I've started to dig on google about the jewish toilet goals.
- The guy who made the world toilet organization received two award from two diferent jewish organizations. - George soros open society has made sanitation one of their goals, Soros donated 10 million to some non profit organization in bangladesh to install toilets. - The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance receive funding from the Bill Gates Fundation. - One of the top 4 major toilet producers (Kohler Co) in the world was funded by a jewish inmigrant. - Having every human on earth shitting on toilets has been declared a core goal for the Agenda 30 of the Millenium development goals of the UN. - Jews own several of the major toilet paper producers on the planet - Procter&Gamble 42% of it's supplier materials comes from jewish companies. - Kimberly-Clark 60% of it's entire stock is owned by the State of Israel. - Georgia-Pacific has a jew CEO. - Central National-Gottesman is family owned by a jew family - Jews developed an entire market of kosher toilet paper - Jews also own the soap industry: - Dr. Bronner’s soap company was made by jews that escaped the holocaust. - Church and Dwight donates money to Jewish charities and fundations. - Palmolive entire soap lines are kosher approved
Why is wiping your ass with toilet paper after shitting on toilets promoted among kids and among poor nations by the UN?
Why is George soros donating money to poor nations to build toilets?
Why is one of the major development goals for 2030 of the UN to have every human shitting on a toilet?
Why is toilet paper used as argument to invade venezuela?
Why jewish companies spend millions on TV advertising so we buy soaps and toilet paper?
Why was the soap jew meme invented in the first place?
Checked. If you don't shit in an American Standard you're a goddamn communist.
Joseph Reyes
Thanks for the bump
Thomas Garcia
Using TP in current year is pretty stupid, since its not exactly sanitary. A bidet does a way better job and runs on the water we already have. If lefty faggots are so concerned about the environment they would be pushing for everyone to have a bidet.
Jacob Allen
Ignore this goyim. Keep using toilets and wiping
Jaxon Thompson
Poo in the loo Apuu
Charles Foster
Good work user!
Sebastian Taylor
Owen Powell
Show flag pajeet
Jeremiah Foster
So indian people who make "poo in the loo" are based and redpilled?
Forgot your meme flag faggot, probably explains why you don't understand sanitation
Wyatt Mitchell
That's bubble wrap
Blake Davis
I heard that jewish women are obsessed with poop - they talk about shitting all the time in the household and among each other. I'm not joking either - there's a youtube video that talks about it
Anthony Wright
first, nice digits to go with that memeflag Now, I'm all aboard that there is some crazy shit going on with kikes, but fecal sanitation? Seriously? You want to turn the sanitation of civilization, from keeping the civilized world from looking like the streets of India into a jewish conspiracy? Dude, I think you've went a little overboard and might need a break from the internet for a while. Go back to the wilderness for a week or so and sort your shit out, man. Literally. Come back when you get tired of wiping your ass with questionable vegetation or wading waist deep in the water every time you need to shit. For fuck sake, get a grip.
You can boucne around the recommended and people commenting to enter one hell of a rabbit hole. Basically, there's an entire section of youtube dedicated to people filming themselves flushing toilets, then discussing them
Maybe the swirling is soothing for autsim, I don't know. I just needed other people to know that this exists since I found it last week
I had a Jewish roommate who would always announce when he was going to take a fat shit. Now I know
Ayden Stewart
Ask a pajeet what its like to be free of the toilet Jew.
Anthony Ramirez
unfounded claim
Christopher Martin
thank you bro bringing that up. She needs to wipe your ass with the bills...then has to put it in her bra.
Ian Smith
I hate the sneaky jews as much as any one here...but I find it luxurious to be able to crap into something that takes it away.... If jews cornered the shit station then so be it. I hate human shit and I wish no man to shit where I can see it.
This is what op was looking for. Truth is the way toilets are designed currently, they cause the colon to misshapen and this means a higher likely hood of piles in the future. It's all about money, studies have been done on this before and they of course have not penetrated the public zeitgeist, what a coincidence..
Another great example of an intentional flaw, all steroids used for controlling psoriasis also have the side effect of causing a break out when you cease using the steroid, ensuring you're hooked in a cycle of psoriasis break outs and keep buying the steroid.
Even depraved sociopaths can not stand shit stain streets. Honestly I am glad this one of the few things Soros and can agree on >see evil has standards.
Toilet and sandwich theft related >I had a roommate that was making banana sandwiches with those chocolate shavings. >Every day he'd bring them to work >He worked shipping and receiving >then one week his lunch started going missing >every day at lunch both his sandwiches where missing >Sunday off work I go in the kitchen and he is shaving chocolate ex-lax >he makes two sandwiches with them >he leaves sandwiches in fridge as per normal >later Monday afternoon at work they hear screaming from the bathroom >"blood colt lord have mercy call an ambulance" >ambulance was called and the only nigger in his workplace had literally shit out his insides. >police come, they had interviewed the nigger, hospital called the cops because he was poisoned by sandwiches >they interview everyone trying to find out whos sandwiches he stole >My roommate fesses up and told the cops he needed the ex-lax >no charges are laid >nigger was fired for theft of the sandwiches >nigger still walks around with a bag to shit in to this day
This. Once you try it, it's impossible to go back to third world pooping. God help you if you try one of the Korean or Japanese ones too. It was exactly like in the Simpsons.
Naw just make your own. Step 1: capture a Jew, this one can be a bit tricky, but with the right bait and a bit of practice it can be done. A piece of gold works well. A preteen virgin even better but harder to acquire. 2. Now that have the Jew, strip it naked and throw it in the oven. The oven renders out the fat which you will collect for turning into soap. The clothes you cut into toilet paper. You can also keep a paw as a souvenir or attach it to a stick to make a back scratcher. Just keep it away from your wallet! Ha ha 3. Use the fat and some lye to make soap. This is easily doable and there are many instructables on the internet. 4. Optional:. Before roasting your Jew, consider skinning it and tanning the skin. This can be used for all sorts of leathercraft as well as to increase the toilet paper yield.