
this could be you, don't fap

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you're on a boat that keeps rocking, relapse means you're going for a swim. HOLD.

Can someone explain me NoFap please?

It is about porn, mastrubation, sex or orgasm in any form?

Also, I once tryed nofap and accidentaly nut when I was pissing. Bad experience with this.

How do you nut while pissing?

can confirm this is possible
happened to me at 1,5 - 2 weeks nofap

But I am also not sure about the rules. When I go on a date, I like to rub the easy one out beforehand. What about that?

How? Midstream? You whip it out and that's enough to trigger an orgasm?

Looks like tubby just stopped eating too much McDonald's and went for a run.

It's for people who are addicted to jerking off.

Diet and workouts. That's enough.

He looks like a massive faggot who spends 100% of his time trying desperately to get pussy now.

I had a similar experience. But it was while shitting. Anyone else ever experience this?

he's got a chubby face, looks more like he went on a couple fasting cycles. that shit gives you mad face gains and the skyhigh HGH keeps you from losing lean muscle masd

don't fall for the porno-jew

>and accidentaly nut when I was pissing

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>It is about porn, mastrubation, sex or orgasm in any form?
it's about all 4

>What about that?
fapping makes you more socially anxious. do not fap before a date

thats just your body dumping excess semen. do not worry


fapping is how our pagan ancestors honed sexual energies
we MUST fap

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>quote from roman historian about how young german males were more honored the longer they remained virgin

This is him on day 360

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Keep torturing yourself Gentiles


Well of course, but it's one thing have a nocturnal emission or something. I just don't understand the mechanics of having it happen when you take a leak.

He just lost weight and grew his hair out though.

I only masturbate to the memories of the girls i fucked. Watching porn is cucked.

>Also, I once tryed nofap and accidentaly nut when I was pissing. Bad experience with this.

Lol see a doctor.

Im on day 6 right now. First day not touching my dick yet. Going from fappping 3-6 times a day for 13 years.

His chin has different shape too. This could've come from mewing.

stop spreading bullshit

nice try rabbi

good luck, brother. the 7 day mark is the most brutal

Mewing results take YEARS. You won't see shit after 90 days. His jaw looks different because there is less fat on it.

He's just not as fat.

There is nothing that says that cranial changes have to take years. It depends on many factors. Multiple people have achieved significant changes in 6 months.

His chin height increased, fat has nothing to do with it.

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Nofap gives you a new haircut, a headband, and cool glasses?
Pretty awesome honestly.

Better dead than al bhed.

So it turns you gay?

I don't want to be a lesbian.

>When I go on a date, I like to rub the easy one out beforehand.
While that instantly lowers your status, it does at least help prevent you from doing something stupid with a woman you didn't really like that much anyway.

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I don't understand. Im masturbating every day at least once, in average 2 or 3.
The first few days without masturbating the urge gets really strong and I cant resist it.

What are the benefits? Why would that increase T?

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just dont do a-aight

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So i actually have a girlfren now thanks to no fap and you, you beautifull faggots

Checked flag.
Yeah we've got a underrated post here

Checked flag.
Yeah we've got a underrated post here

>do not worry
Yes, just your body forcefully rejecting built up semen out of you. Nothing to worry about.

It's pretty normal. It's never happened to me, but it's not uncommon.

Why would this be limited to masturbation? If semen magic was real, then why wouldn't losing semen through regular sex effect you in the same way?

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Nofap for 2 weeks
>pic related

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Congrats Poland bro

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Hahahahaha how the fuck do you nut while pissing. Damn that’s funny

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It does.

No fap is a funny mix of confirmation bias, religiosity and low iq. If no fap gets you a gf and makes you more social that's fine. Its just like some obese person selling me on their diet. Ya, you cant control yourself and your gimmicks work. Good for you. I am just tired of your loser ass acting like your solution to your self induced problem are some life wisdom for all. Nofappers are just weak men who feel guilty about touching their penis. Very guilty. So they stop and low and behold they feel better.
I have done the 180 day reset. I came faster. That was it. No super powers. Women didn't smell the semen retention and flock to me. Stop being the loser that makes you sad. That will fix your problems. Faggots.

