Best arguments against the "Holocaust"?

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that it's logistically and mathematically impossible.

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originally it was a screen door

If the yatzees killed all the jews, who would do their accounting?

>the jews hoaxed the holocaust but they wanted to save money so they used a bathroom door for their own reconstruction
t. brainlets

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>10 m 1/4 Zoll Kupferrohr
>5-10 kg Schweissdrahtstangen
>2 kg Messingdraht zum Hartlöten
>Je 50 m Eisenrohr: 1 Zoll, 3/4 Zoll, 1/2 Zoll
>Je 20 Eisenrohr-T-Stücke: 1 Zoll, 3/4 Zoll, 1/2 Zoll
>Je 30 Eisenrohr-Kniestücke: 1 Zoll, 3/4 Zoll, 1/2 Zoll
>Je 20 Stück Doppelnippel (Verbindungsstücke): 1 Zoll, 3/4 Zoll, 1/2 Zoll
>6 Wasserdichte Lichtarmaturen mit Fassung, verschliessbar mit Gitter
>10 Wasserhähne 3/4 Zoll mit Schlauchanschluss
>10 Wasserhähne 1/2 Zoll mit Schlauchanschluss
>Elektrische Glühbirnen 120 Volt:
>30 Stück 25 Watt
>20 Stück 60 Watt
>20 Stück 75 Watt
>20 Stück 100 watt
>300 m 2-adrige G.A. Litze
>1000 m Freileitungsdraht 2,5
10 m copper pipes 1/4 inch
5-10 kg welding wire rods
2 kg brass wire for brazing
50 m iron pipes of each of the sizes: 1 inch, 3/4 inch, 1/2 inch
20 iron pipe T-fittings of each of the sizes: 1 inch, 3/4 inch, 1/2 inch
30 iron pipe elbow joints of each of the sizes: 1 inch, 3/4 inch, 1/2 inch
20 double nipples (connection pieces) of each of the sizes: 1 inch, 3/4 inch, 1/2 inch
6 waterproof light fixtures with sockets, sealable with grille
10 water-taps 3/4 inch with hose connection
10 water-taps 1/2 inch with hose connection
Electric light bulbs 120 Volt:
30 items 25 Watt
20 items 60 Watt
20 items 75 Watt
20 items 100 Watt
300 m duplex wire G.A.
1000 m for overhead lines 2.5 mm diameter
Clamps for overhead lines.

Reminder that there is no physical evidence for gas chambers at Treblinka. Even documents show that the Germans only ordered building material for water pipes and lighting in the camp.

The deliveries of coke to the Auschwitz concentration camp are fully documented from a period ranging from February 1942 to October 1943 and they amounted to 1,032.5 tons. On average some 20 kg of coke are required for the incineration of a human body, which means that 51,625 bodies could be cremated at Auschwitz.

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This figure of 51 625 bodies corresponds almost exactly to the number of prisoners who died from February 1942 to October 1943. The only possible conclusion is that the SS did not plan to cremate the bodies of any gassing victims.

The six gorillion has always been a fun meme. Something that Holocaust conspiracy theorists have a hard time arguing against.

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I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently, would it not make more sense to use water rather than gas? It would be cheaper, easier and could be set up in an efficient closed loop system. I can’t believe the Germans would gas people rather than drowning if they are using chambers for executions.

1. because they said they would. hitler said it in MK. they had enough labor from non jews
2. shooting was done east of poland during the invasion of the ussr in '41, on the spot as they were found. gassing was decided on later as a quiet way to deal with the jews they already had in camps and ghettos in cities.
3. historians corroborate multiple eye witness accounts, documents, etc. its literally impossible for so much of this to be faked perfectly, real life doesnt work that way, false flags fall apart to scrutiny. much of the history you think you know is based upon far less evidnece than the Holocaust. also, stupid strawmans about electric floors, mastrubation machines, etc, often made up by non-jews to sell books, not part of any taught history. disingenous tactics by deniers
4. most Jews were in eastern europe. Mauthausen was in austria. and if the conspiracy theorists imply all the world power are invovled in this hoax (since much evidence was found by the americans and western europeans), it shouldn't matter who was "allowed" to inspect the camps after the war, if they're all "in on it"
5. 99% of holocaust deniers are natsoc shills that will deny that Slavs or other whites were killed in mass numbers by the Nazis, or try to justify it in some way, because the real purpose of hc denial is to make hitler larping great again for retards
6. see above.
7. not illegal in the US. communist crime denial illegal in some countries too. dumb strawman used as last ditch attempt when all their memes are debunked

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>1. because they said they would. hitler said it in MK. they had enough labor from non jews
Wrong they were desperate for labor we know that from the secret communication.

