoopid STOOPID*
I don't know if you guys have time but you know that recent twitter ruling against Trump by 3 activist judges. I know they were appointed by Bush but it was disgusting how they tried their best to narrow the ruling to only Trump and nobody else.
Also a shitload of excuses like saying there are unanswered questions in this ruling but let's please leave it for another time.
It's basically a half assed legal opinion because they expect Trump to appeal the twitter ruling.
I'm beginning to not respect judges anymore. They are literally cancer these days.
We're going to have to seriously check the judicial branch one day. I want possibly term limits, the ability to recall judges based on district or circuit by the local population and make impeachment of judges just require simple majority.
Also, inspector generals everywhere for these federal judges.
I would ban summer vacation for the supreme court as well.
>is this shit being memoryholed?
Only by MSM
It's almost like Trump isn't stirring up the hives like he used to.
>you want to b-breed me...?
>I'm beginning to not respect judges anymore.
They're just lawyers but even more smug. KTATBQH
Here's a video of him:
Also worth noting: Willem Van Spronsen lost custody of his children after a domestic violence conviction. This is who Leftists on Twitter are putting on a pedestal.
cringe and gay as usual
Yeah they really have exposed themselves as kangaroo teir courts across the board.
And now they'll have this extra little memory of their father. What an asshatter.
>male vocalist
Bet this faggot does great Kiss covers. The damned faggot.
>I'm beginning to not respect judges anymore. They are literally cancer these days.
Just now? This has been the trend since the mid-70s. The judiciary is out of control, but really most especially all the district and circuit courts.
The good news is soon most of them will be more constitutionalist judges than not (in theory)... the bad news is the core problem remains and all it takes is a single judge to send the nation into a screeching libshit halt.
What’s /ptg/ been reading lately?
Any recommendations?
>inb4 weeb shit
The free market fixed it.
Awfully Appetizing
it's pretty good
I'd recommend /ptg/ but you're already here.
Fuck he’s hot
Why does the US produce such attractive politician children?
Another failed FBI operation where instead of catching terrorists they created one?
Or authorities do not want to give emerging Wheather Underground style domestic leftist terrorist group a martyr?
Maybe I'll just start drinking
This is a board about politics
Please stay on topic
Maybe it burns when I pee.
liquid assets
remember them all
MAGA! Wall! Jobs! Love! Prez Trump!
> Keep America Great!
Loving the absolute size of this lad.
plz prove you're not a bot
Why don't u just STFU!!!
No zoomer has ever listened to Kesha, she's from a decade ago. Your age is showing.
Oh no, I made a zoomer mad. How will I ever live with myself
I am an anime MAGA waifu but not a bot.
>Or authorities do not want to give emerging Wheather Underground style domestic leftist terrorist group a martyr?
Well this is the thing -- the Weatherman Underground, Black Panthers, etc. were all well-hidden by the lügenpresse in the late 60s - 70s. Reporting of 'left' political violence today, likewise, is also quashed in MSM. Antifa, the Scalise shooting, the milkshaking/spitting/etc (also known as battery), and so on. Nevermind encouraging/facilitating violence/intimidation (ie, doxxing). Nary a peep from MSM, except to offer various justifications and/or excuses.
MSM will run complete cover for the new authoritarian left, and expect the new authoritarian left to take complete advantage of it to ratchet the violence up. Any response from the 'right' will be met with outrage and further justifications.
When Trump wins 2020 it's going to be a break-point. I think things will spin-out, and we're going to see more physical attacks just like the WU: mail bombings, bombings of homes/biz and government offices, (attempted) low-level assassinations, etc.
The civil war has already started.
Nah I'm a crabs-in-a-bucket 30 year old trying to make someone else feel bad at 6am in the morning because I cant sleep
He was an anarchist btw
ICE raids are today threads will be great and no shill will dear to show up
wonder when we`ll see tatoos in the wild.
>anime MAGA waifu
>but not a bot
Willem Van Emerson or whatever will always be remembered by me.
Did any raids get filmed?
doesn't ice round up aliens every day tho?
these aren't just limited events...
They mostly deport illegals already in their detention or criminals while they are leaving court (not in sanctuary cities) they don't usually go around looking for illegals to deport them
I'm older than both of you, who the fuck is keshe?
I need these deportations to happen swiftly and bigly
So, what should be done boyos?
in the past month:
>treatise on tolerance
>fear and trembling
>the lilies of the field and the birds of the air
>purity of heart is to will one thing
>the social contract
>rashoman and other short stories
>schopenhauer: essays and aphorisms
>thus spoke zarathustra
>in the
Prove it
>Why do blacks on Twitter pretend to care about ICE?
Literally none of them give a shit because it doesn't affect their communities.
Kick them out of NATO and then nuke them
>Question: Why do blacks on Twitter pretend to care about ICE?
Why do dogs come back to their master, who kicks them? Niggers are loyal pets to the Democrats. Reflexive support. They're too stupid to realize they're being replaced entirely as the favored voting block.
> new authoritarian left
it's has always been like that they are nothing new
Because blacks and latinos vote together in a block to tax white men to provide them with more gibs. If the spic gets deported the no more gibs for the nig
You're either a LARPer or you're trying to cram too much in at once. Any idiot can skim through The Republic and gain a surface level idea of what they thought was going on. The purpose of reading books isn't to check them off your list, you should be gaining something from it.
You've read all his other books beforehand, right?
>If the spic gets deported the no more gibs for the nig
What are you even smoking?
never speak to them again and regard them as illigitate when they become the focus of a topic
I like this.
Y u mad tho
happy coffee time to all the lame boomers whomst've didn't get invited to parties last night
i'm a NEET, i have plenty of free time to read. a month is a lot of time
>it's has always been like that they are nothing new
Yes, true -- it has. The newest attack vector/angle has changed however (cultural, intersectional, etc).
>Why do blacks on Twitter pretend to care about ICE?
most don't unless democrats tell them that ICE is racist and will take their watermelons
the ones that do care know niggers are antique farm equipment and if the golem that is the white man wakes up again, back to africa it is and without any aid, just aids
that was a smart move, I can't even blame them for doing that
>Two competing weapons systems
>D-d-don't buy theirs p-please
what a pathetic negotiation tactic
Put on some women's clothes and I'll think about fucking you, you nasty fucking dyke.
Someone redpill me on Acosta. Was he fired because Trump cucked to the pressure from the left or did Acosta leave on his own, probably because TPTB could ruin his life?
>the no more gibs for the nig