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>I once tryed nofap and accidentaly nut when I was pissing
absolutely revolutionary, if you're not poppin piss nuts you'll never make it

it does. nobody fucks as much as they masturbate tho

the kike fears nofap

Not necessarily. Beating off to porn in my opinion is harmful and makes you have less success with actual women. That’s not a myth in my experience

>a moderate drinker disproves alcoholism

I saved my masturbation cherry until
after I lost my virginity.

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I too can become a 70s lesbian in JUST 90 days? Sign me the FUCK up.

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today, you pajeets are a parody of yourselves.

Same here, i’m approaching 2 weeks. Around day 6-8 was brutal. Now its gotten easier again like days 3-6

What it's considered addiction
Once a day 5 in a day once in 2 days?

what the fuck is mewing? just chewing on hard shit?

>accidentaly nut when I was pissing.

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pretty sure that means your gay

what the fuck is mewing? just chewing on hard shit?
and fuck you to the nigger that deleted my last identical post.

Serious question, I have a gf but am wondering if I could get a hotter one if I did nofap for the full 90 days (tried it for 30 and saw improvements, could just be subjective tho). Anybody with a gf managed to avoid the vaginal jew?

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Not doing a 360 instead

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No im balding and 5’3” literally nothing will change


Oral posture. Straight neck, tongue on roof of mouth up to the posterior tongue / soft palate, lips slighly suctioned against dental arches

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from beta numale to a massive faggot
i don't see an improvement here
fuck off with your "sissy conditioning" bs you seething tranny

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Important points:
>if you view something as easy, it's gonna be at least 6,000,000 times easier than if you view it as hard (this is true for just about everything in life, it's because your relaxed sunconscious is much more powerful than your anxious conscious)
>don't ever complain or make excuses, that just makes you a slave to things outside of your control
>people aren't gonna respect you until they see that you respect yourself
>don't quit fapping; instead replace fapping with wholesome things you enjoy such as exercise, reading, a musical instrument, etc.
>build good habits out of these replacer things

What an awful bf you are, I hope she leaves you and you end up with nothing

I'm gonna redittize that post to make it more legible, because I've spent a while thinking about all that stuff and i think it's very much worth reading:

>if you view something as easy, it's gonna be at least 6,000,000 times easier than if you view it as hard (this is true for just about everything in life, it's because your relaxed sunconscious is much more powerful than your anxious conscious)

>don't ever complain or make excuses, that just makes you a slave to things outside of your control

>people aren't gonna respect you until they see that you respect yourself

>don't quit fapping; instead replace fapping with wholesome things you enjoy such as exercise, reading, a musical instrument, etc.

>build good habits out of these replacer things

That isn’t possible


Can you not have sex while on NoFap?

Depends on whether or not your aim is to not fap or not ejaculate, and then whether or not you define sex as ejaculation or penetration

i have the exact opposite experience. if I'm horny i get anxious on a date. If I jerk off beforehand, I can be more mellow and enjoy the date not thinking about sex. It's different once I've already been having sex with her though, at that point, I just want to "save it" because I know i'll be having sex

So you nutted in the street? What did your neighbors think?

> roast beef

but user that's like a whole year just wasted

>I nutted while pissing
Did I just break the no fap?

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Ah, so there’s no hard and fast rules besides not jerking off? That’s pretty easy when you have a girlfriend and I’ve been doing it for a long time. I’ve always thought porn was bad for your brain and perceptions of women so I rarely every watched more than soft core.

Pretty sure it has something to do with pushing your tongue against the roof of your mouth

Technically not nutting really. When I was in IET I didn’t masturbate for 6 months and I would have cloudy piss all the time. It’s just how your body keeps lively sperm cells in your body instead of holding onto dead ones.

Explain fasting cycles, I'm a chubby retard

Good one.

While this might be true, I simply do this to last longer