>3. historians corroborate multiple eye witness accounts, documents, etc. its literally impossible for so much of this to be faked perfectly, real life doesnt work that way, false flags fall apart to scrutiny
Then how come they were wrong about all western camps being deathcamps for a very long time?

>7. not illegal in the US. communist crime denial illegal in some countries too. dumb strawman used as last ditch attempt when all their memes are debunked
They or not debunked the pro side just retreats to the historic limbo and pulls shit out of their arse.
See for example the lack of coal to even burn that many bodies in auschwitz. Well then the coal delivery documents were wrong and we burned the bodies without coal. Both are obvious bullshit.

The gassings weren't expensive nor difficult.

Don't forget

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the six gorillion

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I think you ment otherwise

Why not use a commercially available version?

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It takes one simple question:
Why did the Germans leave behind thousands of Jews to talk about the atrocities committed at these camps if they had truly done any of them?
All you have to do to see past the lies is put yourself in the shoes of the Nazis.

1. that's not what the internal documents indicate, workers shortage was immense even in the early years of the war. also no they didn't say they would genocide the jews silly goy.
2. you didn't answer the question. why supposedly use such a brutally inefficient method as mildly poisonous gas that sticks in clothing and materials instead of asphyxiating gas let alone fucking shooting them, like the Einsatzgruppen are SUPPOSED to have done to 2+ million people without problem.
3. except there is no corroborating evidence and most witnesses of key facts are proven liars. hilberg based his book on eye witness accounts of proven liars. there are only a handful of important eye witnesses to the holohoax and none of them are reliable nor can their stories by backed up by documentary evidence.
4. many more of the camps even the ones in germany were called death camps at Nuremberg and before the war ended. the only reason they weren't all declared normal concentration camps is that the soviets allowed no one in. today of course we know they weren't death camps because official documents are being released from russia after the ussr fell.
5. not an argument.
6. still not an argument.
7. not an argument. an obvious fact of life is not legislated and illegal to question.

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They did use Jewish prisoners for labor. But what do you think they did with prisoners like these?

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Leave them alive like the ones left behind at auschwitz?

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So, you're suggesting that in the middle of the war, the Nazis housed and fed millions of Jews who couldn't even work? Are you serious?

the wooden door argument is dumb as shit because a room full of deadly gas doesn’t have to be airtight to be lethal

cars are far from being airtight yet you can kill yourself by plugging only the exhaust pipe

1. not that desperate. jews would be spared or killed as labor was needed
3. they made assumptions (like a delousing chamber at dachau) that weren't supported by evidence the way the death camps in the east were (multiple witnesses, survivors, the nazis themselves, and physical evidence) , so because they weren't sure, they didnt call it a 'death camp' in the same way the AR camps were death camps, even though many died there. this is a meme argument literally taken from that meme with "only the soviets found death camps lol"
7. so if theres documents saying they shipped over 1 million Jews there, you ignore it. when the nazis show you how they gassed and burned them, you ignore it. when they find zyklon b exposure in the Kremas that were used for gassing, you ignore. the amount of coal shipped to these camps from one document from one period if time is the one piece of crucial evidence here, for which everything else can be discarded like it never existed. nt

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krema 1 is a reconstruction. that door leads to a bathroom. its not the actual gas chamber door. is a pic of actual doors from the gas chambers in auschwitz the SS dismantled before the soviets got there. its a stupid strawman argument designed to trick retards. like they can trick the entire world and pull off this perfect hoax but they cant get a decent looking door rofl

The argument is dumb because
1.The door in the picture isn't the actual gas chamber door
2.The actual (wooden) doors were air-tight and we know this because they used the same type of door in the delousing chambers (which are still there)

It's a gaschamber for train carriages commercially available.
So you are suggesting woman and children can't work in non phsycial demanding parts of the process? So you suggest they used their time to kill them in some rube golberg contraption and burn the bodies?

