Remember the 2016 creepy clown phenomenon? This saw large numbers of people across the west freaking normies out by dressing up as clowns at night. We need to do this but make it political. Imagine 40 Jow Forumsclowns surrounding a prominent left wing youtuber's house at 2 am.
Time to WEAPONIZE Honkler!
>Remember the 2016 creepy clown phenomenon?
Remember the Boston Tea Party. They all dressed up like filthy injuns with warpaint and feathers to obscure their identities before jacking the tea and dumping it in the harbor.
This time we use the Honkler disguise.
I definitely feel its time to really up the ante across the spectrum
It was pretty big back then.
>Be careful when you go out sweetie there're killing clowns out there
>No, THEY'RE killing clowns
Fuck you mom
Death by 1000 Honklers?
Normie spotted
it didn't happen in my city then I guess.
>meme flag
>proposing illegal activity that could potentially get one of us shot or put in jail
Fuck off glownigger
you clown. nobody is proposing anything illegal, just prankster behavior
Practice your creepy smiles.
The two guys dressed up outside a drag queen reading session of toddlers. They were ahead of us.
>run up to someone's home wearing a clown suit
>owner freaks out, get shot
>"damn dude, it was just a prank bro!"
You first
we need hundred doing the same thing, aggressively honking horns in the faces of parents as they enter
CIA please go
I am building an army of AI drone Honklers as we speak. TERMINATE.
It was a world wide phenomena, practically
weird how it died down
It was a Halloween thing, lasted a week