This is why Croatia is one of the best countries in Europe if not in the world:
>white & European >birthplace of famous inventor >already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology to more easily compete with Western Europe >people ride bikes to work >praised by Nietzsche for its peoples musical achievements in Ecce Homos >hs produkt vhs 2 >strong and predictable economy >importing cars from Portugal >invented the necktie so you can look like a gentleman and not like a chino faggot >almost every family has a car and a PC with internet >strategical partnership with Argentina until 2050 >implementing unemployment plan from Greece >exporting to Serbia and Bosnia >army uses homemade tanks >industry based on exports and not on imports >people wear modern clothes >most people have smartphones >people ride bikes to work in their trendy clothing while navigating on their smartphones
i know this half croatian half black youtuber, you can guess which parent is black and which is croatian
Joshua Richardson
>>white & European youre slavic, not white, not european >>birthplace of famous inventor a serb born in AH >>already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology to more easily compete with Western Europe polish technology... compete with western europe... >>people ride bikes to work cause they cant afford gas >>praised by Nietzsche for its peoples musical achievements in Ecce Homos ok >>hs produkt vhs 2 meme gun that doesnt work >>strong and predictable economy tourism in dalmatia in the summer is indeed predictable, youre the mexico of europe >>importing cars from Portugal based >>invented the necktie so you can look like a gentleman and not like a chino faggot biggest national achievement >>almost every family has a car and a PC with internet but cant afford gas and rides their bike instead >>strategical partnership with Argentina until 2050 wow >>implementing unemployment plan from Greece kek >>exporting to Serbia and Bosnia large rmarkets >>army uses homemade tanks retrofitted yugo tanks that are 50yo >>industry based on exports and not on imports exporting your young to western europe.. >>people wear modern clothes achievement?? >>most people have smartphones achievement?? >>people ride bikes to work in their trendy clothing while navigating on their smartphones cause they cant afford gas.
Sebastian Perez
mom - white dad - white biological dad - black
Adam Allen
Croatia is home to YouTube's #1 chess commentary channel
Jeremiah Peterson
>>white & European Mussolini (an ITALIAN) said Croats were subhumans. >>birthplace of famous inventor Tesla essentially created a feminist NWO, fuck him. >>already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology to more easily compete with Western Europe Poolish technology? What world is this? >>people ride bikes to work Well, that's childish. >>praised by Nietzsche for its peoples musical achievements in Ecce Homos What about homos? Your nation's full of them? Disgusting and degenerate. >>hs produkt vhs 2 What? >>strong and predictable economy Okay. >>importing cars from Portugal Portugal makes cars? >>invented the necktie so you can look like a gentleman and not like a chino faggot Necktie is the most bourgeoisie thing ever. >>almost every family has a car and a PC with internet Disgusting. >>strategical partnership with Argentina until 2050 Argentina? The one country that went from the wealthiest country in the world to a spic/nigger shithole? >>implementing unemployment plan from Greece Okay, that's good. >>exporting to Serbia and Bosnia Because Serbs and Bosnians are worse. >>army uses homemade tanks Well, that's the best thing on this list. >>industry based on exports and not on imports Good. >>people wear modern clothes Disgusting. >>most people have smartphones Disgusting! >>people ride bikes to work in their trendy clothing while navigating on their smartphones DISGUSTING!!
He never gave fuck about you. At first he wanted Yugoslavia, lead by serbian royal family, to join axis. When that plan failed he used you to control his Balkan puppet state instead.
