She advertised her flat on ebay because she wanted to share flats. She wrote that she only want to give the flat to a woman. A Syrian man contacted her and showed interest in the flat. She told him she only wants to rent out to women (in Germany it's illegal to exclude demografic groups). He bombed her with mails and maybe insulted or annoyed her. Anyway, after some time she insulted him and his religion the article claims. She doesn't like religion and wrote him He sued her and she either has to pay 1000 Euro or go to jail 50 days. She picked jail. Because: "I don't see a point in paying money for such bullshit".
She already has been in jail few years ago because she had insulted a cop (she called him wanker). She had to pay 1800 but chose to go to jail instead.
The police said that they can't be sure that she's not transsexual because in her passport there's a "M" in the sex category, which was a mistake. But they couldn't change it because she would have to go to court for it. a doctor checked her and said that she's female. but sex doesn't matter, only the declared sex in the passport matters, so she got send to the mens prison Plötzensee.
After four days she got send to a woman prison. She said it was great: "They have treated me like a princess. I even could keep my hairspray and my lipgloss. I got special treatment. The cops even served me coffe."
>She doesn't like religion and wrote him she wrote him >the flat sís not for muslims. I don't give a fuck abut Alah
Connor Anderson
A single German /po/ack should unironically write to this woman and start a relationship with her. Based and redpilled German women are tough to find these days, and a woman like this should not be single.
Ryder Sanchez
i can understand her position based on her early life. here is a video of her first encounter with muslims when she was a child
pretty sure i met this dame in montreal at kinetik festival a few years ago
Hunter Diaz
Agreed. Go get her, Hans! She sounds like one of the last good German women.
Eli Mitchell
You just cant do it on paper, but obviously if you really dont want a woman or man or some race living with you, you can just not consider them on your own. Like if you place an ad for a room for rent in your flat, you cant write that only white women should bother applying and everyone else wont get it anyways, but you can just select the people that do apply for your desired race and gender.
James Robinson
Hans will surely get her lol
Charles Bennett
1000 bux or 50days jail and you choose jail??
Alexander Morgan
god that episode is so great, even dale spergs out and goes all magapede before he realizes he's retarded a show before it's time but still you could not make it now
Ryder Murphy
Principles matter to some people. And maybe she just straight up couldn't afford it lol. She doesn't deserve either the jailtime or the fine so its moot.
Nolan Hill
of course.
Michael Lee
German women's jail. It's basically a vacation.
Aiden Ortiz
I would say that this show was ahead of its time but we all know the situation just got worse.
Ayden Roberts
Paying the fine is admitting that they were right.
Henry Green
If hand out ass kickings to every German cop I met Thet all deserve to die
Tyler Ward
she's probably poor and stupid. normal people just say no then ignore the spam without going on some racist rant when they don't want a fag or mud rooming with them. discrimination is next to impossible to prove unless you literally hand the person evidence.
at least tell me the feminists are up in arms about this? can't they be useful for once?
Isaiah Hill
You hear basically nothing about prisons in your day to day life - the media only covers stories when an ebil nazi gets sent into prison or breaks out.
But let me tell you - you don't want to sit in a german prison. African Mafia, Arabs, Turks/Kurds (+ grey wolves), Balkan niggers, and every filth imaginable on the planet.
Blake Jenkins
>start a relationship with her she literally had bunch of white knights serving her in prison. What do you think she expects from a relationship now? lmao
Austin Diaz
>i wonder if she fucked in jail Why the fuck do you care, memeflag. People have sex, that's human nature. I know you're a fucking kike by the way you're overtly trying to over-sexualize a random occurence. Sex is for procreation, not recreation.. Jews don't like hearing that, eh
William Parker
Are you even allowed to wear that much makeup for passport photos?
James Murphy
now that's one BASED big titty goth gf (male?)
