Trump is a genius
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He's literally pitting Dem psycho leader against Dem psycho minions. It's actually 4D chess....for ONCE in his retarded Presidency.
I hope Pelosi enjoys this fruit from the tree she helped plant.
No. This is the first time you see the chess being played. Not the first time Trump has actually done 4D chess.
It’s just smoke and mirrors. Bread and circus. Nothing is changing because they spend so much time bickering.
Kek. The dems are seriously dumb as fuck.
This isn't even 4D chess, just a regular power play which is why your retarded ass is able to digest it.
OMG 4D chess!!! This is much better than locking her up, draining the swamp, deporting dreamers, ending birthright citizenship or building a wall!
Trump has been propping up these newcomers from the beginning. On purpose. They will fill the vacuum in the D party when more and more people start getting indicted.
another term for cloward-piven is alinskism
(((Former))) Trump Supporter
this isnt 4D chess, this is more like 1/2D checkers. divide and conquer is a strategy older than civilization itself. even chimpanzees have been observed using it during their tribal warfares. just because the democrats are so retarded to fall right into it, doesnt make trump a genius(tho he is), it just makes them dumber than rocks.
Bolshevism and cultual marxism also come to mind.
But AOC wasnt mentioned in the tweets. Am I going crazy, or is everyone else just pretending she was?
Nobody has answered Trump's question. It's a simple, innocent question. Why don't these intelligent, talented, brave, hardworking politicians, full of great ideas, help their own people who are in much need of leadership.
same thing - why does USA have so many GREAT latinx leaders while latinx countries are struggling in a hole of shit. Are we stealing great talents from them? That is so unfair. We should send AOC etc to their country to establish heavens on earth.
>make the Dems come out of the closet as the party of brown people
>thus making Republicans into the party of white people
Absolutely based.
Drumpf is based again?!
what was racist?
>nothing is changing
Wrong. There is currently a festering, infected wound in the Democratic party structure. Freshman reps mouthing off to the speaker of the house. Trump knows this, and his Tweet is rubbing salt in the wound. This makes it look like Pelosi and Trump are on the same side. This will turn nonwhites and zoomers off the Democratic party, effectively creating a rift between the left-of-center party leadership and the far-left base. The DNC is tearing itself apart while the GOP has never been more united.
Do these fucking fruits think the speaker of the house can do anything at all to the president elect?
>Bolshevism and cultual marxism also come to mind.
those are the ideologies behind the strategy, but they are not the strategy itself. alinskism and cloward-piven are just mechanisms of the cultural marxists and bolshevics, not ideologies unto themselves.
>Trump and Pelosi are on the same side against AOC and the progressive Democrats
And so is the majority of the country, especially in swing states. Trump is owning the Democrats right now simply by tweeting and watching them tear each other apart. I can't wait for the debates at the end of the month!
Trump 2020!
any half decent artfags? i got an idea for an art piece but i can't draw for absolute shit
Play stupid games,”id pol”, win stupid prizes.
>"Both sides are attacking AOC, that shows she's in the right!"
>"Both sides were attacking Trump for years, that proves that he's wrong."
I don't know how they do it.
>But AOC wasnt mentioned in the tweets. Am I going crazy, or is everyone else just pretending she was?
democrats are low IQ. trumps tweet was obviously referring the somali refugee, omar, not aoc, who was literally born in NYC.
>trump praises psychopathic kikes and attacks anyone who dares to criticize israhell
kill yourself
>Do these fucking fruits think the speaker of the house can do anything at all to the president elect?
Blame the media for pretending like she could.
>our diversity is our strength and our unity is our power
but diversity and unity are literally opposites
If Trump actually planned it this way then it was genius indeed.
This is so funny. Trump clearly crossed a line that nobody even thought he would.
But the liberals are completely out of ammo in their vocabulary. They are incapable of expressing more outrage because they have used up all the bad words. LMAO.
Adorno (nominal head of the Frankfurt school) was against multiculturalism. He spoke out against it in his book Minima Moralia. He was also against degeneracy in art, music, architecture, etc.
>Nobody has answered Trump's question. It's a simple, innocent question. Why don't these intelligent, talented, brave, hardworking politicians, full of great ideas, help their own people who are in much need of leadership.
real talk: because if gay-tranny supporting Omar went back to somali she would be immediately raped, tortured, and murdered via beheading.
No principles, only enemies
>If Obama had done 1%...
What did he mean by this?