>white & European Zagreb, maybe. But that's basically Vojvodina, which is full of Slovaks and other assorted Hungarians. >birthplace of famous inventor Also the seaside retreat from some famous doctor-poet. What have Croats produced apart from being one of the niggers that tore Yugoslavia apart? >importing Polish technology You know Poles demanded a state apology because of commercials which depicted their advanced-ness? The true stuff always causes the most butthurt... >praised by Nietzsche There have been even greater men who praised Greeks and Niggers. This doesn't impact the qualities of the average chinky-haired Croat >strong economy hopelessly indebted so you could have highways bypassing your entire cuntry all the way to the shoreline itself, so more foreigners could bang your easy sluts >vhs 2 Literally copying the French and the Chinese, also everybody is leaving the bullpup concept to die >importing cars from Portugal nothing to be proud of >invented the necktie another piece of out-dated clothing that is being abandoned. Thank the French pussies for popularizing it in the first place >almost every family has a car and a PC and INTERNET Welcome to the 21st century! But in all seriousness, who are you comparing yourself with? Some mountain cottage in the most forgotten nook in the state of Montana or with Ruby Ridge? >strategical partnership in Argentina Inflationniggers... Be ashamed. >implementing Greek ideas The downfall of humanity ever since the renaissance >exporting to Serbia and Bosnia So the economic links from Yugo times are still intact. At least 1 thing you niggers didn't break outright >army uses homemade tanks Army uses westernized leftovers of Yugo production
Kayden Brooks
>Our economy is turning into communism and our thechnology is not good at all. Sorry Croatanon.
Oh shit our gov scammed us and we already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology to more easily compete with Western do we more easily compete with Western Europe my polish bro?
dont be jealous mr czech, just because you cant afford a vacation here doesnt mean you should go full sour grapes. sorry bro u mad.
Ayden Gomez
these latinas/jews are considered white? lmao
Jackson Ward
ubedljivo najbolji hrvatski thread ikad ne mogu da prestanem da se smejem
John Gomez
>industry based on exports "and not on imports" So you're an import/export country that imports raw materials and exports products. Good job on being as shit as Germany. Let me give you a hint why there is a Croat diaspora in Slovakia and a German diaspora used to be on the fucking VOLGA: Germany and Croatia are shitholes devoid of resources. Figures why your beer contains fucking CORN STARCH and why you can't even make bread (so much for being Slav, characterized by greeting guests with proper BREAD AND SALT) >people wear modern clothes Another one of those "achievements". What a nigger... >most people have smartphones Please, just stop embarrassing yourself, mystery meat serboturk nigger! >people ride bikes to work Good job on not being able to afford gas or the road tax. I'm sure that bike and trendy clothing will suit your young family of 3 children well.
tl;dr You're a fucking Zimbabwe-tier nigger. God, I'm ashamed to be a distant relative of you loser fucks
Aiden Rivera
>Croatia = best country You mean 3rd best italian region, right?
Jacob Watson
Go back to Serbistan, Ahmed.
Jackson White
>tl;dr You're a fucking Zimbabwe-tier nigger. God, I'm ashamed to be a distant relative of you loser fucks
>Mussolini said Croats are subhumans Basically this. Only a subhuman could thing Polish products (known in the past to not even put zinc on their cars) are good enough to brag about
This entire thread is Croat cope. But as with blacks, give them not an inch or they will we wuz YOUR history to the ground
Ian Wilson
y'all got some sexy females. Too bad they all smoke like chimney's and drink. Hottedt girl i have seen in my life was in the restaurant at the Zagreb train station. Spent 5 days in the north. Would go back.
Joshua King
>3rd best italian region Croatia is as developed as shitholes in terronia. They have a nice sea and that's about it.
Nathaniel Walker
My nose is straighter than yours, nigger. Actually, it is completely straight, while the typical Croat has a beautiful, fat, semitic hook sitting on his or her face. Wait... You're not just niggers, your ARABED.COM niggers
Ayden Hall
This picture is so fucking old that girl in question is in her mid 40's by now. Also OP, you should be fucking ashamed for using this retardedly stupid pasta in usage.
2/10, and I am being generous since you are obviously an inbred Bosnian.
>Basically this. Only a subhuman could thing Polish products (known in the past to not even put zinc on their cars) are good enough to brag about
you talked shit about Poland, this is personal now.
Nathan Gray
Also, Serbs can have him.