>the wooden door argument is dumb as shit because a room full of deadly gas doesn’t have to be airtight to be lethal
To not be lethal to the outside to not reach the ovens. To lock the people inside. To not waste gas.

You retard, the doors have to be airtight to keep the gas from escaping

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yes that desperate

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1. yes that desperate. wannsee conference literally mentions how the entire system is being restructured to fit more workers. but i guess they were just annihilating millions at this time. idiot.
3. the AR camps were not death camps either as proven by the ridiculously small size of the delousing chambers in each of the camps.
7. we know where most jews went and ended up and how many approximately died inside the camps during the war. this is meticulously documented in The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry.

Can any of the believers in this thread answer this question? It should be easy to answer, it's not very convoluted or anything.

Where is this from?

I watched the Netflix/antifa show “ auschwitz accountant “ last night. He was an old guy that seemed to have no idea who he was or where he was.. they used him as proof. I’m guessing he would have blamed purple dinosaurs if they asked.

>So you are suggesting woman and children can't work in non phsycial demanding parts of the process?
Depends on what kind of work is available. In Auschwitz-Birkenau, there are pictures of adult men and women working. But as far as I'm aware, no pictures of working kids or grandmas. I wonder why?

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"lower the death rate in the camp". which one? and it says "armament factories" so that would be something like monowitz, or places in czechoslovakia, where specialized labor would be required. no one is talking about Birkenau or Treblinka. I just posted them literally tallying up all the jews they shoot every day in the USSR as the EG squads clean up the villages and you respond with this dumb red herring that you thought i wouldn't bother reading more closely lol

um if the holocaust didn't happen then why are there so many movies about it? and why did we learn about it at school?

memo from Himmler to Hitler on may 25th, 1940 (no-1880 in the nuremberg trial)

They didn't leave thousands of Jews alive at the extermination camps. Well, there you have it.

1. lol. so in the wannasee conference, when they tallied up the number of Jews including in the USSR (which they had invaded last year) , including declaring estonia "clean of jews" , they were talking about labor right :)
3. what lol
7. where did the 400k hungarians sent to auschwitz in may 1944 end up?

That room with the wooden door was literally not used as a gas chamber lmao dumbass

> so that would be something like monowitz
It's addressed to all camps. So your point is moot but appreciated.

Maybe they were hospitalized like anne frank
and that guy who collapses before entering the chamber.

Yes they did 6k at auschwitz

report to Himmler , Dec 1942

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As the allied troops pushed into Germany, one way doors were taken down and replaced with doors that can be opened from the inside as these camps were converted into barracks and air raid shelters for the German military.

No deathcamps in western europe.

There aren't any. The only deniers are actual retards, people doing it to troll, and people who know it happened but like NatSoc and need to pretend it isn't pro-genocide to try get their edgelord views back into the world.

Yes, they did. They left plenty. Do you seriously have to lie to justify this?
They even left the Sonderkommandos alive, the prime witnesses.

lol. not so fast. it says armament factories. its right there. so tell me why, if they're so concerned about labor, Einzatsgruppen are shooting 1 million Jews in the mean time, town by town. they didnt get the memo?

>They even left the Sonderkommandos alive, the prime witnesses.


>all those liberation testimonies by GIs and the videos are all fake
>anyway here's some stormfront propaganda i saved when i was 14

None of the rooms were gas chambers, retard. Gassing would be the least efficient means. They'd be better knocking them in the head with a hammer and throwing them into the oven.

1. yes.
>"The principle of the German Jewish policy after the seizure of power consisted in promoting with all means the Jewish emigration. For this purpose in 1939 Marshal General Goering in his capacity as Commissioner for the Four Year Plan established a Reich Control Office for the Jewish emigration and the direction was given to Gruppenfuehrer Heydrich in his capacity as Chief of the Security Police. The number of the Jews deported in this way to the East did not suffice to cover the labor needs there."

2. not an argument, but yes the "gassing chambers" were comically small on all three of the AR camps even though they were built for the purported express purpose of annihilation and built one after another lol.

