>Dead gookniggers.
Fuck yes, those Indonesians are actually the worst of all Asians. Fucking can't stand them.
I hope it killed many Muslims
lemme guess Indonesia fucked yet again by natural disasters.
nobody gives a shit
Uh oh, some westerns might have been killed.
even nature hates Indonisia, imagine that
Until the whole ring of fire wakes up
Spainyards right. Earthquakes and their tsunamis generated in the ring of fire can have effects spreading right the way across the Pacific, I refer you to tusmais generated in Chile which have killed dozens of people as far away as Japan and the Philippines.
Any indonesian user to confirm they're dead?
Nah... wahabbis r worse
I do
this link is too short
Yikes. That's the south end of the same island that got hit by this quake last year:
Over 4,000 people died. That was a 7.5 quake, though. Somewhat stronger than this one.
So, is a thread going to be made every time the pacific plate has "the bubble guts"? Sounds tedious, no offense Hans.
This. Hopefully that pit of degeneracy is completely wiped out
Probably not, since it was on land, and since 7.3 is kind of weak for a tsunami.
Fucking hell its neverending nature will provide happenings lads, thank you m8
Nigga, i ain't clickin that sheit
Lol earthquake does so much damage?
>earthquake in Indonesia
Nothing new here, they see more earthquakes than hot meals over there
good. now we need a few volcano eruptions and summer heatwave will be gone
How does a country have over 200,000,000 people and manage to be so irrelevant?
4 mag 7s in a month is abnormal
Nevermind; the quake was on Halmahera island, not Sulawesi. Halmahera is to the east of Sulawesi, and nobody lives there.
Mate just look at Africa, they all have huge populations but have GDP's lower than fucking NZ. Indonesians are the niggers of Asians.
Well it's just a tectonic plate moving then.
I think that we are about to get new mountains bois
Time to watch Dutchsinse.
He said California was supposed to get hit by a 7.5 quake by July 11.
Think of them as a nuclear bomb of various yields buried underground.
A magnitude 7 quake can make the ground literally rise over a dozen feet in an instant and that fall back down.
i wish it was aceh/sumatra
vicious muslim are from there
100% voted prabowo
literally nobody cares
shake shake shake, shake you booooty
Triple 1's and more earthquakes causing Tsunamis which engulf all of Indonesia, Philippines and Sea of China port cities. 400 million dead.
Damm, close.
Reroll for 600m dead. Final try
post ids don't move as far anymore
So many 7 quakes
Wasn't there a big one in Australia too?
m8 looking at this place from Sat view, there's no sign of an actual modern civilisation anywhere
Just fucking mudhuts and god damn farmland
How do these fucking people exist for so long without producing anything of note?
Fuck off weeb
irrelevant toothpaste noncountry says what?
God's punishment for being Muslim.
early morning in US.
nothing like a good happening in the morning
backside of yellostone?
No biggie, no western should be there
>wakes up
Gallego boludo
We should invade
202km W of Broome, Australia
2019-07-14 05:39:24 (UTC)
The next one is gonna drown some homosexual cunts.
Indonesians are nigger cunts,fuck them
>an earthquake on the ring of fire
What's with all the earthquakes? Is Nibiru close? Luckily Australians are immune to quakes.
I hope a lot of people die
Hour before near perth
10km shallow. Not good at all
Any deaths?
'nother update
Vicious Muslims in Sumatra? Th... they aren't messing with my coffee are they?
> Allah will protect us
> He didn't
Why Muslims prey to a God that hate them ?
What are these updates?
Check out that sweet island on the right with the huge pool
Based "The other cheese country" user
aftershocks coming after the initial 7.3, red is within the hour, orange within 24 hrs
>How do these fucking people exist for so long without producing anything of note?
Earthquake in California last week
Earthquake in Australia yesterday
Earthquake today in indonesia
> still don’t believe in climate change
Right on. I am so pissed that the aboriginal Australians produced so much CO2 the defrosted the Ice Age. They should pay compensation.
What does Tectonic plate movement have to do with "global warming"?
Um.. It's nature you idiot! nature =/= climate
And we all know climate change is manmade and not something that has been happening for millions of years.
God you Trump supporters are stupid
Exactly. The climate does not and has never fluctuated one bit, until very recently. This needs to be taught in schools!
>earth quakes caused by climate
that has to be the most dumbest thing I've ever heard
Aboriginal Australian major exports include gasoline huffing techniques, farting and ugliness
And they melted glaciers with their technology. Lifted the temperature of the earth many degrees. Caused everyone to get sunburn now. Climate Change reparations now!
Oh wow American education is so bad.
Wind and the soundwaves of thunder, tsunami's etc. move the Earths crust.
Because people created climate change we have more of these now.
This is what happens when you deny climate change, you're going to kill us all in 12 years!
They accidently lit their gasoline huffing stores and discovered fire after losing the ability to do so for thousands of years ago
Depends on how deep it is too. If it's shallow it'll fuck shit up.
Get a room frens.
It was a second awakening. The lost pullabong tribe reunited together around the smouldering debris to light the fattest of cones
Traffic cones yes, after which they slept on a busy highway to rest after such a celebration
Who cares
To be fair, we're both niggers, we both can't even build a plane that won't crash to the fucking sea
Checked, aceh tsunami sequel confirmed
Can confirm, dead ahmed just flew over my house
To be fair, we're both irrelevant, but atleast you got that CSGO legend guardian and a clean and nice country, i know because ive been there
Indo Muslim view the aceh tsunami as a blessing from allah i kid you not