Jayden Howard
Shhh, let OP have a little victory for once
Nicholas Williams
For keeping
Jonathan Jones
I'm not a Balkanigger, but compared to the rest of them, Croatians are great. You should go back to Serbia and be a shitskin there. Leave Czechia alone.
Colton Martinez
We annexed you once and we will do it again, and remember Fiume is ours
Hudson Kelly
Where did I imply Serbia in any better than Croatia? Perhaps I'll do so now: a Serb did not make this thread
Poles have demanded us to make a state-level apology for a TV commercial where a Pole was depicted selling low-quality contraband. We have already won against them.
Kayden Thomas
show flag
Brandon Lee
>Croatia is as developed as shitholes in terronia. They have a nice sea and that's about it.
real talk, we are 2nd world, but even our tourists to Italy are shocked by the ammount of trash on the streets there is in terronia.
Luis Phillips
Based. I can't rightly imagine how bad Trieste would look like if it weren't annexed by Italy. Even being so remote in terms of Italian borders, it's still doing better than the region just across the border to the north and east
Jacob Green
Why do balkanlars love building these things?
Nathaniel Carter
I have citizenship and am looking to move there. Would I be accepted or just be seen as hated diaspora?
David Stewart
Dude I've been to both and have no love for terronia, so I am fairly neutral to the subject. But trust me, even scampia looks like a beacon of civilization compared to non tourist areas in Croatia. Don't take it as an insult but as an incitement to improve
Luke Torres
ahoj, leave trieste out of this, trieste is ours
Wyatt Sanders
OK, I stand corrected, but as far as the Balkaniggers come, Croatia is acceptable.
Hudson Gonzalez
>Poles have demanded us to make a state-level apology for a TV commercial where a Pole was depicted selling low-quality contraband. We have already won against them.
Fight me now IRL bitch!
its actually a far better quality house finished or unfinished compared to OSB amerimutt homes
>Would I be accepted or just be seen as hated diaspora?
doubt it, expect some banter, but people mostly like americans here
all good
Aaron Reyes
What agreements do we have?
Henry Martin
show flag
Luke Watson
>amerimutt >white Choose one, faggot.
BTW, we were based enough to amend our constitution via a public referendum to include a definition of marriage as a union of a man and a woman. This made gay marriage impossible.
Meanwhile you have degenerate child drag queens.
Jaxson Evans
Lol no it isn't, "I'm actually Germanic" larper
>fite me irl a nigger AND underage on Jow Forums
Nolan Rogers
koliko si mi jebeno nedostajao
Brayden Nguyen
>already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology to more easily compete with Western Europe >people ride bikes to work >importing cars from Portugal >almost every family has a car and a PC with internet >strategical partnership with Argentina until 2050 >implementing unemployment plan from Greece >exporting to Serbia and Bosnia >army uses homemade tanks >people wear modern clothes >most people have smartphones >people ride bikes to work in their trendy clothing while navigating on their smartphones
Africa tier to be proud of that desu Nigreria has the same achivments.
Evan Collins
it sure ain't croatian you twat
Isaac Sanchez
Where I live the entire month of June there were rainbow flags everywhere. I spent most of June in Croatia and didn't see one. Was pretty based.
Elijah Thompson
>Croats proves some facts >Serbs and some other shitskin nations use autism >It’s ineffective
Ahhh i like how these shitskins want to make themselves seem superior to an fine country with not a single downside
>unironically going to terronia and expecting it to be clean Avoid everything below Latium and you'll see clean streets
Liam Green
>i was only pretending to be retarded
Jason Fisher
>mfw jealousy ITT
>BTW, we were based enough to amend our constitution via a public referendum to include a definition of marriage as a union of a man and a woman. This made gay marriage impossible.
amerimutts did this? can you elaborate? hamburger bless!
>Africa tier to be proud of that desu >Nigreria has the same achivments.
what have you said!?? shut up you jealous kraut, dont you have to take a syrian family as your own you NAZI!!!!