>Do these fucking fruits think the speaker of the house can do anything at all to the president elect?
they dont know anything, they think she can rattle her little hammer and declare him IMPEACHED with a wave of her finger. they dont even grasp that if trump is impeached, neocon, electrocute-the-gays, mike pence automatically becomes president. they're literally retards.
Imagine going on Jow Forums and trying to tell the people fighting tavistock that Adorno was a good guy
psssstt... they don't realize that yet.
It's the differences, of which there are none, that makes the sameness exceptional!
I think his ultimate goal is to drive down nonwhite turnout in 2020. So far it seems to be working.
>>"Both sides are attacking AOC, that shows she's in the right!"
>>"Both sides were attacking Trump for years, that proves that he's wrong."
>I don't know how they do it.
total cognitive dissonance + "my emotions and feelings trump your facts and logic" = liberal progressiveness.
They're so concerned with framing themselves as the "victim" that they completely disregard the actual question that's been asked. The sad part is that republicans are so cucked that they play along. No one's gonna push back against the lies because leftists again invoked the big scary R-word.
>trump asks "why don't they go to their home countries instead of attacking america all the time?"
should be grounds for a lawsuit to be quite honest with you family
Drain the swamp baby
I hope Ilhan Omar says she can't go back to her country because Israel destroyed it.
America is 50% non-europeans now. The dems are not crazy, this is the new normal. They probably won't win 2020, but it won't be a landslide for Trump because that is now impossible.
Rashida Tlaib* not Ilhan.
Heil trump
Most of those fall under the legislative branch. I wish we lived in a dictatorship.
>Trump is a genius
kys jew
>do your job!
lmao what a dumb nigger
He literally does this all of the time. The man very well may be a genius.
>b-but he hasn't kept his promises
He's playing the media, everyone in the capital, foreign governments, and his own party. Consider that, for better or worse, he's playing you too.
>axis of shevil
>I think his ultimate goal is to drive down nonwhite turnout in 2020. So far it seems to be working.
he already knows hes won 2020. at this point he is just doing it for the lulz and to speed along the complete dissipation and fracturing of whats left of the DNC by 2022 midterms.
Literally none of those are under the legislative branch, faggot. Birthright Citizenship is judicial, though.
I can't believe how fast American politics became more retarded than ours. Its amazing. Less than 5 years. The most retarded elected argie politician looks like a statesman compared to these people.
Trump's only doing this because AOC and Omar are critical of Israel. Trump is good little Zionist.
Trump is doing this in order to make the people critical of israel more popular.
All this social media infighting is fucking hysterical.
>vicious racist attacks
It’s just words on a computer screen lmao!! Melodramatic much?
Trump may be a failure as a leader but he is still a success at stirring the shit and making the Left reveal its full insanity.
No regrets from voting for him, and will again, however disappointing he has been in a lot of places.
This is actually brilliant. We have fan the flames between the Pelosi Democrats and the even more retarded faction. If possible we should get BLM and antifa involved somehow (preferably on different sides.) If we could somehow get Ilhan to denigrate faggots that would be great. The Democrats are going to be split irrevocably before the next election I hope.
That was then, the Soviets despised degeneracy, but the current crop of communists are almost completely composed of degenerates. The attack vectors changed with the post modern marxists such as Derrida. Rather than class warfare the battle lines are perceived oppressed vs. oppessor.
take a stronger stand against antisemitism goys! it's 347D chess r-right?
this. Good summarize of reality
Trump has won this hands down. If she doesn't move to impeach she looks weak. If she does move to impeach she'll fail. Democrats are tearing each other apart and have worse morale than I have ever seen. I cannot wait for the pure meltdown the left will have in 2020. I'm going to enjoy every second of it.
The funniest part is the spics and nigs honestly don't understand that Pelosi only said anything to them because the shit they spout is so insane it's making people see the Democrats as lunatics.
Lol shitskin hunter
>They're so concerned with framing themselves as the "victim"
the thing is, that only works and wins points inside extreme progressive liberal echo chambers. in real elections, people will never vote for the 'victim' because no one wants a weak leader. remember when hillary clinton called trump a "bully" in the 2016 debates? thats when she lost most undecided political fence sitters and DNC "walk away"ers. people want strong leaders. they dont want weak victims who cry about how "mean" and "rude" the opposition is. that is why trump won 52% of white women vs hillary's 43%. because even women, maybe especially women, want a strong leader who exudes confidence and strength. this is why none of the democratic candidates have a chance, they're all pandering on how much of a victim they are. no one wants a victim-leader except deranged mentally ill people, who, despite how much they screech on twitter, are an extreme minority.
Can't win without the evangelicals, and they love israel more than anything else in the whole wide world