3. it's all documented baby:

Try to keep up, faggot.
The holocaust is a hoax but it should have been real. Won't make that mistake next time.

you think they produced civilian shit? it was all out war production
There were no western deathcamps that is accepted by both sides. The eastern camps were evacuated by the Nazis not "liberated"

>Bandenhelfter und Bandenverdächtige
lol try harder mate.

Anne Frank was 15 and she was selected for labor.

Auschwitz gas chambers ceased operating in 1944. When the camp was liberated, there very only few direct witnesses left alive. The reason why they didn't kill everyone in the camps was that Himmler ordered the prisoners to be evacuated.

>try to keep up
>still thinks being edgy is a good way to get attention
Age verification when

>thinks people weren't dying in the non-death camps, too
Turns out ya still die if left in those conditions, friend.

>When the camp was liberated, there very only few direct witnesses left alive.
Why is that?
>The reason why they didn't kill everyone in the camps was that Himmler ordered the prisoners to be evacuated.
They were evacuated? That doesn't explain the thousands of prisoners found at the liberation of the camp.

>Anne Frank was 15 and she was selected for labor.
If 15 year old girls can do the work everybody can.

>The reason why they didn't kill everyone in the camps was that Himmler ordered the prisoners to be evacuated.
They left 6k behind so there was never a credible coverup attempt. Imagine not being able to kill 6k jews on the side in a deathcamp lol

they testified at the Nuremberg trial. they wrote books and are featured in documentaries. are you retarded?

No he didnt user

this says he escaped during the death march. he just wasn't killed right away
i dont know why they didnt kill him, most were killed after being used for a few months. got lucky i guess. most of the rest of that article describes how they gassed and cremated jews and how the sonderkommando revolted in desperation, which you will of course say is part of the hoax. but you'll believe this 1 jew about being a sonderkommando. like in every case, eye witness accounts are reliable if you think they help you point out some inconsistency. if they point towards the holocaust being real, then its holohoax again

The holocaust is a conspiracy theory as the Nazis never announced their intent to mass genocide Jews.

>this says he escaped during the death march
A death march to a different camp away from a death camp. How can you believe any of this shit?

>there was never a credible coverup attempt.
They destroyed the camp records
The blew up the gas chambers
They evacuated almost the entire population of the Auschwitz camp complex (130000) people.
The reason why the evacuation wasn't completed was because the front collapsed during the Soviet Vistula–Oder Offensive and the Russians overran the camp.
>If 15 year old girls can do the work everybody can.
You're a moron

Harry Elmer Barnes claims the US did did not locate any evidence of extermination in it's sector. He said postmortems on random corpses 100% died of disease.

David Irving, UK expert, claims the logistics of 6 Million deaths by gas are, "Impossible".

Points that were once lauded, including hearsay EVIDENCE in testimony in the trial of Eichmann claiming 6 Million deaths in Auschwitz, alone, as well as Nazis made soap and lamshades of Jews DISCREDITED.

David Irving and H E Barnes agree "The actual number of deaths is grossly exaggerated."

If the Holocaust were disproven, the wound to the Atrocity would be lethal.

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Probably because he has the ability to critically think, memeflagger.

Gassing makes sense. Stick 100 in a chamber and gas them in 5 minutes. Cleaner and more efficient than shooting.

>They destroyed the camp records
>The blew up the gas chambers
>They evacuated almost the entire population of the Auschwitz camp complex (130000) people.

Interesting so it was all a giant conspiracy.

>david irving
>the dude who eventually reevaluated his stupidity and admitted he was lying

>They evacuated almost the entire population of the Auschwitz camp complex (130000) people.
Where did the evacuate them to? Do you have any evidence this actually happened? Why didn't they just kill them instead of evacuating them?
>The reason why the evacuation wasn't completed was because the front collapsed during the Soviet Vistula–Oder Offensive and the Russians overran the camp.
It wouldn't have taken long to kill them if the gas chambers are efficient as they are said to be. Even if they didn't gas them, they can easily shoot them all and burn the bodies.

Why not order the comercially available carriage gasser 2000 on this flyer?

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>conveniently forgets the baby experimentation the Nazis were well-documented to be trying
>the roots of which are readily available in Hitler's praising of sterilization programs being run in the US
At least try.

Thanks for the (you) and negating your silly attempt to dismiss your argument being destroyed.
Again the holocaust didn't happen but it should have. No natsoc is denying the holocaust because it was a bad idea. It's denied because it didn't happen and the jews used the lie to further destroy europe.

