>Sacrificing innocent child
>At the hands of knife
>To achieve selfish goals
Is abortion a Satanic ritual?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kind of, a bit...
women are satan's offspring so...
yes the mother ordering the killing, a mother that is supposed to nurture and care for the defenseless being. A relationship cordoned by God, is severed at the hands of a medically professional that has taken an oath to protect and heal th le sick. The two bound by their fate to nurture and make whole, sever the fetus' tie to this earth and take life and death into their own hands. It is absolutely satanic.
Is a meaningless buzz word. In reality no one would enforce it's assumed critique knowing the result would be eternal hell fire (if actual Satanists even exist). And abortion is the closet thing to eugenics as of late, so no.
>if actual Satanists even exist
kys you fucking kike
it's a jewish ritual
>sacrificing your child's life for your own comfort
user... I cannot see how it could not be a satanic ritual
yes grandpa you have it all figured out, go back to bed now. matlock is on at 9,
Every time
Yes the same demon behind child sacrifice in ancient Canaan is behind abortion today.
>hurrdurr no satanists
Ted Gunderson proved you retards wrong.
>is OP a zealot and a superstitious faggot
Obviously the answer is yes. Tune in to the next episode of retards in cults for the details.
fuck off kike
It's literally in the Kabala
>MUH Satan
Kys kike. We all know about YHWH stop LARPing and get the fuck out of Jow Forums before we make you commit suicide when you realise even your God just wants you to die for mere fun and destruction
another kike hiding behind meme flag
Fuck up el Diablo circus freak, and in the theological sense there can't be any actual Satanists around. Knowing what I've already said. It's either an autistic cringe show by Atheistic incels, or something related. Never genuine.
Well, it's certainly fucked up even coming from a naturalistic rather than religious perspective.
>look! a balkan
>he thinks his opinion matters
>ooohhh, he's really mad now
>oh, he's really agitated
>look out
>aww, I'm just messin' with ya
>Balkans can't hurt anyone
pic related is you
>look! a memeflag
>he thinks his opinion matters
>ooohhh, he's really influencing us now
>oh, he's really getting his post read
>look out
>aww, I'm just messin' with ya
>Memeflags just get ignored
remove your meme flag, jew
spoken like a true kike.
Let the weak kill their offspring, why does that bother you.
Yes. It doesn't matter what you think or feel about it. The people who fund it think so and participating in their pyramid scheme gives it more power.
Thanks, I needed a laugh.
In some states in the US, it's illegal to kill retarded/deformed babies. It's only lawful to abort healthy babies. Organ trade is human farming.
Making money off of Moloch
See you in Gitmo shill