Emily Hartridge, a british "model" an influencer died in a traffic accident just shortly after posting on Instagram that women should drive cars and have fun instead of staying home and make dinner for their husbands.
Emily Hartridge, a british "model" an influencer died in a traffic accident just shortly after posting on Instagram that women should drive cars and have fun instead of staying home and make dinner for their husbands.
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Burn the gas, pay the _____?
Pay up lass
pay wid yo ass
Model? She wasnt even pretty...
>'killed in Britain's first fatal electric scooter accident
wasnt an influencer either
>Burn the gas, pay the pass.
>watch sports
is that real?
Fuck... That killed me xD
E scooter intpo a lory LULLLLL
aw shit now i will never know the joy of sucking on her roided out clit
Show us your flag, krautcuck
> men drive cars, women sit the passenger seat
She would be alive to shitpost another day, if a man was driving that car. Lmao
what is it with women and hubris?
Very few real models are beauties in the traditional sense of the word, since professional models are supposed to be canvas to sell products.
this women stay at home feminist crap isn't true. people couldn't afford to have a freeloading woman sat in the house, they earned their keep just as their children did. stop believing jewish divide and conquer propaganda bullshit
Maybe she was isekaid?
>Burn the gas, pay the jews
Pride goeth before destruction etc.
> Electric scooter untermensch dies in collision with chad car.
Ugliest "model" I've seen
Lucky fuck is fortunate to have not gotten 'common lawed'...
inb4 'werent together long enough' -pshht, in this day and age, if hes rich enough and the state/lawyers/judges are lefty enough -they could make it happen...
>whores 3
rough day, user?
Was subbed to her in order to troll her ass, good riddance at least she wont die alone with dildos and cats
>Using something not meant for road use on a road
>Doesn't even notice a fucking lorry in the path
Darwin award contender
35 year old childless feminist, what did we lose?
>Implying beauty is a requisite in current year.
Well, to be completely fair, living like poor shits and assuming there is no improvement of the situation is not exactly tempting a woman to start a family and have kids. If she has to assume he has just enough money to buy some tomato soup and even has to torrent stuff to watch, how would she expect to raise children? Of course the whole story leaves out her own financial situation, but as a traditional women who would want to raise the children while the men secures the financial well-being of the family, I can see how she was rather looking elsewhere.
If she could easily just leave to look elsewhere, I'm quite certain she was just one of those women who wants to both be modern working woman and a spoiled husband's princess at the same time.
this is actually very sad. She is a victim, as much as any of us. The sheer amount of genetic potential, that is lost every time the coal/rice/mudd/poo is burned...coupled with all the rape/deaths and 'look arent I a stronk wamyn -oh nos Im dead' situations, in the end - is a loss for us all.
Yeah, let's never forget that most of these people don't become like this on their own, they're carefully brainwashed into it by leftist media, entertainment and education.
British slang is so weird, it makes sad news sound hilariously funny
What's the deal with her left wrist?
it's behind the bag my Mongolian eyed friend
Why aren't women ashamed to be women? I dunno I ask this often
It's the other way around anyway.
I'll have a jewish explain it to you youtu.be
'The bell tolls for thee'? nah
>claims to be able to handle men
>can't use a child's toy without killing self
idk lets wait to see if her lifestyle choice and dictatorship on to othetrs is sustainable before we judge her shall we
based God
Good thing she froze her eggs.
With the new technology we can rebuild her!
Now Emmy, she loved to keep in shape,
But a glance from a man, why that's rape!
She worked hard on the computer,
Then she hopped on a scooter,
And then she got squished like a grape
idk about you but i fucking love plus sized models. they make me feel better about my shape. i know some of you guys are in the same boat LOL we're all american here i haven't seen my dick in years
haha! Poetic justice
Congratulations on being in good shape. However your face is aging and the best men want someone 10-15 years younger than you, despite you being 'toned'.
Their brains are literally underevolved
>amount of genetic potential,
Are you high ?!
A toxicity spreading
Propaganda gurgeling
Degeneracy spreading
Feminist shitbag
Is DESEASE! Glad her genes are terminated!
> Not going to bore you with huge blocks of text
> wrights huge blocks of text
she was kind of pretty, mind you she had hit the wall about 6 years ago
Who said women can't be first at something?