They evacuated 60 and left the 6k that couldn't walk behind. Because it was not a deathmarch. Because there never was any credible attempt to cover up anything.

They wanted to keep the prisoners for work but were overunned by the red army and lost the war.

Oh fuggg me, im going to sleep, you should too u dum niglet

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>sticking to the edge-guns
Sure thing, buckaroo. Don't poke your eye out.

Only a retard would believe the holohoax it has been proved again that there was not gas chamvers, remember the masturbation machines?
All the proof ate inexistants the same as all the facilities built if you really wanted to kill them
How can anyone could trust the jews at this point is the real question

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Thanks for the support, rabbi.

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>goes on to lie about Irving himself

>they destroyed records
It’s the final stand for every nigger that argues this

If you want to kill them you dont built expensive concentration camps when you can yust use a a single bullet and even less building facilities with maternity room , postal ofice, dentist.... where more than 3000 kike children were born

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nice fake rabbi, you keep spamming that bull in every holobonga thread
just enjoy the holocauster ride

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ridiculous lie.

the entire Auschwitz concentration camp headquarters and all papers remained intact and were recovered by the Soviets. Unfortunately most of that material has not been made available today.

They didn't blow up any fucking gas chambers, but some of the camps that were evacuated were partly destroyed to prevent them from falling into Soviet hands.

You're just a plain old liar.

1. where were they deported to ? specifically? in the east i mean?

2. okay. sometimes they just shot them too. does that help?

3. okay, page 136-137. it talks about a IRC report that mentions the deporation of 60k budapest Jews in October but doesn't mention the much larger amount of jews from outside of budapest, 400k, from march of that year, which is the "official story". they argue that because of this omission, the former didn't happen, and it was just 60k Jews from budapest. which doesnt make any fucking sense why they would ignore all the other jews they had in ghettos in the provinces. it also ignores all the other contradictory evidence, like literal train records

>The Hungarian commander of the Kassa (Košice) railroad station meticulously recorded the trains heading to Auschwitz with their place of departure and the number of people inside them. The first train went through Kassa on May 14. On a typical day, there were three or four trains, with between 3,000 and 4,000 people on each train, for a total of approximately 12,000 Jews delivered to the extermination facilities each day. There were 109 trains during these 33 days through June 16. (There were days when there were as many as six trains.) Between June 25 and 29, there were 10 trains, then an additional 18 trains on July 5–9. The 138th recorded train (with the 400,426th victim) heading to Auschwitz via Kassa was on July 20.[68]

this is typical of the more big brained revisionists that try to actually do research. they ignore all the shit they don't like by basically not mentioning it, find one report somewhere and twist the narrative to give a plausible alternative explanation. and they do this for everything. its bullshit. hundreds of thousands of jews were sent from hungary to auschwitz. trains came back empty. coincidnetally the ovens weren't keeping up during these few months and they had to resort to open air burning (pic related). what happened to these jews?

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>it's a lie because my feelings
"How were they killed, and where? On a small scale, unwanted Jews were put to death by gassing in two small units at Auschwitz, the White House and the Red House, which is now in Poland. It was a death camp as well as a slave-labour camp. A Polish court in 1947 found that its German officers, who were mostly hanged, were guilty of running a camp in which "up to 300,000 people" of all nationalities had died from all causes."

Suddenly admits there were chambers. I wonder why

Exactly, you use gas chambers as a good story for books and films

Irving was never a holocaust denier, he denied the ridiculous gas chamber lie and he is yet to falter on that stance.

>denies gas chambers
>but later admits to gas chambers
Hmmm. Not the brightest bulb it seems.

>Where did the evacuate them to?
To concentration camps in Germany.
>Do you have any evidence this actually happened?
Yes, there are pictures, witnesses, even documents, don't know how much of it is online
There's a documentary you can watch if you're interested
>Why didn't they just kill them instead of evacuating them?
To preserve the labor force, there was also a plan to use them as hostages to negotiate a separate peace with western allies

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>They didn't blow up any fucking gas chambers

yes they did. Krema II-V were either blown up or dismantled before the soviets got there. there's even a couple of aerial photographs of the process. why didnt they want them falling into soviet hands user?