Jacob Phillips
>No I don't want to get raped >You're racist so off to jail with you
>>one of the last good German women >>a tranny sounds bout right
Justin Roberts
Jail for small crimes is pretty chill here. You also can earn money during your stay by performing simple tasks.
James Stewart
I was in Bielefeld Brackwede offener Vollzug and it was a literal vacation. The wohle prison is basically in a park.
Bentley Rogers
based Dame but that passport picture is super flattering.
Henry Thompson
Orbiter detected
Kayden Gutierrez
also it costs them a fortune to house people vs. giving them net $1000
Noah Martin
she's a gothic singer. Her artist name is „Brazen Bloodshad“
Jace Ross
Of course they treated her like a princess. All the cops and prisoners probably thought she was based as fuck. One woman in a large group of men (that aren't shitskins) will always be treated like royalty because protecting and caring for women is our instinct as men. If anyone touched her they would have been flayed alive
Jack Turner
Well I mean when everyone in jail is a literal 2 foot tall faggot whose pasty and thin I'm sure it's not bad. When you're in the states and everyone is a spic or a nigger that wants to kill you simply because you're white it's different
Anyone else find it funny german citizens cant discriminate by gender when they rent out an apartment but german prisons can?
Josiah Lopez
>M >choker Oh, Tranny exercises self preservation and decides she doesn't want Abu to throw him from the roof
Christopher Fisher
WE ARE ALL EQUAL Fat girls are dtf
Cameron Stewart
You're a stupid nigger. Your country has more faggots than we have people. You know Canada is all white and conservative outside of the cities right? There's a 90% chance every Canadian you talk to is white. Americans are what 51% mutts now? Get fucked.
You have entire cities that are no go zones but you shit on another flag because it's trendy. I didn't post SHIT about Canada anyway if you look at the post that room temp iq nigger responded too. Both of our countries are fucked beyond repair but when lines get drawn we're probably going to be on the same fucking side unless you're with the antifa niggers. When you have cities like LA, Portland, Detroit, Chicago etc. You don't get to act superior to anyone.
At the back? You must be new. It is a variant of a very very ancient European symbol called a Black Sun, was popular among the Old Norse. It represents White future and our objectives. Read on it
Christian Torres
this girl was heavily molested by (((hollywood)))
Matthew Morris
based German tranny
Dylan Bennett
women are this stupid. they can't ignore the messages, even if they will get in trouble. the attention is too much of a drug.
Lucas Rogers
You can't even choose who's going to be your flatmate? Jesus. Women do it all the time here. I don't know why would they do that though, they can accuse a random stranger of rape and they get free housing.
I thought the same, anons, Fairuza was my first platonic love.
Because you didn't pay attention.
Evan Howard
The jews really did exterminate the best germans. This thing can hardly be called "Germanic".
Jackson Stewart
Because Northwestern Europeans are extremely effeminate and genderless by nature.
Wyatt Reed
I'd fuck her. Hell, I don't care if she's 20, I'd still fuck her. And you'd fuck her too. Fuck her right in the pussy.
>After four days she got send to a woman prison. She said it was great: "They have treated me like a princess. I even could keep my hairspray and my lipgloss. I got special treatment. The cops even served me coffe." Literally pussypass, if it was a man, nobody would have cared if the sandniggers raped him to death in prison.
Jackson Watson
>After four days she got send to a woman prison. She said it was great: "They have treated me like a princess. I even could keep my hairspray and my lipgloss. I got special treatment. The cops even served me coffe." I love happy endings
They probably put her with the other men that said something politically incorrect like "I don't think my kid should wear skirt just because his teachers say so" so she was safe. If they put her with the sandniggers there would've been a tsunami of sexual emergencies.
>which was a mistake So if it’s on record that it’s a mistake it’s on record that she’s not a male. Are Germans really this retarded?
Dominic Thomas
>She says she's female >There are records that say she's female >But official document says she's a male I wonder what would've they done if it said in that document that she was deceased.