Worthy of a Google doodle
Good riddance to bad rubbish
She died doing what she loved.
First, I was speaking about all of the women that are lost to the culture war.
Second, you clearly dont understand women, or the fight we are engaed in. Your list, though not comprehensive, is true- but it is not her or 'their' fault. Women evolved to obey the dominant societal structure; to go with the herd, so to speak. This inherent trait of the female has been deliberately co-opted by the enemy and is being used against us (19th amendment, women in the workplace, feminsim, breakup of family, soc media, tinder, et al). In adopting and spreading all of the things on your list, women are just following their nature and obeying the dominant authority. They have no choice in the matter, it is built into them -to hate them for it is to hate them for being them.
As for the loss of genetic potential, if you take into account the way genes work, with respect to the way most genetic traits skip every generation or two, then you must concede that every european female lost, is a loss of a portion of the most valuable commodity on earth -Her/their particular variety of european DNA.
Dont believe me? Ask yourself why the enemy is orchestrating all of this, in the first place -if not for the systematic destruction of european genetics?
>men drive cars, women sit in the passenger seat
Gee..I wonder why?
she sounds bitter
How is this the fault of the woman? She was a good wife, wanted children, he was a manchild into his 30s. He did waste the best years of her life. She has every right to be angry.
I hope thats a true story. Whoring is intolerable.
Don't fall for it, she was a nagging cunt who thought she was helping by being a nagging cunt.
At least that one has titties
Sounds like proof that God exists to me.
First -women are never honest about this sort of thing. You can safely assume that there is more to the story.
Second -what does "to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith [or] pledge myself to you" mean to you?
Guarantee he was miserable because of her and once she left he realized it and began to make an effort again.
,>As a woman...
Tits or get out
Congratulations queen, you just slayed yourself!
A lot of those, the worst
>dudes father dies
>struggles with a bit of depression
>she experiences first difficult time in their relationship
>her first reaction is to immediately bail
>he later recovers from the depression and gets himself back on track
>she's mad she's not profiting from it
You know we can see your flag, retard
Tits or gtfo
>The Quantum of Hot Sauce
I have to side with the woman on this one. Unless she became a landwhale/cheated on him/berated him constantly/killed one of their unborn children/etc. she fulfilled her end of the marital agreement while he didn't fulfill his. The agreement has always been a woman gives the man her most valuable young fertile years (married at 21 like this girl did isn't too shabby, pretty good for today's standards) while the guy may not be the most attractive, and they build a life together as he accrues resources, skills, etc. and in exchange as she ages and wrinkles he gives her commitment, security, protection, and provision with his financial success.
She left him...
i dont know why this one is so funny...
I was depressed as fuck for about two years after my dad passed, I know what the dude was going through. She could never understand that bond though, so no fault to her
Take a hike
E-scooter ride?
Should've been bride.
>I just asked him if he would consider an open relationship
>he left me
She's putting the best possible spin on this for public consumption to get sympathy. The truth is, she likey fucked someone else, tried to retroactively get her boyfriend to agree to an open relationship, and got kicked to the curb. Maybe the guy would have reacted to the question like that, but the telling thing is the way the friend tells her that she hurt the boyfriend and shouldn't hide who she is in the future.in the context of, "I asked him if he would consider an open relationship," it seems like an extreme reaction from both the boyfriend and his friend. In the context of "I fucked some random, and it meant nothing, it was just sex, you're okay with it, right?" it make perfect sense. The narrator is telling us the truth about what happened, except for the part where she cheated on the boyfriend and wanted him to be okay with it.
Brb going to writte "burn in hell feminist slut" on her youtube
Shoulda stuck with him. Also, guy spends ten years married to this woman being a manchild. She dumps him at his lowest, three years later he's pulled himself together and is successful. So, what was holding him back in the first place?
With women, there is -always- more to the story.
>men drive the cars, women sit in the passenger seat
if only she would've listened
People who need to constantly tell you how strong they are usually aren't strong.
>German women here drive on the autobahn
>British women die on electric scooters in traffic
What’s you guys on that island.
This. It's no coincidence that he accomplished nothing in the ten years they were married and as soon as she cut him loose, he got himself together and became successful.
Woof, what a roastie.
Some women are literal succubi. They fucking drain you. The question is -are they really unaware of it?